6.25. Reading trajectory with Chemfiles — MDAnalysis.coordinates.chemfiles

Classes to read and write files using the chemfiles library. This library provides C++ implementation of multiple formats readers and writers, the full list if available here.

6.25.1. Classes

class MDAnalysis.coordinates.chemfiles.ChemfilesReader(filename, chemfiles_format='', **kwargs)[source]

Coordinate reader using chemfiles.

The file format to used is guessed based on the file extension. If no matching format is found, a ChemfilesError is raised. It is also possible to manually specify the format to use for a given file.

New in version 1.0.0.

  • filename (chemfiles.Trajectory or str) – the chemfiles object to read or filename to read
  • chemfiles_format (str (optional)) – if filename was a string, use the given format name instead of guessing from the extension. The list of supported formats and the associated names is available in chemfiles documentation.
  • **kwargs (dict) – General reader arguments.
class MDAnalysis.coordinates.chemfiles.ChemfilesWriter(filename, n_atoms=0, mode='w', chemfiles_format='', topology=None, **kwargs)[source]

Coordinate writer using chemfiles.

The file format to used is guessed based on the file extension. If no matching format is found, a ChemfilesError is raised. It is also possible to manually specify the format to use for a given file.

Chemfiles support writting to files with varying number of atoms if the underlying format support it. This is the case of most of text-based formats.

New in version 1.0.0.

  • filename (str) – filename of trajectory file.
  • n_atoms (int) – number of atoms in the trajectory to write. This value is not used and can vary during trajectory, if the underlying format support it
  • mode (str (optional)) – file opening mode: use ‘a’ to append to an existing file or ‘w’ to create a new file
  • chemfiles_format (str (optional)) –

    use the given format name instead of guessing from the extension. The list of supported formats and the associated names is available in chemfiles documentation.

  • topology (Universe or AtomGroup (optional)) – use the topology from this AtomGroup or Universe to write all the timesteps to the file
  • **kwargs (dict) – General writer arguments.