4. Analysis modules

The MDAnalysis.analysis module contains code to carry out specific analysis functionality for MD trajectories. It is based on the core functionality (i.e. trajectory I/O, selections etc). The analysis modules can be used as examples for how to use MDAnalysis but also as working code for research projects; typically all contributed code has been used by the authors in their own work.

4.1. Getting started with analysis

See also

The User Guide: Analysis contains extensive documentation of the analysis capabilities with user-friendly examples.

4.1.1. Using the analysis classes

Most analysis tools in MDAnalysis are written as a single class. An analysis usually follows the same pattern:

  1. Import the desired module, since analysis modules are not imported by default.

  2. Initialize the analysis class instance from the previously imported module.

  3. Run the analysis with the run() method, optionally for specific trajectory slices.

  4. Access the analysis from the results attribute

from MDAnalysis.analysis import ExampleAnalysisModule  # (e.g. RMSD)

analysis_obj = ExampleAnalysisModule.AnalysisClass(universe, ...)
analysis_obj.run(start=start_frame, stop=stop_frame, step=step)

Please see the individual module documentation for any specific caveats and also read and cite the reference papers associated with these algorithms.

4.1.2. Using parallelization for built-in analysis runs

Added in version 2.8.0.

AnalysisBase subclasses can run on a backend that supports parallelization (see MDAnalysis.analysis.backends). All analysis runs use backend='serial' by default, i.e., they do not use parallelization by default, which has been standard before release 2.8.0 of MDAnalysis.

Without any dependencies, only one backend is supported – built-in multiprocessing, that processes parts of a trajectory running separate processes, i.e. utilizing multi-core processors properly.


For now, parallelization has only been added to MDAnalysis.analysis.rms.RMSD, but by release 3.0 version it will be introduced to all subclasses that can support it.

In order to use that feature, simply add backend='multiprocessing' to your run, and supply it with proper n_workers (use multiprocessing.cpu_count() for maximum available on your machine):

import multiprocessing
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import PSF, DCD
from MDAnalysis.analysis.rms import RMSD
from MDAnalysis.analysis.align import AverageStructure

# initialize the universe
u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

# calculate average structure for reference
avg = AverageStructure(mobile=u).run()
ref = avg.results.universe

# initialize RMSD run
rmsd = RMSD(u, ref, select='backbone')
rmsd.run(backend='multiprocessing', n_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count())

For now, you have to be explicit and specify both backend and n_workers, since the feature is new and there are no good defaults for it. For example, if you specify a too big n_workers, and your trajectory frames are big, you might get and out-of-memory error when executing your run.

You can also implement your own backends – see MDAnalysis.analysis.backends.

4.1.3. Additional dependencies

Some of the modules in MDAnalysis.analysis require additional Python packages to enable full functionality. For example, MDAnalysis.analysis.encore provides more options if scikit-learn is installed. If you installed MDAnalysis with pip (see Installing and using MDAnalysis) these packages are not automatically installed although one can add the [analysis] tag to the pip command to force their installation. If you installed MDAnalysis with conda then a full set of dependencies is automatically installed.

Other modules require external programs. For instance, the MDAnalysis.analysis.hole2 module requires an installation of the HOLE suite of programs. You will need to install these external dependencies by following their installation instructions before you can use the corresponding MDAnalysis module.

4.2. Building blocks for Analysis

The building block for the analysis modules is MDAnalysis.analysis.base.AnalysisBase. To build your own analysis class start by reading the documentation.

4.3. Distances and contacts

4.4. Hydrogen bonding

Deprecated modules:

4.5. Membranes and membrane proteins

4.6. Nucleic acids

4.7. Polymers

4.8. Structure

4.8.1. Macromolecules

4.8.2. Liquids

4.9. Volumetric analysis

4.10. Dimensionality Reduction

4.11. Legacy analysis modules

The MDAnalysis.analysis.legacy module contains code that for a range of reasons is not as well maintained and tested as the other analysis modules. Use with care.

4.12. Data