5.26. Utility functions for the TPR topology parser
The MDAnalysis.topology.tpr
module contains classes and
functions on which the Gromacs TPR topology reader
is built.
5.26.1. TPR support
The MDAnalysis.topology.tpr
module is required for the
- MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = (58, 73, 83, 100, 103, 110, 112, 116, 119, 122, 127, 129, 133, 134, 137)
Built-in immutable sequence.
If no argument is given, the constructor returns an empty tuple. If iterable is specified the tuple is initialized from iterable’s items.
If the argument is a tuple, the return value is the same object.
5.26.2. TPRParser settings
Definition of constants.
The currently read file format versions are defined in
- MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.setting.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = (58, 73, 83, 100, 103, 110, 112, 116, 119, 122, 127, 129, 133, 134, 137)
Gromacs TPR file format versions that can be read by the TPRParser.
- MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.setting.interaction_types = [('BONDS', 'Bond', 2), ('G96BONDS', 'G96Bond', 2), ('MORSE', 'Morse', 2), ('CUBICBONDS', 'Cubic Bonds', 2), ('CONNBONDS', 'Connect Bonds', 2), ('HARMONIC', 'Harmonic Pot.', 2), ('FENEBONDS', 'FENE Bonds', 2), ('TABBONDS', 'Tab. Bonds', 2), ('TABBONDSNC', 'Tab. Bonds NC', 2), ('RESTRAINTPOT', 'Restraint Pot.', 2), ('ANGLES', 'Angle', 3), ('G96ANGLES', 'G96Angle', 3), ('RESTRANGLES', 'Restricted Angles', 3), ('LINEAR_ANGLES', 'Lin. Angle', 3), ('CROSS_BOND_BOND', 'Bond-Cross', 3), ('CROSS_BOND_ANGLE', 'BA-Cross', 3), ('UREY_BRADLEY', 'U-B', 3), ('QANGLES', 'Quartic Angles', 3), ('TABANGLES', 'Tab. Angles', 3), ('PDIHS', 'Proper Dih.', 4), ('RBDIHS', 'Ryckaert-Bell.', 4), ('RESTRDIHS', 'Restricted Dih.', 4), ('CBTDIHS', 'CBT Dih.', 4), ('FOURDIHS', 'Fourier Dih.', 4), ('IDIHS', 'Improper Dih.', 4), ('PIDIHS', 'Improper Dih.', 4), ('TABDIHS', 'Tab. Dih.', 4), ('CMAP', 'CMAP Dih.', 5), ('GB12', 'GB 1-2 Pol.', 2), ('GB13', 'GB 1-3 Pol.', 2), ('GB14', 'GB 1-4 Pol.', 2), ('GBPOL', 'GB Polarization', None), ('NPSOLVATION', 'Nonpolar Sol.', None), ('LJ14', 'LJ-14', 2), ('COUL14', 'Coulomb-14', None), ('LJC14_Q', 'LJC-14 q', 2), ('LJC_NB', 'LJC Pairs NB', 2), ('LJ_SR', 'LJ (SR)', 2), ('BHAM', 'Buck.ham (SR)', 2), ('LJ_LR', 'LJ (LR)', None), ('BHAM_LR', 'Buck.ham (LR)', None), ('DISPCORR', 'Disper. corr.', None), ('COUL_SR', 'Coulomb (SR)', None), ('COUL_LR', 'Coulomb (LR)', None), ('RF_EXCL', 'RF excl.', None), ('COUL_RECIP', 'Coul. recip.', None), ('LJ_RECIP', 'LJ recip.', None), ('DPD', 'DPD', None), ('POLARIZATION', 'Polarization', 2), ('WATERPOL', 'Water Pol.', 5), ('THOLE', 'Thole Pol.', 4), ('ANHARM_POL', 'Anharm. Pol.', 2), ('POSRES', 'Position Rest.', 1), ('FBPOSRES', 'Flat-bottom posres', 1), ('DISRES', 'Dis. Rest.', 2), ('DISRESVIOL', 'D.R.Viol. (nm)', None), ('ORIRES', 'Orient. Rest.', 2), ('ORDEV', 'Ori. R. RMSD', None), ('ANGRES', 'Angle Rest.', 4), ('ANGRESZ', 'Angle Rest. Z', 2), ('DIHRES', 'Dih. Rest.', 4), ('DIHRESVIOL', 'Dih. Rest. Viol.', None), ('CONSTR', 'Constraint', 2), ('CONSTRNC', 'Constr. No Conn.', 2), ('SETTLE', 'Settle', 3), ('VSITE1', 'Virtual site 1', 2), ('VSITE2', 'Virtual site 2', 3), ('VSITE2FD', 'Virtual site 2fd', 3), ('VSITE3', 'Virtual site 3', 4), ('VSITE3FD', 'Virtual site 3fd', 4), ('VSITE3FAD', 'Virtual site 3fad', 4), ('VSITE3OUT', 'Virtual site 3out', 4), ('VSITE4FD', 'Virtual site 4fd', 5), ('VSITE4FDN', 'Virtual site 4fdn', 5), ('VSITEN', 'Virtual site N', 2), ('COM_PULL', 'COM Pull En.', None), ('DENSITYFIT', 'Density fitting', None), ('EQM', 'Quantum En.', None), ('EPOT', 'Potential', None), ('EKIN', 'Kinetic En.', None), ('ETOT', 'Total Energy', None), ('ECONS', 'Conserved En.', None), ('TEMP', 'Temperature', None), ('VTEMP', 'Vir. Temp. (not used)', None), ('PDISPCORR', 'Pres. DC', None), ('PRES', 'Pressure', None), ('DH/DL_CON', 'dH/dl constr.', None), ('DV/DL', 'dVremain/dl', None), ('DK/DL', 'dEkin/dl', None), ('DVC/DL', 'dVcoul/dl', None), ('DVV/DL', 'dVvdw/dl', None), ('DVB/DL', 'dVbonded/dl', None), ('DVR/DL', 'dVrestraint/dl', None), ('DVT/DL', 'dVtemperature/dl', None)]
Interaction types from
5.26.3. Class definitions for the TPRParser
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.Atom(m, q, mB, qB, tp, typeB, ptype, resind, atomnumber)
Create new instance of Atom(m, q, mB, qB, tp, typeB, ptype, resind, atomnumber)
- atomnumber
Alias for field number 8
- m
Alias for field number 0
- mB
Alias for field number 2
- ptype
Alias for field number 6
- q
Alias for field number 1
- qB
Alias for field number 3
- resind
Alias for field number 7
- tp
Alias for field number 4
- typeB
Alias for field number 5
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.AtomKind(id, name, type, resid, resname, mass, charge, atomic_number)[source]
- property element_symbol
The symbol of the atom element.
The symbol corresponding to the atomic number. If the atomic number is not recognized, which happens if a particle is not really an atom (e.g a coarse-grained particle), an empty string is returned.
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.Atoms(atoms, nr, nres, type, typeB, atomnames, resnames)
Create new instance of Atoms(atoms, nr, nres, type, typeB, atomnames, resnames)
- atomnames
Alias for field number 5
- atoms
Alias for field number 0
- nr
Alias for field number 1
- nres
Alias for field number 2
- resnames
Alias for field number 6
- type
Alias for field number 3
- typeB
Alias for field number 4
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.Box(size, rel, v)
Create new instance of Box(size, rel, v)
- rel
Alias for field number 1
- size
Alias for field number 0
- v
Alias for field number 2
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.Ilist(nr, ik, iatoms)
Create new instance of Ilist(nr, ik, iatoms)
- iatoms
Alias for field number 2
- ik
Alias for field number 1
- nr
Alias for field number 0
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.InteractionKind(name, long_name, natoms)[source]
natoms: number of atoms involved in this type of interaction
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.Molblock(molb_type, molb_nmol, molb_natoms_mol, molb_nposres_xA, molb_nposres_xB)
Create new instance of Molblock(molb_type, molb_nmol, molb_natoms_mol, molb_nposres_xA, molb_nposres_xB)
- molb_natoms_mol
Alias for field number 2
- molb_nmol
Alias for field number 1
- molb_nposres_xA
Alias for field number 3
- molb_nposres_xB
Alias for field number 4
- molb_type
Alias for field number 0
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.MoleculeKind(name, atomkinds, bonds=None, angles=None, dihe=None, impr=None, donors=None, acceptors=None)[source]
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.Mtop(nmoltype, moltypes, nmolblock)
Create new instance of Mtop(nmoltype, moltypes, nmolblock)
- moltypes
Alias for field number 1
- nmolblock
Alias for field number 2
- nmoltype
Alias for field number 0
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.Params(atnr, ntypes, functype, reppow, fudgeQQ)
Create new instance of Params(atnr, ntypes, functype, reppow, fudgeQQ)
- atnr
Alias for field number 0
- fudgeQQ
Alias for field number 4
- functype
Alias for field number 2
- ntypes
Alias for field number 1
- reppow
Alias for field number 3
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.obj.TpxHeader(ver_str, precision, fver, fgen, file_tag, natoms, ngtc, fep_state, lamb, bIr, bTop, bX, bV, bF, bBox, sizeOfTprBody)
Create new instance of TpxHeader(ver_str, precision, fver, fgen, file_tag, natoms, ngtc, fep_state, lamb, bIr, bTop, bX, bV, bF, bBox, sizeOfTprBody)
- bBox
Alias for field number 14
- bF
Alias for field number 13
- bIr
Alias for field number 9
- bTop
Alias for field number 10
- bV
Alias for field number 12
- bX
Alias for field number 11
- fep_state
Alias for field number 7
- fgen
Alias for field number 3
- file_tag
Alias for field number 4
- fver
Alias for field number 2
- lamb
Alias for field number 8
- natoms
Alias for field number 5
- ngtc
Alias for field number 6
- precision
Alias for field number 1
- sizeOfTprBody
Alias for field number 15
- ver_str
Alias for field number 0
5.26.4. Utilities for the TPRParser
Function calling order:
(TPRParser.py call do_mtop)
do_mtop -> do_symtab
-> do_ffparams -> do_iparams
-> do_moltype -> do_atoms -> do_atom
-> do_resinfo
-> do_ilists
-> do_block
-> do_blocka
-> do_molblock
Then compose the stuffs in the format MDAnalysis.Universe
reads in.
The module also contains the do_inputrec()
to read the TPR header with.
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.utils.TPXUnpacker(data)[source]
Extend the standard XDR unpacker for the specificity of TPX files.
- class MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.utils.TPXUnpacker2020(data)[source]
Unpacker for TPX files from and later than gromacs 2020.
A new implementation of the serializer (InMemorySerializer), introduced in gromacs 2020, changes le meaning of some types in the file body (the header keep using the previous implementation of the serializer).