11.4. XVG auxiliary reader — MDAnalysis.auxiliary.XVG

xvg files are produced by Gromacs during simulation or analysis, formatted for plotting data with Grace.

Data is column-formatted; time/data selection is enabled by providing column indices.


By default, the time of each step is assumed to be stored in the first column, in units of ps.

class MDAnalysis.auxiliary.XVG.XVGStep(time_selector=0, data_selector=None, **kwargs)[source]

AuxStep class for .xvg file format.

Extends the base AuxStep class to allow selection of time and data-of-interest fields (by column index) from the full set of data read each step.

  • time_selector (int | None, optional) – Index of column in .xvg file storing time, assumed to be in ps. Default value is 0 (i.e. first column).

  • data_selector (list of int | None, optional) – List of indices of columns in .xvg file containing data of interest to be stored in data. Default value is None.

  • **kwargs – Other AuxStep options.

See also


11.4.1. XVG Readers

The default XVGReader reads and stores the full contents of the .xvg file on initialisation, while a second reader (XVGFileReader) that reads steps one at a time as required is also provided for when a lower memory footprint is desired.


Data is assumed to be time-ordered.

Multiple datasets, separated in the .xvg file by ‘&’, are currently not supported (the readers will stop at the first line starting ‘&’).

class MDAnalysis.auxiliary.XVG.XVGReader(filename, **kwargs)[source]

Auxiliary reader to read data from an .xvg file.

Default reader for .xvg files. All data from the file will be read and stored on initialisation.

  • filename (str) – Location of the file containing the auxiliary data.

  • **kwargs – Other AuxReader options.

See also



The file is assumed to be of a size such that reading and storing the full contents is practical.


Get NumPy array of time at each step.


Time at each step.

Return type:

NumPy array of float

class MDAnalysis.auxiliary.XVG.XVGFileReader(filename, **kwargs)[source]

Auxiliary reader to read (one step at a time) from an .xvg file.

An alternative XVG reader which reads each step from the .xvg file as needed (rather than reading and storing all from the start), for a lower memory footprint.

  • filename (str) – Location of the file containing the auxiliary data.

  • **kwargs – Other AuxReader options.

See also



The default reader for .xvg files is XVGReader.


Iterate through all steps to build times list.


Time of each step

Return type:

NumPy array of float


Remove comments from lines in an .xvg file


lines (list of str) – Lines as directly read from .xvg file


str – The next non-comment line, with any trailing comments removed