7.13. MOL2 file format — MDAnalysis.coordinates.MOL2

Classes to work with Tripos molecule structure format (MOL2) coordinate and topology files. Used, for instance, by the DOCK docking code.

7.13.1. Example for working with mol2 files

To open a mol2, remove all hydrogens and save as a new file, use the following:

u = Universe("Molecule.mol2")
gr = u.select_atoms("not name H*")
print(len(u.atoms), len(gr))

See also


rdkit is an open source cheminformatics toolkit with more mol2 functionality

7.13.2. Classes

class MDAnalysis.coordinates.MOL2.MOL2Reader(filename, **kwargs)[source]

Reader for MOL2 structure format.

Changed in version 0.11.0: Frames now 0-based instead of 1-based. MOL2 now reuses the same Timestep object for every frame, previously created a new instance of Timestep each frame.

Changed in version 0.20.0: Allows for comments at top of file. Ignores status bit strings

Changed in version 2.0.0: Bonds attribute is not added if no bonds are present in MOL2 file

Changed in version 2.2.0: Read MOL2 files with optional columns omitted.

Read coordinates from filename.


filename (str or NamedStream) – name of the mol2 file or stream

units = {'length': 'Angstrom', 'time': None}

dict with units of of time and length (and velocity, force, … for formats that support it)

class MDAnalysis.coordinates.MOL2.MOL2Writer(filename, n_atoms=None, convert_units=True)[source]

mol2 format writer

Write a file in the Tripos molecule structure format (MOL2).


MOL2Writer can only be used to write out previously loaded MOL2 files. If you’re trying to convert, for example, a PDB file to MOL you should use other tools, like rdkit.

Here is an example how to use rdkit to convert a PDB to MOL:

from rdkit import Chem
mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile("molecule.pdb", removeHs=False)
Chem.MolToMolFile(mol, "molecule.mol" )

MOL2 writer is currently not available for rdkit master. It requires SYBYL atomtype generation. See page 7 for list of SYBYL atomtypes (http://tripos.com/tripos_resources/fileroot/pdfs/mol2_format2.pdf).

Changed in version 0.11.0: Frames now 0-based instead of 1-based

Create a new MOL2Writer

  • filename (str) – name of output file

  • convert_units (bool (optional)) – units are converted to the MDAnalysis base format; [True]


Close the trajectory file.


obj (AtomGroup or Universe)

units = {'length': 'Angstrom', 'time': None}

dict with units of of time and length (and velocity, force, … for formats that support it)


  • The MDAnalysis MOL2Reader and MOL2Writer only handle the MOLECULE, SUBSTRUCTURE, ATOM, and BOND record types. Other records are not currently read or preserved on writing.

  • As the CRYSIN record type is not parsed / written, MOL2 systems always have dimensions set to None and dimensionless MOL2 files are written.

7.13.3. MOL2 format notes

  • MOL2 Format Specification: (http://www.tripos.com/data/support/mol2.pdf)

  • Example file (http://www.tripos.com/mol2/mol2_format3.html):

     #    Name: benzene
     #    Creating user name: tom
     #    Creation time: Wed Dec 28 00:18:30 1988
     #    Modifying user name: tom
     #    Modification time: Wed Dec 28 00:18:30 1988
     12 12 1  0   0
     1   C1  1.207   2.091   0.000   C.ar    1   BENZENE 0.000
     2   C2  2.414   1.394   0.000   C.ar    1   BENZENE 0.000
     3   C3  2.414   0.000   0.000   C.ar    1   BENZENE 0.000
     4   C4  1.207   -0.697  0.000   C.ar    1   BENZENE 0.000
     5   C5  0.000   0.000   0.000   C.ar    1   BENZENE 0.000
     6   C6  0.000   1.394   0.000   C.ar    1   BENZENE 0.000
     7   H1  1.207   3.175   0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     8   H2  3.353   1.936   0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     9   H3  3.353   -0.542  0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     10  H4  1.207   -1.781  0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     11  H5  -0.939  -0.542  0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     12  H6  -0.939  1.936   0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     1   1   2   ar
     2   1   6   ar
     3   2   3   ar
     4   3   4   ar
     5   4   5   ar
     6   5   6   ar
     7   1   7   1
     8   2   8   1
     9   3   9   1
     10  4   10  1
     11  5   11  1
     12  6   12  1
     1   BENZENE 1   PERM    0   ****    ****    0   ROOT