4.7.1. Polymer analysis — MDAnalysis.analysis.polymer


Richard J. Gowers


2015, 2018


Lesser GNU Public License v2.1+

This module contains various commonly used tools in analysing polymers.

class MDAnalysis.analysis.polymer.PersistenceLength(atomgroups, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate the persistence length for polymer chains

The persistence length is the length at which two points on the polymer chain become decorrelated. This is determined by first measuring the autocorrelation (\(C(n)\)) of two bond vectors (\(\mathbf{a}_i, \mathbf{a}_{i + n}\)) separated by \(n\) bonds

\[C(n) = \langle \cos\theta_{i, i+n} \rangle = \langle \mathbf{a_i} \cdot \mathbf{a_{i+n}} \rangle\]

where \(a_i\) and \(a_{i+n}\) are unit vectors along the bonds.

An exponential decay is then fitted to this, which yields the persistence length

\[C(n) \approx \exp\left( - \frac{n \bar{l_B}}{l_P} \right)\]

where \(\bar{l_B}\) is the average bond length, and \(l_P\) is the persistence length which is fitted

  • atomgroups (iterable) – List of AtomGroups. Each should represent a single polymer chain, ordered in the correct order.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Show detailed progress of the calculation if set to True.


the measured bond autocorrelation




the average bond length

Added in version 2.0.0.




Alias to the results.lb.

Deprecated since version 2.0.0: Will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. Please use results.lb instead.




length of the decorrelation predicted by lp

Added in version 2.0.0.




calculated persistence length

Added in version 2.0.0.




Alias to the results.lp.

Deprecated since version 2.0.0: Will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. Please use results.lp instead.




the modelled backbone decorrelation predicted by lp

Added in version 2.0.0.




Alias to the results.fit.

Deprecated since version 2.0.0: Will be removed in MDAnalysis 3.0.0. Please use results.fit instead.



See also


for producing the sorted AtomGroup required for input.


from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import TRZ_psf, TRZ
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.analysis import polymer
u = mda.Universe(TRZ_psf, TRZ)

# this system is a pure polymer melt of polyamide,
# so we can select the chains by using the .fragments attribute
chains = u.atoms.fragments

# select only the backbone atoms for each chain
backbones = [chain.select_atoms('not name O* H*') for chain in chains]

# sort the chains, removing any non-backbone atoms
sorted_backbones = [polymer.sort_backbone(bb) for bb in backbones]
persistence_length = polymer.PersistenceLength(sorted_backbones)

# Run the analysis, this will average over all polymer chains
# and all timesteps in trajectory
persistence_length = persistence_length.run()
print(f'The persistence length is: {persistence_length.results.lp}')

# always check the visualisation of this:

Added in version 0.13.0.

Changed in version 0.20.0: The run method now automatically performs the exponential fit

Changed in version 1.0.0: Deprecated PersistenceLength.perform_fit() has now been removed.

Changed in version 2.0.0: Former results are now stored as results.bond_autocorrelation. lb, lp, fit are now stored in a MDAnalysis.analysis.base.Results instance.

classmethod get_supported_backends()

Tuple with backends supported by the core library for a given class. User can pass either one of these values as backend=... to run() method, or a custom object that has apply method (see documentation for run()):

  • ‘serial’: no parallelization

  • ‘multiprocessing’: parallelization using multiprocessing.Pool

  • ‘dask’: parallelization using dask.delayed.compute(). Requires installation of mdanalysis[dask]

If you want to add your own backend to an existing class, pass a backends.BackendBase subclass (see its documentation to learn how to implement it properly), and specify unsupported_backend=True.


names of built-in backends that can be used in run(backend=...)()

Return type:


Added in version 2.8.0.

property parallelizable

Boolean mark showing that a given class can be parallelizable with split-apply-combine procedure. Namely, if we can safely distribute _single_frame() to multiple workers and then combine them with a proper _conclude() call. If set to False, no backends except for serial are supported.


If you want to check parallelizability of the whole class, without explicitly creating an instance of the class, see _analysis_algorithm_is_parallelizable. Note that you setting it to other value will break things if the algorithm behind the analysis is not trivially parallelizable.


if a given AnalysisBase subclass instance is parallelizable with split-apply-combine, or not

Return type:


Added in version 2.8.0.


Visualize the results and fit


ax (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – if provided, the graph is plotted on this axis



Return type:

the axis that the graph was plotted on

run(start: int | None = None, stop: int | None = None, step: int | None = None, frames: Iterable | None = None, verbose: bool | None = None, n_workers: int | None = None, n_parts: int | None = None, backend: str | BackendBase | None = None, *, unsupported_backend: bool = False, progressbar_kwargs=None)

Perform the calculation

  • start (int, optional) – start frame of analysis

  • stop (int, optional) – stop frame of analysis

  • step (int, optional) – number of frames to skip between each analysed frame

  • frames (array_like, optional) –

    array of integers or booleans to slice trajectory; frames can only be used instead of start, stop, and step. Setting both frames and at least one of start, stop, step to a non-default value will raise a ValueError.

    Added in version 2.2.0.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Turn on verbosity

  • progressbar_kwargs (dict, optional) – ProgressBar keywords with custom parameters regarding progress bar position, etc; see MDAnalysis.lib.log.ProgressBar for full list. Available only for backend='serial'

  • backend (Union[str, BackendBase], optional) –

    By default, performs calculations in a serial fashion. Otherwise, user can choose a backend: str is matched to a builtin backend (one of serial, multiprocessing and dask), or a MDAnalysis.analysis.results.BackendBase subclass.

    Added in version 2.8.0.

  • n_workers (int) –

    positive integer with number of workers (processes, in case of built-in backends) to split the work between

    Added in version 2.8.0.

  • n_parts (int, optional) –

    number of parts to split computations across. Can be more than number of workers.

    Added in version 2.8.0.

  • unsupported_backend (bool, optional) –

    if you want to run your custom backend on a parallelizable class that has not been tested by developers, by default False

    Added in version 2.8.0.

Changed in version 2.2.0: Added ability to analyze arbitrary frames by passing a list of frame indices in the frames keyword argument.

Changed in version 2.5.0: Add progressbar_kwargs parameter, allowing to modify description, position etc of tqdm progressbars

Changed in version 2.8.0: Introduced backend, n_workers, n_parts and unsupported_backend keywords, and refactored the method logic to support parallelizable execution.

MDAnalysis.analysis.polymer.fit_exponential_decay(x, y)[source]

Fit a function to an exponential decay

\[y = \exp\left(- \frac{x}{a}\right)\]
  • x (array_like) – The two arrays of data

  • y (array_like) – The two arrays of data


a – The coefficient a for this decay

Return type:



This function assumes that data starts at 1.0 and decays to 0.0


Rearrange a linear AtomGroup into backbone order

Requires that the backbone has bond information, and that only backbone atoms are provided (ie no side chains or hydrogens).


backbone (AtomGroup) – the backbone atoms, not necessarily in order


sorted_backbone – backbone in order, so sorted_backbone[i] is bonded to sorted_backbone[i - 1] and sorted_backbone[i + 1]

Return type:


Added in version 0.20.0.