.. module:: MDAnalysis.converters .. _`Converter modules`: ************************** Converter modules ************************** .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 The :mod:`MDAnalysis.converters` module contains the Converter classes that MDAnalysis uses to convert MDAnalysis structures to and from other Python packages. If you are converting *to* MDAnalysis, you can use the normal syntax for creating a Universe from files. Typically MDAnalysis will recognise which library it is dealing with, so you will not need to pass in a ``format`` keyword. For example:: import MDAnalysis as mda from MDAnalysis import GRO import parmed as pmd pgro = pmd.load_file(GRO) # creates parmed structure ugro = mda.Universe(pgro) # you can just pass it in If you are converting *from* MDAnalysis, use the :func:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.convert_to` method. With this, you will have to specify a package name (case-insensitive). :: pgro2 = ugro.atoms.convert_to('PARMED') # converts back to parmed structure Another syntax is also available for tab-completion support:: pgro2 = ugro.atoms.convert_to.parmed() .. rubric:: Available converters .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 converters/ParmEd converters/RDKit converters/OpenMM .. rubric:: Converter functionalities .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 core/accessors Developers may find the :mod:`MDAnaylsis.converters.base` module helpful for creating new converter classes. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 converters/base