6. Guesser modules

This module contains the context-aware guessers, which are used by the guess_TopologyAttrs() API. Context-aware guessers’ main purpose is to be tailored guesser classes that target specific file format or force field (eg. PDB file format, or Martini forcefield). Having such guessers makes attribute guessing more accurate and reliable than having generic guessing methods that don’t fit all scenarios.

6.1. Example uses of guessers

6.1.1. Default behavior

By default, MDAnalysis will guess the “mass” and “type” (atom type) attributes for all particles in the Universe using the DefaultGuesser at the time of Universe creation, if they are not read from the input file. Please see the DefaultGuesser for more information.

6.1.2. Guessing using guess_TopologyAttrs() API

Guessing can be done through the Universe’s guess_TopologyAttrs() as following:

import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import PDB

u = mda.Universe(PDB)
print(hasattr(u.atoms, 'elements'))  # returns False
print(u.atoms.elements) # print ['N' 'H' 'H' ... 'NA' 'NA' 'NA']

In the above example, we passed elements as the attribute we want to guess guess_TopologyAttrs() guess then add it as a topology attribute to the AtomGroup of the universe.

If the attribute already exists in the universe, passing the attribute of interest to the to_guess parameter will only fill the empty values of the attribute if any exists. To override all the attribute values, you can pass the attribute to the force_guess parameter instead of to_guess as following:

import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import PRM12

u = mda.Universe(PRM12, context='default', to_guess=()) # types ['HW', 'OW', ..]

u.guess_TopologyAttrs(force_guess=['types']) # types ['H', 'O', ..]


The default context will use the DefaultGuesser

Available guessers

Guesser core modules

The remaining pages are primarily of interest to developers as they contain functions and classes that are used in the implementation of the context-specific guessers.