Source code for MDAnalysis.topology.tpr.utils

# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# MDAnalysis ---
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
# doi: 10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e
# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787

# TPR parser and tpr support module
# Copyright (c) 2011 Zhuyi Xue
# Released under the  GNU Public Licence, v2

Utilities for the TPRParser

Function calling order::

   ( call do_mtop)
   do_mtop -> do_symtab
           -> do_ffparams -> do_iparams
           -> do_moltype  -> do_atoms  -> do_atom
                                       -> do_resinfo
                          -> do_ilists
                          -> do_block
                          -> do_blocka
           -> do_molblock

Then compose the stuffs in the format :class:`MDAnalysis.Universe` reads in.

The module also contains the :func:`do_inputrec` to read the TPR header with.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from six.moves import range
import warnings

import numpy as np
import xdrlib
import struct

from . import obj
from . import setting as S
from ..base import squash_by
from ...core.topology import Topology
from ...core.topologyattrs import (

[docs]class TPXUnpacker(xdrlib.Unpacker): """ Extend the standard XDR unpacker for the specificity of TPX files. """ def __init__(self, data): # Using super here would be ideal, but it does not work on python2 as # TPXUnpacker is a `classobj` and not a `type`. # super().__init__(data) xdrlib.Unpacker.__init__(self, data) self._buf = self.get_buffer() # The parent class uses a dunder attribute to store the # cursor position. This property makes it easier to manipulate # this attribute that is otherwise "protected". # The use of this property works well in python3, but fails in python2 # where direct access to the mangled attribute seems required. @property def _pos(self): return self.get_position() @_pos.setter def _pos(self, value): self.set_position(value) def _unpack_value(self, item_size, struct_template): # Ideally, we should use the _pos attribute, but it present some # unexpected behaviour on python2 where the position of the cursor is # not kept in sync between the method defined in TPXUnpacker and the # methods defined in the base class. # start_position = self._pos # end_position = self._pos = start_position + item_size start_position = self._Unpacker__pos # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition end_position = self._pos = self._Unpacker__pos = start_position + item_size content = self._buf[start_position:end_position] if len(content) != item_size: raise EOFError return struct.unpack(struct_template, content)[0]
[docs] def unpack_int64(self): return self._unpack_value(8, '>q')
[docs] def unpack_uint64(self): return self._unpack_value(8, '>Q')
[docs] def unpack_ushort(self): return self.unpack_uint()
[docs] def unpack_uchar(self): # TPX files prior to gromacs 2020 (tpx version < 119) use unsigned ints # (4 bytes) instead of unsigned chars. return self._unpack_value(4, '>I')
[docs] def do_string(self): """ Emulate gmx_fio_do_string gmx_fio_do_string reads a string from a XDR file. On the contrary to the python unpack_string, gmx_fio_do_string reads the size as an unsigned integer before reading the actual string. See <gromacs-2016-src>/src/gromacs/fileio/gmx_system_xdr.c:454 """ self.unpack_int() return self.unpack_string()
[docs]class TPXUnpacker2020(TPXUnpacker): """ Unpacker for TPX files from and later than gromacs 2020. A new implementation of the serializer (InMemorySerializer), introduced in gromacs 2020, changes le meaning of some types in the file body (the header keep using the previous implementation of the serializer). """
[docs] @classmethod def from_unpacker(cls, unpacker): new_unpacker = cls(unpacker._buf) new_unpacker._pos = new_unpacker._Unpacker__pos = unpacker._Unpacker__pos if hasattr(unpacker, 'unpack_real'): if unpacker.unpack_real == unpacker.unpack_float: new_unpacker.unpack_real = new_unpacker.unpack_float elif unpacker.unpack_real == unpacker.unpack_double: new_unpacker.unpack_real = new_unpacker.unpack_double else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized precision") return new_unpacker
[docs] def unpack_fstring(self, n): if n < 0: raise ValueError('Size of fstring cannot be negative.') start_position = self._Unpacker__pos # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition end_position = self._pos = self._Unpacker__pos = start_position + n if end_position > len(self._buf): raise EOFError content = self._buf[start_position:end_position] return content
[docs] def unpack_ushort(self): # The InMemorySerializer implements ushort according to the XDR standard # on the contrary to the IO serializer. return self._unpack_value(2, '>H')
[docs] def unpack_uchar(self): # The InMemorySerializer implements uchar according to the XDR standard # on the contrary to the IO serializer. return self._unpack_value(1, '>B')
[docs] def do_string(self): """ Emulate gmx_fio_do_string """ n = self.unpack_uint64() return self.unpack_fstring(n)
[docs]def ndo_int(data, n): """mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_real in gromacs""" return [data.unpack_int() for i in range(n)]
[docs]def ndo_real(data, n): """mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_real in gromacs""" return [data.unpack_real() for i in range(n)]
[docs]def do_rvec(data): return data.unpack_farray(S.DIM, data.unpack_real)
[docs]def ndo_rvec(data, n): """mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_rvec in gromacs""" return [data.unpack_farray(S.DIM, data.unpack_real) for i in range(n)]
[docs]def ndo_ivec(data, n): """mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_rvec in gromacs""" return [data.unpack_farray(S.DIM, data.unpack_int) for i in range(n)]
[docs]def fileVersion_err(fver): if fver not in S.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS: raise NotImplementedError( "Your tpx version is {0}, which this parser does not support, yet ".format( fver))
[docs]def define_unpack_real(prec, data): """Define an unpack_real method of data based on the float precision used""" if prec == 4: data.unpack_real = data.unpack_float elif prec == 8: data.unpack_real = data.unpack_double else: raise ValueError("unsupported precision: {0}".format(prec))
[docs]def read_tpxheader(data): """this function is now compatible with do_tpxheader in tpxio.cpp """ # Last compatibility check with gromacs-2016 ver_str = data.do_string() # version string e.g. VERSION 4.0.5 precision = data.unpack_int() # e.g. 4 define_unpack_real(precision, data) fileVersion = data.unpack_int() # version of tpx file fileVersion_err(fileVersion) # This is for backward compatibility with development version 77-79 where # the tag was, mistakenly, placed before the generation. if 77 <= fileVersion <= 79: data.unpack_int() # the value is 8, but haven't found the file_tag = data.do_string() fileGeneration = data.unpack_int() if fileVersion >= 26 else 0 # generation of tpx file, e.g. 17 # Versions before 77 don't have the tag, set it to TPX_TAG_RELEASE file_tag # file_tag is used for comparing with tpx_tag. Only tpr files with a # tpx_tag from a lower or the same version of gromacs code can be parsed by # the tpxio.c file_tag = data.do_string() if fileVersion >= 81 else S.TPX_TAG_RELEASE natoms = data.unpack_int() # total number of atoms ngtc = data.unpack_int() if fileVersion >= 28 else 0 # number of groups for T-coupling if fileVersion < 62: # not sure what these two are for. data.unpack_int() # idum data.unpack_real() # rdum fep_state = data.unpack_int() if fileVersion >= 79 else 0 # actually, it's lambda, not sure what is it. us lamb because lambda is a # keyword in python lamb = data.unpack_real() bIr = data.unpack_int() # has input record or not bTop = data.unpack_int() # has topology or not bX = data.unpack_int() # has coordinates or not bV = data.unpack_int() # has velocity or not bF = data.unpack_int() # has force or not bBox = data.unpack_int() # has box or not sizeOfTprBody = None if fileVersion >= S.tpxv_AddSizeField and fileGeneration >= 27: sizeOfTprBody = data.unpack_int64() th = obj.TpxHeader(ver_str, precision, fileVersion, fileGeneration, file_tag, natoms, ngtc, fep_state, lamb, bIr, bTop, bX, bV, bF, bBox, sizeOfTprBody) return th
[docs]def extract_box_info(data, fileVersion): box = ndo_rvec(data, S.DIM) box_rel = ndo_rvec(data, S.DIM) if fileVersion >= 51 else 0 box_v = ndo_rvec(data, S.DIM) if fileVersion >= 28 else None if (fileVersion < 56): ndo_rvec(data, S.DIM) # mdum? return obj.Box(box, box_rel, box_v)
[docs]def do_mtop(data, fver, tpr_resid_from_one=False): # mtop: the topology of the whole system symtab = do_symtab(data) do_symstr(data, symtab) # system_name do_ffparams(data, fver) # params nmoltype = data.unpack_int() moltypes = [] # non-gromacs for i in range(nmoltype): moltype = do_moltype(data, symtab, fver) moltypes.append(moltype) nmolblock = data.unpack_int() mtop = obj.Mtop(nmoltype, moltypes, nmolblock) bonds = [] angles = [] dihedrals = [] impropers = [] atomids = [] segids = [] resids = [] resnames = [] atomnames = [] atomtypes = [] moltypes = [] molnums = [] charges = [] masses = [] atom_start_ndx = 0 res_start_ndx = 0 molnum = 0 for i in range(mtop.nmolblock): # molb_type is just an index for moltypes/molecule_types mb = do_molblock(data) # segment is made to correspond to the molblock as in gromacs, the # naming is kind of arbitrary molblock = mtop.moltypes[mb.molb_type].name.decode('utf-8') segid = "seg_{0}_{1}".format(i, molblock) for j in range(mb.molb_nmol): mt = mtop.moltypes[mb.molb_type] # mt: molecule type for atomkind in mt.atomkinds: atomids.append( + atom_start_ndx) segids.append(segid) resids.append(atomkind.resid + res_start_ndx) resnames.append(atomkind.resname.decode()) atomnames.append( atomtypes.append(atomkind.type.decode()) moltypes.append(molblock) molnums.append(molnum) charges.append(atomkind.charge) masses.append(atomkind.mass) molnum += 1 # remap_ method returns [blah, blah, ..] or [] bonds.extend(mt.remap_bonds(atom_start_ndx)) angles.extend(mt.remap_angles(atom_start_ndx)) dihedrals.extend(mt.remap_dihe(atom_start_ndx)) impropers.extend(mt.remap_impr(atom_start_ndx)) atom_start_ndx += mt.number_of_atoms() res_start_ndx += mt.number_of_residues() # not useful here # data.unpack_int() # mtop_natoms # do_atomtypes(data) # mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_ngrid = 0 # mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_grid_spacing = 0.1 # mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_cmapdata = 'NULL' # do_groups(data, symtab) atomids = Atomids(np.array(atomids, dtype=np.int32)) atomnames = Atomnames(np.array(atomnames, dtype=object)) atomtypes = Atomtypes(np.array(atomtypes, dtype=object)) charges = Charges(np.array(charges, dtype=np.float32)) masses = Masses(np.array(masses, dtype=np.float32)) moltypes = np.array(moltypes, dtype=object) molnums = np.array(molnums, dtype=np.int32) segids = np.array(segids, dtype=object) resids = np.array(resids, dtype=np.int32) if tpr_resid_from_one: resids += 1 else: warnings.warn("TPR files index residues from 0. " "From MDAnalysis version 2.0, resids will start " "at 1 instead. If you wish to keep indexing " "resids from 0, please set " "`tpr_resid_from_one=False` as a keyword argument " "when you create a new Topology or Universe.", category=DeprecationWarning) resnames = np.array(resnames, dtype=object) (residx, new_resids, (new_resnames, new_moltypes, new_molnums, perres_segids ) ) = squash_by(resids, resnames, moltypes, molnums, segids) residueids = Resids(new_resids) residuenames = Resnames(new_resnames) residue_moltypes = Moltypes(new_moltypes) residue_molnums = Molnums(new_molnums) segidx, perseg_segids = squash_by(perres_segids)[:2] segids = Segids(perseg_segids) top = Topology(len(atomids), len(new_resids), len(perseg_segids), attrs=[atomids, atomnames, atomtypes, charges, masses, residueids, residuenames, residue_moltypes, residue_molnums, segids], atom_resindex=residx, residue_segindex=segidx) top.add_TopologyAttr(Bonds([bond for bond in bonds if bond])) top.add_TopologyAttr(Angles([angle for angle in angles if angle])) top.add_TopologyAttr(Dihedrals([dihedral for dihedral in dihedrals if dihedral])) top.add_TopologyAttr(Impropers([improper for improper in impropers if improper])) return top
[docs]def do_symstr(data, symtab): #do_symstr: get a string based on index from the symtab ndx = data.unpack_int() return symtab[ndx]
[docs]def do_symtab(data): symtab_nr = data.unpack_int() # number of symbols symtab = [] for i in range(symtab_nr): j = data.do_string() symtab.append(j) return symtab
[docs]def do_ffparams(data, fver): atnr = data.unpack_int() if fver < 57: data.unpack_int() # idum ntypes = data.unpack_int() functype = ndo_int(data, ntypes) reppow = data.unpack_double() if fver >= 66 else 12.0 if fver >= 57: fudgeQQ = data.unpack_real() # mimicing the c code, # remapping the functype due to inconsistency in different versions for i in range(len(functype)): for k in S.ftupd: # j[0]: tpx_version, j[1] funtype if fver < k[0] and functype[i] >= k[1]: functype[i] += 1 # parameters for different functions, None returned for now since not sure # what is iparams iparams = do_iparams(data, functype, fver) params = obj.Params(atnr, ntypes, functype, reppow, fudgeQQ, iparams) return params
[docs]def do_harm(data): data.unpack_real() # rA data.unpack_real() # krA data.unpack_real() # rB data.unpack_real() # krB
[docs]def do_iparams(data, functypes, fver): # Not all elif cases in this function has been used and tested for k, i in enumerate(functypes): if i in [ S.F_ANGLES, S.F_G96ANGLES, S.F_BONDS, S.F_G96BONDS, S.F_HARMONIC, S.F_IDIHS ]: do_harm(data) elif i in [S.F_RESTRANGLES]: data.unpack_real() # harmonic.rA data.unpack_real() # harmonic.krA elif i in [S.F_LINEAR_ANGLES]: data.unpack_real() # linangle.klinA data.unpack_real() # linangle.aA data.unpack() # linangle.klinB data.unpack() # linangle.aB); elif i in [S.F_FENEBONDS]: data.unpack_real() # data.unpack_real() # fene.kb elif i in [S.F_RESTRBONDS]: data.unpack_real() # restraint.lowA data.unpack_real() # restraint.up1A data.unpack_real() # restraint.up2A data.unpack_real() # restraint.kA data.unpack_real() # restraint.lowB data.unpack_real() # restraint.up1B data.unpack_real() # restraint.up2B data.unpack_real() # restraint.kB elif i in [S.F_TABBONDS, S.F_TABBONDSNC, S.F_TABANGLES, S.F_TABDIHS]: data.unpack_real() # tab.kA data.unpack_int() # tab.table data.unpack_real() # tab.kB elif i in [S.F_CROSS_BOND_BONDS]: data.unpack_real() # cross_bb.r1e data.unpack_real() # cross_bb.r2e data.unpack_real() # cross_bb.krr elif i in [S.F_CROSS_BOND_ANGLES]: data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.r1e data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.r2e data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.r3e data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.krt elif i in [S.F_UREY_BRADLEY]: data.unpack_real() # u_b.theta data.unpack_real() # u_b.ktheta data.unpack_real() # u_b.r13 data.unpack_real() # u_b.kUB if fver >= 79: data.unpack_real() # u_b.thetaB data.unpack_real() # u_b.kthetaB data.unpack_real() # u_b.r13B data.unpack_real() # u_b.kUBB elif i in [S.F_QUARTIC_ANGLES]: data.unpack_real() # qangle.theta ndo_real(data, 5) # qangle.c elif i in [S.F_BHAM]: data.unpack_real() # bham.a data.unpack_real() # bham.b data.unpack_real() # bham.c elif i in [S.F_MORSE]: data.unpack_real() # morse.b0 data.unpack_real() # morse.cb data.unpack_real() # morse.beta if fver >= 79: data.unpack_real() # morse.b0B data.unpack_real() # morse.cbB data.unpack_real() # morse.betaB elif i in [S.F_CUBICBONDS]: data.unpack_real() # cubic.b0 data.unpack_real() # cubic.kb data.unpack_real() # cubic.kcub elif i in [S.F_CONNBONDS]: pass elif i in [S.F_POLARIZATION]: data.unpack_real() # polarize.alpha elif i in [S.F_ANHARM_POL]: data.unpack_real() # anharm_polarize.alpha data.unpack_real() # anharm_polarize.drcut data.unpack_real() # anharm_polarize.khyp elif i in [S.F_WATER_POL]: if fver < 31: fver_err(fver) data.unpack_real() # wpol.al_x data.unpack_real() # wpol.al_y data.unpack_real() # wpol.al_z data.unpack_real() # wpol.rOH data.unpack_real() # wpol.rHH data.unpack_real() # wpol.rOD elif i in [S.F_THOLE_POL]: data.unpack_real() # thole.a data.unpack_real() # thole.alpha1 data.unpack_real() # thole.alpha2 data.unpack_real() # thole.rfac elif i in [S.F_LJ]: data.unpack_real() # lj_c6 data.unpack_real() # lj_c9 elif i in [S.F_LJ14]: data.unpack_real() # lj14_c6A data.unpack_real() # lj14_c12A data.unpack_real() # lj14_c6B data.unpack_real() # lj14_c12B elif i in [S.F_LJC14_Q]: data.unpack_real() # ljc14.fqq data.unpack_real() # ljc14.qi data.unpack_real() # ljc14.qj data.unpack_real() # ljc14.c6 data.unpack_real() # ljc14.c12 elif i in [S.F_LJC_PAIRS_NB]: data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.qi data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.qj data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.c6 data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.c12 elif i in [S.F_PIDIHS, S.F_ANGRES, S.F_ANGRESZ, S.F_PDIHS]: data.unpack_real() # pdihs_phiA data.unpack_real() # pdihs_cpA if (i == S.F_ANGRES or i == S.F_ANGRESZ) and fver < 42: data.unpack_real() # harmonic.rB data.unpack_real() # harmonic.krB else: data.unpack_real() # pdihs_phiB data.unpack_real() # pdihs_cpB data.unpack_int() # pdihs_mult elif i in [S.F_RESTRDIHS]: data.unpack_real() # pdihs.phiA data.unpack_real() # pdihs.cpA elif i in [S.F_DISRES]: data.unpack_int() # disres.label data.unpack_int() # disres.type data.unpack_real() # disres.low data.unpack_real() # disres.up1 data.unpack_real() # disres.up2 data.unpack_real() # disres.kfac elif i in [S.F_ORIRES]: data.unpack_int() # orires.ex data.unpack_int() # orires.label data.unpack_int() # orires.power data.unpack_real() # orires.c data.unpack_real() # orires.obs data.unpack_real() # orires.kfac elif i in [S.F_DIHRES]: if fver < 72: data.unpack_int() # idum data.unpack_int() # idum data.unpack_real() # dihres.phiA data.unpack_real() # dihres.dphiA data.unpack_real() # dihres.kfacA if fver >= 72: data.unpack_real() # dihres.phiB data.unpack_real() # dihres.dphiB data.unpack_real() # dihres.kfacB elif i in [S.F_POSRES]: do_rvec(data) # posres.pos0A do_rvec(data) # posres.fcA if fver < 27: fver_err(fver) else: do_rvec(data) # posres.pos0B do_rvec(data) # posres.fcB elif i in [S.F_FBPOSRES]: data.unpack_int() # fbposres.geom do_rvec(data) # fbposres.pos0 data.unpack_real() # fbposres.r data.unpack_real() # fbposres.k elif i in [S.F_CBTDIHS]: ndo_real(data, S.NR_CBTDIHS) # cbtdihs.cbtcA elif i in [S.F_RBDIHS]: ndo_real(data, S.NR_RBDIHS) # iparams_rbdihs_rbcA if fver >= 25: ndo_real(data, S.NR_RBDIHS) # iparams_rbdihs_rbcB elif i in [S.F_FOURDIHS]: # Fourier dihedrals ndo_real(data, S.NR_RBDIHS) # rbdihs.rbcA ndo_real(data, S.NR_RBDIHS) # rbdihs.rbcB elif i in [S.F_CONSTR, S.F_CONSTRNC]: data.unpack_real() # dA data.unpack_real() # dB elif i in [S.F_SETTLE]: data.unpack_real() # settle.doh data.unpack_real() # settle.dhh elif i in [S.F_VSITE2, S.F_VSITE2FD]: data.unpack_real() # vsite.a elif i in [S.F_VSITE3, S.F_VSITE3FD, S.F_VSITE3FAD]: data.unpack_real() # vsite.a data.unpack_real() # vsite.b elif i in [S.F_VSITE3OUT, S.F_VSITE4FD, S.F_VSITE4FDN]: data.unpack_real() # vsite.a data.unpack_real() # vsite.b data.unpack_real() # vsite.c elif i in [S.F_VSITEN]: data.unpack_int() # vsiten.n data.unpack_real() # vsiten.a elif i in [S.F_GB12, S.F_GB13, S.F_GB14]: # /* We got rid of some parameters in version 68 */ if fver < 68: data.unpack_real() # rdum data.unpack_real() # rdum data.unpack_real() # rdum data.unpack_real() # rdum data.unpack_real() # gb.sar data.unpack_real() # data.unpack_real() # gb.pi data.unpack_real() # gb.gbr data.unpack_real() # gb.bmlt elif i in [S.F_CMAP]: data.unpack_int() # cmap.cmapA data.unpack_int() # cmap.cmapB else: raise NotImplementedError("unknown functype: {0}".format(i)) return
[docs]def do_moltype(data, symtab, fver): if fver >= 57: molname = do_symstr(data, symtab) # key info: about atoms atoms_obj = do_atoms(data, symtab, fver) #### start: MDAnalysis specific atomkinds = [] for k, a in enumerate(atoms_obj.atoms): atomkinds.append(obj.AtomKind( k, atoms_obj.atomnames[k], atoms_obj.type[k], a.resind, atoms_obj.resnames[a.resind], a.m, a.q)) #### end: MDAnalysis specific # key info: about bonds, angles, dih, improp dih. ilists = do_ilists(data, fver) #### start: MDAnalysis specific # these may not be available for certain molecules, e.g. tip4p bonds, angles, dihs, impr = [], [], [], [] for ilist in ilists: if > 0: ik_obj = obj.InteractionKind(*ilist.ik) ias = ilist.iatoms # the following if..elif..else statement needs to be updated as new # type of interactions become interested if in ['BONDS', 'G96BONDS', 'MORSE', 'CUBICBONDS', 'CONNBONDS', 'HARMONIC', 'FENEBONDS', 'RESTRAINTPOT', 'CONSTR', 'CONSTRNC', 'TABBONDS', 'TABBONDSNC']: bonds += list(ik_obj.process(ias)) elif in ['ANGLES', 'G96ANGLES', 'CROSS_BOND_BOND', 'CROSS_BOND_ANGLE', 'UREY_BRADLEY', 'QANGLES', 'RESTRANGLES', 'TABANGLES']: angles += list(ik_obj.process(ias)) elif in ['PDIHS', 'RBDIHS', 'RESTRDIHS', 'CBTDIHS', 'FOURDIHS', 'TABDIHS']: dihs += list(ik_obj.process(ias)) elif in ['IDIHS', 'PIDIHS']: impr += list(ik_obj.process(ias)) elif == 'SETTLE': # SETTLE interactions are optimized triangular constraints for # water molecules. They should be counted as a pair of bonds # between the oxigen and the hydrogens. In older versions of # the TPR format only specifies the index of the oxygen and # assumes that the next two atoms are the hydrogens. if len(ias) == 2: # Old format. Only the first atom is specified. base_atom = ias[1] bonds += [ [base_atom, base_atom + 1], [base_atom, base_atom + 2], ] else: all_settle = ik_obj.process(ias) for settle in all_settle: base_atom = settle[0] bonds += [ [settle[0], settle[1]], [settle[0], settle[2]], ] else: # other interaction types are not interested at the moment pass bonds = bonds if bonds else None angles = angles if angles else None dihs = dihs if dihs else None impr = impr if impr else None moltype = obj.MoleculeKind(molname, atomkinds, bonds, angles, dihs, impr) #### end: MDAnalysis specific # info in do_block and do_blocka is not interested, but has to be parsed # here so that all moltypes can be parsed properly do_block(data) do_blocka(data) return moltype
[docs]def do_atoms(data, symtab, fver): nr = data.unpack_int() # number of atoms in a particular molecule nres = data.unpack_int() # number of residues in a particular molecule if fver < 57: fver_err(fver) atoms = [] for i in range(nr): A = do_atom(data, fver) atoms.append(A) # do_strstr atomnames = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nr)] if fver <= 20: fver_err(fver) else: type = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nr)] # e.g. opls_111 typeB = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nr)] resnames = do_resinfo(data, symtab, fver, nres) if fver < 57: fver_err(fver) return obj.Atoms(atoms, nr, nres, type, typeB, atomnames, resnames)
[docs]def do_resinfo(data, symtab, fver, nres): if fver < 63: resnames = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nres)] else: resnames = [] for i in range(nres): resnames.append(symtab[data.unpack_int()]) data.unpack_int() data.unpack_uchar() return resnames
[docs]def do_atom(data, fver): m = data.unpack_real() # mass q = data.unpack_real() # charge mB = data.unpack_real() qB = data.unpack_real() tp = data.unpack_ushort() # type is a keyword in python typeB = data.unpack_ushort() ptype = data.unpack_int() # regular atom, virtual site or others resind = data.unpack_int() # index of residue if fver >= 52: atomnumber = data.unpack_int() # index of atom type if fver < 23 or fver < 39 or fver < 57: fver_err(fver) return obj.Atom(m, q, mB, qB, tp, typeB, ptype, resind, atomnumber)
[docs]def do_ilists(data, fver): nr = [] # number of ilist iatoms = [] # atoms involved in a particular interaction type pos = [] for j in range(S.F_NRE): # total number of energies (i.e. interaction types) bClear = False for k in S.ftupd: if fver < k[0] and j == k[1]: bClear = True if bClear: nr.append(0) iatoms.append(None) else: if fver < 44: fver_err(fver) # do_ilist n = data.unpack_int() nr.append(n) l_ = [] for i in range(n): l_.append(data.unpack_int()) iatoms.append(l_) return [obj.Ilist(n, it, i) for n, it, i in zip(nr, S.interaction_types, iatoms)]
[docs]def do_molblock(data): molb_type = data.unpack_int() molb_nmol = data.unpack_int() # number of moles in the molblock molb_natoms_mol = data.unpack_int() # number of atoms in a molecule molb_nposres_xA = data.unpack_int() if molb_nposres_xA > 0: ndo_rvec(data, molb_nposres_xA) molb_nposres_xB = data.unpack_int() # The number of posres coords for top B if molb_nposres_xB > 0: ndo_rvec(data, molb_nposres_xB) return obj.Molblock(molb_type, molb_nmol, molb_natoms_mol, molb_nposres_xA, molb_nposres_xB)
[docs]def do_block(data): block_nr = data.unpack_int() # for cgs: charge groups # starting or ending atom indices, based on which cgs are grouped ndo_int(data, block_nr + 1) return do_block
[docs]def do_blocka(data): block_nr = data.unpack_int() # No. of atoms with excls block_nra = data.unpack_int() # total times fo appearance of atoms for excls ndo_int(data, block_nr + 1) ndo_int(data, block_nra) return block_nr, block_nra
[docs]def do_grps(data): # pragma: no cover grps_nr = [] myngrps = ngrps = S.egcNR # remind of version inconsistency for j in range(ngrps): if j < myngrps: v = data.unpack_int() grps_nr.append(v) ndo_int(data, v) return grps_nr
[docs]def do_groups(data, symtab): # pragma: no cover do_grps(data) ngrpname = data.unpack_int() # do_strstr, list of indices of group name: e.g. System, Protein, # Protein-H, etc. use symtab[i] to check ndo_int(data, ngrpname) ngrpnr = [] grpnr = [] for i in range(S.egcNR): x = data.unpack_int() ngrpnr.append(x) if x == 0: grpnr.append(None) else: l_ = [] for i in range(x): l_.append(data.unpack_uint()) grpnr.append(l_) # print ngrpnr # print [len(i) for i in grpnr if i] return
[docs]def do_atomtypes(data): # pragma: no cover at_nr = data.unpack_int() # at: atomtype at_radius = ndo_real(data, at_nr) at_vol = ndo_real(data, at_nr) at_surftens = ndo_real(data, at_nr) at_atomnumber = ndo_int(data, at_nr) return at_radius, at_vol, at_surftens, at_atomnumber
[docs]def do_inputrec(data): # pragma: no cover """Read through header information from TPR file *data* structure. Note that this function does not return any useful data itself. If your are interested in using the header information, use this functions as a starting point for your own code. """ data.unpack_int() # ir_eI data.unpack_int() # ir_nsteps = idum data.unpack_int() # ir_init_step = idum = data.unpack_int() # simulation_part # not relevant here # ir_nstcalcenergy = 1 data.unpack_int() # ir_ns_type data.unpack_int() # ir_nslist data.unpack_int() # ir_ndelta data.unpack_real() # ir_rtpi data.unpack_int() # ir_nstcomm abs(data.unpack_int()) # ir_comm_mode data.unpack_int() # ir_nstcheckpoint data.unpack_int() # ir_nstcgsteep data.unpack_int() # ir_nbfgscorr data.unpack_int() # ir_nstlog data.unpack_int() # ir_nstxout data.unpack_int() # ir_nstvout data.unpack_int() # ir_nstfout data.unpack_int() # ir_nstenergy data.unpack_int() # ir_nstxtcout data.unpack_real() # ir_init_t = rdum = data.unpack_real() # ir_delta_t = rdum = data.unpack_real() # ir_xtcprec ir_rlist = data.unpack_real() data.unpack_int() # ir_coulombtype data.unpack_real() # ir_rcoulomb_switch ir_rcoulomb = data.unpack_real() data.unpack_int() # ir_rvdwtype data.unpack_real() # ir_rvdw_switch ir_rvdw = data.unpack_real() max(ir_rlist, max(ir_rvdw, ir_rcoulomb)) # ir_rlistlong data.unpack_int() # ir_eDispCorr data.unpack_real() # ir_epsilon_r data.unpack_real() # ir_epsilon_rf data.unpack_real() # ir_tabext data.unpack_int() # ir_gb_algorithm data.unpack_int() # ir_nstgbradii data.unpack_real() # ir_rgbradii data.unpack_real() # ir_gb_saltconc data.unpack_int() # ir_implicit_solvent data.unpack_real() # ir_gb_epsilon_solvent data.unpack_real() # ir_gb_obc_alpha data.unpack_real() # ir_gb_obc_beta data.unpack_real() # ir_gb_obc_gamma # not relevant here # ir_gb_dielectric_offset = 0.009 # ir_sa_algorithm = 0 # esaAPPROX data.unpack_real() # ir_sa_surface_tension data.unpack_int() # ir_nkx data.unpack_int() # ir_nky data.unpack_int() # ir_nkz data.unpack_int() # ir_pme_order data.unpack_real() # ir_ewald_rtol data.unpack_int() # ir_ewald_geometry data.unpack_real() # ir_epsilon_surface data.unpack_bool() # ir_bOptFFT data.unpack_bool() # ir_bContinuation data.unpack_int() # ir_etc # not relevant here # ir_nsttcouple = ir_nstcalcenergy data.unpack_int() # ir_epcpressure coupling data.unpack_int() # ir_epctepctype, e.g. isotropic # not relevant here # ir_nstpcouple = ir_nstcalcenergy data.unpack_real() # tau_p data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_ref_p_XX data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_ref_p_YY data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_ref_p_ZZ data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_compress_XX data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_compress_YY data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_compress_ZZ data.unpack_int() # ir_refcoord_scaling data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_posres_com data.unpack_farray(DIM, data.unpack_real) # ir_posres_comB data.unpack_int() # ir_andersen_seed data.unpack_real() # ir_shake_tol data.unpack_int() # ir_efep data.unpack_real() # ir_init_lambda = rdum = data.unpack_real() # ir_delta_lambda = rdum = # Not relevant here # ir_n_flambda = 0 # ir_flambda = None data.unpack_real() # ir_sc_alpha data.unpack_int() # ir_sc_power data.unpack_real() # ir_sc_sigma # not relevant here # ir_sc_sigma_min = 0 # ir_nstdhdl = 1 # ir_separate_dhdl_file = 0 # epdhdlfileYES; # ir_dhdl_derivatives = 0 # dhdlderivativesYES # ir_dh_hist_size = 0 # ir_dh_hist_spacing = 0.1 data.unpack_int() # ir_eDisre data.unpack_int() # ir_eDisre_weighting data.unpack_bool() # ir_bDisreMixed data.unpack_real() # ir_dr_fc data.unpack_real() # ir_dr_tau data.unpack_int() # ir_nstdisreout data.unpack_real() # ir_orires_fc data.unpack_real() # ir_orires_tau data.unpack_int() # ir_nstorireout data.unpack_real() # ir_dihre_fc data.unpack_real() # ir_em_stepsize data.unpack_real() # ir_em_tol data.unpack_bool() # ir_bShakeSOR data.unpack_int() # ir_niter data.unpack_real() # ir_fc_stepsize data.unpack_int() # ir_eConstrAlg data.unpack_int() # ir_nProjOrder data.unpack_real() # ir_LincsWarnAngle data.unpack_int() # ir_nLincsIter data.unpack_real() # ir_bd_fric data.unpack_int() # ir_ld_seed ndo_rvec(data, DIM) # ir_deform data.unpack_real() # ir_cos_accel data.unpack_int() # ir_userint1 data.unpack_int() # ir_userint2 data.unpack_int() # ir_userint3 data.unpack_int() # ir_userint4 data.unpack_real() # ir_userreal1 data.unpack_real() # ir_userreal2 data.unpack_real() # ir_userreal3 data.unpack_real() # ir_userreal4 # pull_stuff data.unpack_int() # ir_ePull # grpopts stuff ir_opts_ngtc = data.unpack_int() # not relevant here # ir_opts_nhchainlength = 1 ir_opts_ngacc = data.unpack_int() ir_opts_ngfrz = data.unpack_int() ir_opts_ngener = data.unpack_int() ndo_real(data, ir_opts_ngtc) # ir_nrdf ndo_real(data, ir_opts_ngtc) # ir_ref_t ndo_real(data, ir_opts_ngtc) # ir_tau_t if ir_opts_ngfrz > 0: ndo_ivec(data, ir_opts_ngfrz) # ir_opts_nFreeze if ir_opts_ngacc > 0: ndo_rvec(data, ir_opts_ngacc) # ir_opts_acc ndo_int(data, ir_opts_ngener ** 2) # ir_opts_egp_flags ndo_int(data, ir_opts_ngtc) # ir_opts_annealing ir_opts_anneal_npoints = ndo_int(data, ir_opts_ngtc) ir_opts_anneal_time = [] ir_opts_anneal_temp = [] for j in range(ir_opts_ngtc): k = ir_opts_anneal_npoints[j] ir_opts_anneal_time.append(ndo_int(data, k)) ir_opts_anneal_temp.append(ndo_int(data, k)) # Walls data.unpack_int() # ir_nwall data.unpack_int() # ir_nwall_type data.unpack_real() # ir_wall_r_linpot # ir->wall_atomtype[0], ir->wall_atomtype[1] ir_wall_atomtype = [] ir_wall_atomtype.append(data.unpack_int()) ir_wall_atomtype.append(data.unpack_int()) # ir->wall_density[0], ir->wall_density[1] ir_wall_density = [] ir_wall_density.append(data.unpack_real()) ir_wall_density.append(data.unpack_real()) data.unpack_real() # ir_wall_ewald_zfac # cosine stuff for electric fields ir_ex_n, ir_et_n, ir_ex_a, ir_ex_phi, ir_et_a, ir_et_phi = [], [], [], [], [], [] for j in range(DIM): x = data.unpack_int() ir_ex_n.append(x) y = data.unpack_int() ir_et_n.append(y) ir_ex_a.append(ndo_real(data, x)) ir_ex_phi.append(ndo_real(data, x)) ir_et_a.append(ndo_real(data, y)) ir_et_phi.append(ndo_real(data, y)) # QMM stuff data.unpack_bool() # ir_bQMMM data.unpack_int() # ir_bQMMMscheme data.unpack_real() # ir_scalefactor data.unpack_int() # ir_opts_ngQM # if ir_opts_ngQM > 0: # do_something # indicating the parsing finishes properly data.done()