Source code for MDAnalysis.coordinates.TRZ

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# MDAnalysis ---
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
# doi: 10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e
# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
# TRZ Reader written by Richard J. Gowers (2013)

"""TRZ trajectory I/O  --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.TRZ`

Classes to read `IBIsCO`_ / `YASP`_ TRZ binary trajectories, including
coordinates, velocities and more (see attributes of the :class:`Timestep`).

Data are read and written in binary representation but because this depends on
the machine hardware architecture, MDAnalysis *always* reads and writes TRZ
trajectories in *little-endian* byte order.

.. _IBIsCO:
.. _YASP:


.. autoclass:: TRZReader

.. autoclass:: TRZWriter

import warnings
import numpy as np
import os
import errno

from . import base
from .base import Timestep
from ..lib import util
from ..lib.util import cached, store_init_arguments
from .core import triclinic_box, triclinic_vectors

[docs]class TRZReader(base.ReaderBase): """Reads an IBIsCO or YASP trajectory file Attributes ---------- ts : base.Timestep :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object containing coordinates of current frame Note ---- Binary TRZ trajectories are *always* assumed to be written in *little-endian* byte order and are read as such. .. versionchanged:: 0.11.0 Frames now 0-based instead of 1-based. Extra data (Temperature, Energies, Pressures, etc) now read into dictionary. Now passes a weakref of self to ts (ts._reader). .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Now checks for the correct `n_atoms` on reading and can raise :exc:`ValueError`. .. versionchanged:: 2.1.0 TRZReader now returns a default :attr:`dt` of 1.0 when it cannot be obtained from the difference between two frames. """ format = "TRZ" units = {'time': 'ps', 'length': 'nm', 'velocity': 'nm/ps'} @store_init_arguments def __init__(self, trzfilename, n_atoms=None, **kwargs): """Creates a TRZ Reader Parameters ---------- trzfilename : str name of input file n_atoms : int number of atoms in trajectory, must be taken from topology file! convert_units : bool (optional) converts units to MDAnalysis defaults Raises ------ ValueError If `n_atoms` or the number of atoms in the topology file do not match the number of atoms in the trajectory. """ super(TRZReader, self).__init__(trzfilename, **kwargs) if n_atoms is None: raise ValueError('TRZReader requires the n_atoms keyword') self.trzfile = util.anyopen(self.filename, 'rb') self._cache = dict() self._n_atoms = n_atoms self._read_trz_header() self.ts = Timestep(self.n_atoms, velocities=True, forces=self.has_force, reader=self, **self._ts_kwargs) # structured dtype of a single trajectory frame readarg = str(n_atoms) + '<f4' frame_contents = [ ('p1', '<i4'), ('nframe', '<i4'), ('ntrj', '<i4'), ('natoms', '<i4'), ('treal', '<f8'), ('p2', '<2i4'), ('box', '<9f8'), ('p3', '<2i4'), ('pressure', '<f8'), ('ptensor', '<6f8'), ('p4', '<3i4'), ('etot', '<f8'), ('ptot', '<f8'), ('ek', '<f8'), ('T', '<f8'), ('p5', '<6i4'), ('rx', readarg), ('pad2', '<2i4'), ('ry', readarg), ('pad3', '<2i4'), ('rz', readarg), ('pad4', '<2i4'), ('vx', readarg), ('pad5', '<2i4'), ('vy', readarg), ('pad6', '<2i4'), ('vz', readarg)] if not self.has_force: frame_contents += [('pad7', '<i4')] else: frame_contents += [ ('pad7', '<2i4'), ('fx', readarg), ('pad8', '<2i4'), ('fy', readarg), ('pad9', '<2i4'), ('fz', readarg), ('pad10', '<i4')] self._dtype = np.dtype(frame_contents) self._read_next_timestep() def _read_trz_header(self): """Reads the header of the trz trajectory""" self._headerdtype = np.dtype([ ('p1', '<i4'), ('title', '80c'), ('p2', '<2i4'), ('force', '<i4'), ('p3', '<i4')]) data = np.fromfile(self.trzfile, dtype=self._headerdtype, count=1) self.title = ''.join(c.decode('utf-8') for c in data['title'][0]).strip() if data['force'] == 10: self.has_force = False elif data['force'] == 20: self.has_force = True else: raise IOError def _read_next_timestep(self, ts=None): if ts is None: ts = self.ts try: data = np.fromfile(self.trzfile, dtype=self._dtype, count=1) if data['natoms'][0] != self.n_atoms: raise ValueError("Supplied n_atoms {} is incompatible " "with provided trajectory file. " "Maybe `topology` is wrong?".format( self.n_atoms)) ts.frame = data['nframe'][0] - 1 # 0 based for MDA ts._frame = data['ntrj'][0] ts.time = data['treal'][0] ts.dimensions = triclinic_box(*(data['box'].reshape(3, 3)))['pressure'] = data['pressure']['pressure_tensor'] = data['ptensor']['total_energy'] = data['etot']['potential_energy'] = data['ptot']['kinetic_energy'] = data['ek']['temperature'] = data['T'] ts._x[:] = data['rx'] ts._y[:] = data['ry'] ts._z[:] = data['rz'] ts._velocities[:, 0] = data['vx'] ts._velocities[:, 1] = data['vy'] ts._velocities[:, 2] = data['vz'] if self.has_force: ts._forces[:, 0] = data['fx'] ts._forces[:, 1] = data['fy'] ts._forces[:, 2] = data['fz'] except IndexError: # Raises indexerror if data has no data (EOF) raise IOError from None else: # Convert things read into MDAnalysis' native formats (nm -> angstroms) if self.convert_units: self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts._pos) if self.ts.dimensions is not None: self.convert_pos_from_native(self.ts.dimensions[:3]) self.convert_velocities_from_native(self.ts._velocities) return ts @property def n_atoms(self): """Number of atoms in a frame""" return self._n_atoms @property @cached('n_frames') def n_frames(self): """Total number of frames in a trajectory""" try: return self._read_trz_n_frames(self.trzfile) except IOError: return 0 def _read_trz_n_frames(self, trzfile): """Uses size of file and dtype information to determine how many frames exist .. versionchanged:: 0.9.0 Now is based on filesize rather than reading entire file """ fsize = os.fstat(trzfile.fileno()).st_size # size of file in bytes if not (fsize - self._headerdtype.itemsize) % self._dtype.itemsize == 0: raise IOError("Trajectory has incomplete frames") # check that division is sane nframes = int((fsize - self._headerdtype.itemsize) / self._dtype.itemsize) # returns long int otherwise return nframes def _get_dt(self): """The amount of time between frames in ps Assumes that this step is constant (ie. 2 trajectories with different steps haven't been stitched together). Returns ``AttributeError`` in case of ``StopIteration`` (which makes :attr:`dt` return 1.0). .. versionchanged:: 2.1.0 Now returns an ``AttributeError`` if dt can't be obtained from the time difference between two frames. """ curr_frame = self.ts.frame try: t0 = self.ts.time t1 = self.ts.time dt = t1 - t0 except StopIteration: raise AttributeError else: return dt finally: self._read_frame(curr_frame) @property @cached('delta') def delta(self): """MD integration timestep""" return self.dt / self.skip_timestep @property @cached('skip_timestep') def skip_timestep(self): """Timesteps between trajectory frames""" curr_frame = self.ts.frame try: t0 = self.ts._frame t1 = self.ts._frame skip_timestep = t1 - t0 except StopIteration: return 0 else: return skip_timestep finally: self._read_frame(curr_frame) def _read_frame(self, frame): """Move to *frame* and fill timestep with data. .. versionchanged:: 0.11.0 Frames now 0-based instead of 1-based """ move = frame - self.ts.frame self._seek(move - 1) self._read_next_timestep() return self.ts def _seek(self, nframes): """Move *nframes* in the trajectory Note that this doens't read the trajectory (ts remains unchanged) .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 """ framesize = self._dtype.itemsize seeksize = framesize * nframes maxi_l = seeksize + 1 if seeksize > maxi_l: # Workaround for seek not liking long ints # On python 3 this branch will never be used as we defined maxi_l # greater than seeksize. framesize = long(framesize) seeksize = framesize * nframes nreps = int(seeksize / maxi_l) # number of max seeks we'll have to do rem = int(seeksize % maxi_l) # amount leftover to do once max seeks done for _ in range(nreps):, 1), 1) else: seeksize = int(seeksize), 1) def _reopen(self): self.close() self.open_trajectory() self._read_trz_header() # Moves to start of first frame
[docs] def open_trajectory(self): """Open the trajectory file""" if self.trzfile is not None: raise IOError(errno.EALREADY, 'TRZ file already opened', self.filename) if not os.path.exists(self.filename): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'TRZ file not found', self.filename) self.trzfile = util.anyopen(self.filename, 'rb') #Reset ts ts = self.ts ts.frame = -1 return self.trzfile
[docs] def Writer(self, filename, n_atoms=None): if n_atoms is None: # guess that they want to write the whole timestep unless told otherwise? n_atoms = self.ts.n_atoms return TRZWriter(filename, n_atoms)
[docs] def close(self): """Close trz file if it was open""" if self.trzfile is not None: self.trzfile.close() self.trzfile = None
[docs]class TRZWriter(base.WriterBase): """Writes a TRZ format trajectory. Note ---- Binary TRZ trajectories are *always* written in *little-endian* byte order. """ format = 'TRZ' multiframe = True units = {'time': 'ps', 'length': 'nm', 'velocity': 'nm/ps'} def __init__(self, filename, n_atoms, title='TRZ', convert_units=True): """Create a TRZWriter Parameters ---------- filename : str name of output file n_atoms : int number of atoms in trajectory title : str (optional) title of the trajectory; the title must be 80 characters or shorter, a longer title raises a ValueError exception. convert_units : bool (optional) units are converted to the MDAnalysis base format; [``True``] """ self.filename = filename if n_atoms is None: raise ValueError("TRZWriter requires the n_atoms keyword") if n_atoms == 0: raise ValueError("TRZWriter: no atoms in output trajectory") self.n_atoms = n_atoms if len(title) > 80: raise ValueError("TRZWriter: 'title' must be 80 characters of shorter") self.convert_units = convert_units self.trzfile = util.anyopen(self.filename, 'wb') self._writeheader(title) floatsize = str(n_atoms) + '<f4' self.frameDtype = np.dtype([ ('p1a', '<i4'), ('nframe', '<i4'), ('ntrj', '<i4'), ('natoms', '<i4'), ('treal', '<f8'), ('p1b', '<i4'), ('p2a', '<i4'), ('box', '<9f8'), ('p2b', '<i4'), ('p3a', '<i4'), ('pressure', '<f8'), ('ptensor', '<6f8'), ('p3b', '<i4'), ('p4a', '<i4'), ('six', '<i4'), ('etot', '<f8'), ('ptot', '<f8'), ('ek', '<f8'), ('T', '<f8'), ('blanks', '<2f8'), ('p4b', '<i4'), ('p5a', '<i4'), ('rx', floatsize), ('p5b', '<i4'), ('p6a', '<i4'), ('ry', floatsize), ('p6b', '<i4'), ('p7a', '<i4'), ('rz', floatsize), ('p7b', '<i4'), ('p8a', '<i4'), ('vx', floatsize), ('p8b', '<i4'), ('p9a', '<i4'), ('vy', floatsize), ('p9b', '<i4'), ('p10a', '<i4'), ('vz', floatsize), ('p10b', '<i4')]) def _writeheader(self, title): hdt = np.dtype([ ('pad1', '<i4'), ('title', '80c'), ('pad2', '<i4'), ('pad3', '<i4'), ('nrec', '<i4'), ('pad4', '<i4')]) out = np.zeros((), dtype=hdt) out['pad1'], out['pad2'] = 80, 80 out['title'] = title + ' ' * (80 - len(title)) out['pad3'], out['pad4'] = 4, 4 out['nrec'] = 10 out.tofile(self.trzfile) def _write_next_frame(self, obj): """Write information associated with ``obj`` at current frame into trajectory Parameters ---------- ag : AtomGroup or Universe .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 Renamed from `write_next_timestep` to `_write_next_frame`. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Deprecated support for Timestep argument has now been removed. Use AtomGroup or Universe as an input instead. """ # Check size of ts is same as initial try: # atomgroup? ts = obj.ts except AttributeError: # universe? try: ts = obj.trajectory.ts except AttributeError: errmsg = "Input obj is neither an AtomGroup or Universe" raise TypeError(errmsg) from None if not obj.atoms.n_atoms == self.n_atoms: errmsg = "Number of atoms in ts different to initialisation" raise ValueError(errmsg) # Gather data, faking it when unavailable data = {} faked_attrs = [] for att in ['pressure', 'pressure_tensor', 'total_energy', 'potential_energy', 'kinetic_energy', 'temperature']: try: data[att] =[att] except KeyError: if att == 'pressure_tensor': data[att] = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float64) else: data[att] = 0.0 faked_attrs.append(att) try: data['step'] = ts._frame except AttributeError: data['step'] = ts.frame faked_attrs.append('step') try: data['time'] = ts.time except AttributeError: data['time'] = float(ts.frame) faked_attrs.append('time') if faked_attrs: warnings.warn("Timestep didn't have the following attributes: '{0}', " "these will be set to 0 in the output trajectory" "".format(", ".join(faked_attrs))) # Convert other stuff into our format if ts.dimensions is not None: unitcell = triclinic_vectors(ts.dimensions).reshape(9) else: warnings.warn("Timestep didn't have dimensions information, " "box will be written as all zero values") unitcell = np.zeros(9, dtype=np.float32) try: vels = ts._velocities except AttributeError: vels = np.zeros((self.n_atoms, 3), dtype=np.float32, order='F') warnings.warn("Timestep didn't have velocity information, " "this will be set to zero in output trajectory. ") out = np.zeros((), dtype=self.frameDtype) out['p1a'], out['p1b'] = 20, 20 out['nframe'] = ts.frame + 1 # TRZ wants 1 based out['ntrj'] = data['step'] out['natoms'] = self.n_atoms out['treal'] = data['time'] out['p2a'], out['p2b'] = 72, 72 out['box'] = self.convert_pos_to_native(unitcell, inplace=False) out['p3a'], out['p3b'] = 56, 56 out['pressure'] = data['pressure'] out['ptensor'] = data['pressure_tensor'] out['p4a'], out['p4b'] = 60, 60 out['six'] = 6 out['etot'] = data['total_energy'] out['ptot'] = data['potential_energy'] out['ek'] = data['kinetic_energy'] out['T'] = data['temperature'] out['blanks'] = 0.0, 0.0 size = ts.n_atoms * 4 # size of float for vels & coords out['p5a'], out['p5b'] = size, size out['rx'] = self.convert_pos_to_native(ts._x, inplace=False) out['p6a'], out['p6b'] = size, size out['ry'] = self.convert_pos_to_native(ts._y, inplace=False) out['p7a'], out['p7b'] = size, size out['rz'] = self.convert_pos_to_native(ts._z, inplace=False) out['p8a'], out['p8b'] = size, size out['vx'] = self.convert_velocities_to_native(vels[:, 0], inplace=False) out['p9a'], out['p9b'] = size, size out['vy'] = self.convert_velocities_to_native(vels[:, 1], inplace=False) out['p10a'], out['p10b'] = size, size out['vz'] = self.convert_velocities_to_native(vels[:, 2], inplace=False) out.tofile(self.trzfile)
[docs] def close(self): """Close if it was open""" if self.trzfile is None: return self.trzfile.close() self.trzfile = None