# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# MDAnalysis --- https://www.mdanalysis.org
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the Lesser GNU Public Licence, v2.1 or any higher version
# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
# doi: 10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e
# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
"""Atom selection Hierarchy --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.core.selection`
This module contains objects that represent selections. They are
constructed and then applied to the group.
In general, :meth:`Parser.parse` creates a :class:`Selection` object
from a selection string. This :class:`Selection` object is then passed
an :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup` through its
:meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.apply` method to apply the
``Selection`` to the ``AtomGroup``.
This is all invisible to the user through the
:meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.select_atoms` method of an
import collections
import re
import fnmatch
import functools
import sys
import types
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..lib.util import unique_int_1d
from ..lib import distances
from ..exceptions import SelectionError, NoDataError, SelectionWarning
#: Regular expression for recognizing a floating point number in a selection.
#: Numbers such as 1.2, 1.2e-01, -1.2 are all parsed as Python floats.
FLOAT_PATTERN = r"-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[-+]?\d+)?"
#: Regular expression for recognizing un/signed integers in a selection.
INT_PATTERN = r"-?\d+"
#: Regular expression for recognising a range separator.
#: Delimiters include ":", "-", "to" and can have arbitrary whitespace.
RANGE_PATTERN = r"\s*(?:[:-]| to )\s*"
def is_keyword(val):
"""Is val a selection keyword?
Returns False on any of the following strings:
- keys in SELECTIONDICT (tokens from Selection objects)
- keys in OPERATIONS (tokens from LogicOperations)
- (Parentheses)
- The value `None` (used as EOF in selection strings)
return (val in _SELECTIONDICT or
val in _OPERATIONS or
val in ['(', ')'] or
val is None)
def grab_not_keywords(tokens):
"""Pop tokens from the left until you hit a keyword
tokens : collections.deque
deque of strings, some tokens some not
values : list of strings
All non keywords found until a keyword was hit
This function pops the values from the deque
grab_not_keywords(['H', 'and','resname', 'MET'])
>>> ['H']
grab_not_keywords(['H', 'Ca', 'N', 'and','resname', 'MET'])
>>> ['H', 'Ca' ,'N']
grab_not_keywords(['and','resname', 'MET'])
>>> []
values = []
while not is_keyword(tokens[0]):
val = tokens.popleft()
# Insert escape characters here to use keywords as names?
return values
def join_separated_values(values):
"""Join range values that are separated by whitespace
values: list
list of value strings
values: list of strings
join_separated_values(['37', 'to', '22'])
>>> ['37 to 22']
.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
_values = []
DELIMITERS = ("to", ":", "-")
while values:
v = values.pop(0)
_values[-1] = f"{_values[-1]} {v} {values.pop(0)}"
except IndexError:
given = f"{' '.join(_values)} {v} {' '.join(values)}"
raise SelectionError(f"Invalid expression given: {given}")
elif _values and (v[:2] in ('--', 'to') or v[0] == ":" or
any(_values[-1].endswith(x) for x in DELIMITERS)):
_values[-1] = f"{_values[-1]} {v}"
return _values
# These are named args to select_atoms that have a special meaning and must
# not be allowed as names for the 'group' keyword.
# And and Or are exception and aren't strictly a Selection
# as they work on other Selections rather than doing work themselves.
# So their init is a little strange too....
class _Operationmeta(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
type.__init__(type, name, bases, classdict)
_OPERATIONS[classdict['token']] = cls
except KeyError:
class LogicOperation(object, metaclass=_Operationmeta):
def __init__(self, lsel, rsel, parser):
self.rsel = rsel
self.lsel = lsel
self.parser = parser
def apply(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._apply(*args, **kwargs).asunique(sorted=self.parser.sorted)
class AndOperation(LogicOperation):
token = 'and'
precedence = 3
def _apply(self, group):
rsel = self.rsel.apply(group)
lsel = self.lsel.apply(group)
# Mask which lsel indices appear in rsel
mask = np.isin(rsel.indices, lsel.indices)
# and mask rsel according to that
return rsel[mask]
class OrOperation(LogicOperation):
token = 'or'
precedence = 3
def _apply(self, group):
lsel = self.lsel.apply(group)
rsel = self.rsel.apply(group)
# Find unique indices from both these AtomGroups
# and slice main list using them
idx = np.union1d(lsel.indices, rsel.indices).astype(np.int32)
return group.universe.atoms[idx]
def return_empty_on_apply(func):
Decorator to return empty AtomGroups from the apply() function
without evaluating it
def _apply(self, group):
if len(group) == 0:
return group
return func(self, group)
return _apply
class _Selectionmeta(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
type.__init__(type, name, bases, classdict)
_SELECTIONDICT[classdict['token']] = cls
_SELECTIONDICT[classdict['token'].lower()] = cls
except KeyError:
class Selection(object, metaclass=_Selectionmeta):
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
self.parser = parser
def apply(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._apply(*args, **kwargs).asunique(sorted=self.parser.sorted)
class AllSelection(Selection):
token = 'all'
def _apply(self, group):
# Check whether group is identical to the one stored
# in the corresponding universe, in which case this
# is returned directly. This works since the Universe.atoms
# are unique by construction.
if group is group.universe.atoms:
return group
return group[:]
class UnarySelection(Selection):
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
self.sel = sel
class NotSelection(UnarySelection):
token = 'not'
precedence = 5
def _apply(self, group):
notsel = self.sel.apply(group)
return group[~np.isin(group.indices, notsel.indices)]
class GlobalSelection(UnarySelection):
token = 'global'
precedence = 5
def _apply(self, group):
return self.sel.apply(group.universe.atoms).unique
class ByResSelection(UnarySelection):
Selects all atoms that are in the same segment and residue as selection
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0
Use :code:`"resindices"` instead of :code:`"resids"` (see #2669 and #2672)
token = 'byres'
precedence = 1
def _apply(self, group):
res = self.sel.apply(group)
unique_res = unique_int_1d(res.resindices)
mask = np.isin(group.resindices, unique_res)
return group[mask]
class AroundSelection(Selection):
token = 'around'
precedence = 1
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.periodic = parser.periodic
self.cutoff = float(tokens.popleft())
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
def _apply(self, group):
indices = []
sel = self.sel.apply(group)
# All atoms in group that aren't in sel
sys = group[~np.isin(group.indices, sel.indices)]
if not sys or not sel:
return sys[[]]
box = group.dimensions if self.periodic else None
pairs = distances.capped_distance(sel.positions, sys.positions,
self.cutoff, box=box,
if pairs.size > 0:
indices = np.sort(pairs[:, 1])
return sys[np.asarray(indices, dtype=np.int64)]
class SphericalLayerSelection(Selection):
token = 'sphlayer'
precedence = 1
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.periodic = parser.periodic
self.inRadius = float(tokens.popleft())
self.exRadius = float(tokens.popleft())
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
def _apply(self, group):
indices = []
sel = self.sel.apply(group)
if len(sel) == 0:
return group[[]]
box = group.dimensions if self.periodic else None
ref = sel.center_of_geometry().reshape(1, 3).astype(np.float32)
pairs = distances.capped_distance(ref, group.positions, self.exRadius,
if pairs.size > 0:
indices = np.sort(pairs[:, 1])
return group[np.asarray(indices, dtype=np.int64)]
class IsoLayerSelection(Selection):
token = 'isolayer'
precedence = 1
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.periodic = parser.periodic
self.inRadius = float(tokens.popleft())
self.exRadius = float(tokens.popleft())
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
def _apply(self, group):
indices = []
sel = self.sel.apply(group)
# All atoms in group that aren't in sel
sys = group[~np.isin(group.indices, sel.indices)]
if not sys or not sel:
return sys[[]]
box = group.dimensions if self.periodic else None
pairs_outer = distances.capped_distance(sel.positions, sys.positions,
self.exRadius, box=box,
pairs_inner = distances.capped_distance(sel.positions, sys.positions,
self.inRadius, box=box,
if pairs_outer.size > 0:
sys_ind_outer = np.sort(np.unique(pairs_outer[:,1]))
if pairs_inner.size > 0:
sys_ind_inner = np.sort(np.unique(pairs_inner[:,1]))
indices = sys_ind_outer[~np.isin(sys_ind_outer, sys_ind_inner)]
indices = sys_ind_outer
return sys[np.asarray(indices, dtype=np.int64)]
class SphericalZoneSelection(Selection):
token = 'sphzone'
precedence = 1
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.periodic = parser.periodic
self.cutoff = float(tokens.popleft())
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
def _apply(self, group):
indices = []
sel = self.sel.apply(group)
if len(sel) == 0:
return group[[]]
box = group.dimensions if self.periodic else None
ref = sel.center_of_geometry().reshape(1, 3).astype(np.float32)
pairs = distances.capped_distance(ref, group.positions, self.cutoff,
if pairs.size > 0:
indices = np.sort(pairs[:, 1])
return group[np.asarray(indices, dtype=np.int64)]
class CylindricalSelection(Selection):
def _apply(self, group):
sel = self.sel.apply(group)
if len(sel) == 0:
return group[[]]
# Calculate vectors between point of interest and our group
vecs = group.positions - sel.center_of_geometry()
if self.periodic and not group.dimensions is None:
box = group.dimensions[:3]
cyl_z_hheight = self.zmax - self.zmin
if 2 * self.exRadius > box[0]:
raise NotImplementedError(
"The diameter of the cylinder selection ({:.3f}) is larger "
"than the unit cell's x dimension ({:.3f}). Can only do "
"selections where it is smaller or equal."
"".format(2*self.exRadius, box[0]))
if 2 * self.exRadius > box[1]:
raise NotImplementedError(
"The diameter of the cylinder selection ({:.3f}) is larger "
"than the unit cell's y dimension ({:.3f}). Can only do "
"selections where it is smaller or equal."
"".format(2*self.exRadius, box[1]))
if cyl_z_hheight > box[2]:
raise NotImplementedError(
"The total length of the cylinder selection in z ({:.3f}) "
"is larger than the unit cell's z dimension ({:.3f}). Can "
"only do selections where it is smaller or equal."
"".format(cyl_z_hheight, box[2]))
if np.all(group.dimensions[3:] == 90.):
# Orthogonal version
vecs -= box[:3] * np.rint(vecs / box[:3])
# Triclinic version
tribox = group.universe.trajectory.ts.triclinic_dimensions
vecs -= tribox[2] * np.rint(vecs[:, 2] / tribox[2][2])[:, None]
vecs -= tribox[1] * np.rint(vecs[:, 1] / tribox[1][1])[:, None]
vecs -= tribox[0] * np.rint(vecs[:, 0] / tribox[0][0])[:, None]
# First deal with Z dimension criteria
mask = (vecs[:, 2] > self.zmin) & (vecs[:, 2] < self.zmax)
# Mask out based on height to reduce number of radii comparisons
vecs = vecs[mask]
group = group[mask]
# Radial vectors from sel to each in group
radii = vecs[:, 0]**2 + vecs[:, 1]**2
mask = radii < self.exRadius**2
mask &= radii > self.inRadius**2
except AttributeError:
# Only for cylayer, cyzone doesn't have inRadius
return group[mask]
class CylindricalZoneSelection(CylindricalSelection):
token = 'cyzone'
precedence = 1
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.periodic = parser.periodic
self.exRadius = float(tokens.popleft())
self.zmax = float(tokens.popleft())
self.zmin = float(tokens.popleft())
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
class CylindricalLayerSelection(CylindricalSelection):
token = 'cylayer'
precedence = 1
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.periodic = parser.periodic
self.inRadius = float(tokens.popleft())
self.exRadius = float(tokens.popleft())
self.zmax = float(tokens.popleft())
self.zmin = float(tokens.popleft())
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
class PointSelection(Selection):
token = 'point'
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.periodic = parser.periodic
x = float(tokens.popleft())
y = float(tokens.popleft())
z = float(tokens.popleft())
self.ref = np.array([x, y, z], dtype=np.float32)
self.cutoff = float(tokens.popleft())
def _apply(self, group):
indices = []
box = group.dimensions if self.periodic else None
pairs = distances.capped_distance(self.ref[None, :], group.positions, self.cutoff,
if pairs.size > 0:
indices = np.sort(pairs[:, 1])
return group[np.asarray(indices, dtype=np.int64)]
class AtomSelection(Selection):
token = 'atom'
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.segid = tokens.popleft()
self.resid = int(tokens.popleft())
self.name = tokens.popleft()
def _apply(self, group):
sub = group[group.names == self.name]
if sub:
sub = sub[sub.resids == self.resid]
if sub:
sub = sub[sub.segids == self.segid]
return sub.unique
class BondedSelection(Selection):
token = 'bonded'
precedence = 1
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
def _apply(self, group):
grp = self.sel.apply(group)
# Check if we have bonds
if not group.bonds:
warnings.warn("Bonded selection has 0 bonds")
return group[[]]
grpidx = grp.indices
# (n, 2) array of bond indices
bix = np.array(group.bonds.to_indices())
idx = []
# left side
idx.append(bix[:, 0][np.isin(bix[:, 1], grpidx)])
# right side
idx.append(bix[:, 1][np.isin(bix[:, 0], grpidx)])
idx = np.union1d(*idx)
return group.universe.atoms[np.unique(idx)]
class SelgroupSelection(Selection):
token = 'group'
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
grpname = tokens.popleft()
if grpname in _RESERVED_KWARGS:
raise TypeError("The '{}' keyword is reserved and cannot be "
"used as a selection group name."
self.grp = parser.selgroups[grpname]
except KeyError:
errmsg = f"Failed to find group: {grpname}"
raise ValueError(errmsg) from None
def _apply(self, group):
mask = np.isin(group.indices, self.grp.indices)
return group[mask]
class SingleCharSelection(Selection):
"""for when an attribute is just a single character, eg RSChirality
.. versionadded:: 2.1.0
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
vals = grab_not_keywords(tokens)
if not vals:
raise ValueError("Unexpected token '{0}'".format(tokens[0]))
self.values = vals
def _apply(self, group):
attr = getattr(group, self.field)
mask = np.isin(attr, self.values)
return group[mask]
class _ProtoStringSelection(Selection):
"""Selections based on text attributes
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0
Supports multiple wildcards, based on fnmatch
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
vals = grab_not_keywords(tokens)
if not vals:
raise ValueError("Unexpected token '{0}'".format(tokens[0]))
self.values = vals
def _apply(self, group):
# rather than work on group.names, cheat and look at the lookup table
nmattr = getattr(group.universe._topology, self.field)
matches = [] # list of passing indices
# iterate through set of known atom names, check which pass
for nm, ix in nmattr.namedict.items():
if any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(nm, val) for val in self.values):
# atomname indices for members of this group
nmidx = nmattr.nmidx[getattr(group, self.level)]
return group[np.isin(nmidx, matches)]
class AromaticSelection(Selection):
"""Select aromatic atoms.
Aromaticity is available in the `aromaticities` attribute and is made
available through RDKit"""
token = 'aromatic'
field = 'aromaticities'
def _apply(self, group):
return group[group.aromaticities]
class SmartsSelection(Selection):
"""Select atoms based on SMARTS queries.
Uses RDKit to run the query and converts the result to MDAnalysis.
Supports chirality.
.. versionchanged:: 2.2.0
``rdkit_wargs`` and ``smarts_kwargs`` can now be passed to control
the behaviour of the RDKit converter and RDKit's ``GetSubstructMatches``
The default ``maxMatches`` value passed to ``GetSubstructMatches`` has
been changed from ``1000`` to ``max(1000, n_atoms * 10)`` in order to
limit cases where too few matches were generated. A warning is now also
thrown if ``maxMatches`` has been reached.
token = 'smarts'
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
# The parser will add spaces around parentheses and then split the
# selection based on spaces to create the tokens
# If the input SMARTS query contained parentheses, the query will be
# split because of that and we need to reconstruct it
# We also need to keep the parentheses that are not part of the smarts
# query intact
pattern = []
counter = {"(": 0, ")": 0}
# loop until keyword but ignore parentheses as a keyword
while tokens[0] in ["(", ")"] or not is_keyword(tokens[0]):
# keep track of the number of open and closed parentheses
if tokens[0] in ["(", ")"]:
counter[tokens[0]] += 1
# if the char is a closing ")" but there's no corresponding
# open "(" then we've reached then end of the smarts query and
# the current token ")" is part of a grouping parenthesis
if tokens[0] == ")" and counter["("] < (counter[")"]):
# add the token to the pattern and remove it from the tokens
val = tokens.popleft()
self.pattern = "".join(pattern)
self.rdkit_kwargs = parser.rdkit_kwargs
self.smarts_kwargs = parser.smarts_kwargs
def _apply(self, group):
from rdkit import Chem
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("RDKit is required for SMARTS-based atom "
"selection but it's not installed. Try "
"installing it with \n"
"conda install -c conda-forge rdkit")
pattern = Chem.MolFromSmarts(self.pattern)
if not pattern:
raise ValueError(f"{self.pattern!r} is not a valid SMARTS query")
mol = group.convert_to("RDKIT", **self.rdkit_kwargs)
self.smarts_kwargs.setdefault("useChirality", True)
self.smarts_kwargs.setdefault("maxMatches", max(1000, len(group) * 10))
matches = mol.GetSubstructMatches(pattern, **self.smarts_kwargs)
if len(matches) == self.smarts_kwargs["maxMatches"]:
warnings.warn("Your smarts-based atom selection returned the max"
"number of matches. This indicates that not all"
"matching atoms were selected. When calling"
"atom_group.select_atoms(), the default value"
"of maxMatches is max(100, len(atom_group * 10)). "
"To fix this, add the following argument to "
"select_atoms: \n"
"smarts_kwargs={maxMatches: <higher_value>}")
# flatten all matches and remove duplicated indices
indices = np.unique([idx for match in matches for idx in match])
# create boolean mask for atoms based on index
mask = np.isin(range(group.n_atoms), indices)
return group[mask]
class ResidSelection(Selection):
"""Select atoms based on numerical fields
Allows the use of ':', '-' and 'to' to specify a range of values
For example
resid 1:10
token = 'resid'
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
values = grab_not_keywords(tokens)
if not values:
raise ValueError("Unexpected token: '{0}'".format(tokens[0]))
values = join_separated_values(values)
# each value in uppers and lowers is a tuple of (resid, icode)
uppers = []
lowers = []
for val in values:
m1 = re.match(f"({INT_PATTERN})" + r"(\w?)$", val)
if not m1 is None:
res = m1.groups()
lower = int(res[0]), res[1]
upper = None, None
# check if in appropriate format 'lower:upper' or 'lower-upper'
# each val is one or more digits, maybe a letter
pattern = f"({INT_PATTERN})(\\w?){RANGE_PATTERN}"
pattern += f"({INT_PATTERN})(\\w?)"
selrange = re.match(pattern, val)
if selrange is None: # re.match returns None on failure
raise ValueError("Failed to parse value: {0}".format(val))
res = selrange.groups()
# resid and icode
lower = int(res[0]), res[1]
upper = int(res[2]), res[3]
self.lowers = lowers
self.uppers = uppers
def _apply(self, group):
# Grab arrays here to reduce number of calls to main topology
vals = group.resids
try: # optional attribute
icodes = group.icodes
except (AttributeError, NoDataError):
icodes = None
# if no icodes and icodes are part of selection, cause a fuss
if (any(v[1] for v in self.uppers) or
any(v[1] for v in self.lowers)):
errmsg = ("Selection specified icodes, while the topology "
"doesn't have any.")
raise ValueError(errmsg) from None
if not icodes is None:
mask = self._sel_with_icodes(vals, icodes)
mask = self._sel_without_icodes(vals)
return group[mask]
def _sel_without_icodes(self, vals):
# Final mask that gets applied to group
mask = np.zeros(len(vals), dtype=bool)
for (u_resid, _), (l_resid, _) in zip(self.uppers, self.lowers):
if u_resid is not None: # range selection
thismask = vals >= l_resid
thismask &= vals <= u_resid
else: # single residue selection
thismask = vals == l_resid
mask |= thismask
return mask
def _sel_with_icodes(self, vals, icodes):
# Final mask that gets applied to group
mask = np.zeros(len(vals), dtype=bool)
for (u_resid, u_icode), (l_resid, l_icode) in zip(self.uppers, self.lowers):
if u_resid is not None: # Selecting a range
# Special case, if l_resid == u_resid, ie 163A-163C, this simplifies to:
# all 163, and A <= icode <= C
if l_resid == u_resid:
thismask = vals == l_resid
thismask &= icodes >= l_icode
thismask &= icodes <= u_icode
# For 163A to 166B we want:
# [START] all 163 and icode >= 'A'
# [MIDDLE] all of 164 and 165, any icode
# [END] 166 and icode <= 'B'
# start of range
startmask = vals == l_resid
startmask &= icodes >= l_icode
thismask = startmask
# middle of range
mid = np.arange(l_resid + 1, u_resid)
if len(mid): # if there are any resids in the middle
mid_beg, mid_end = mid[0], mid[-1]
midmask = vals >= mid_beg
midmask &= vals <= mid_end
thismask |= midmask
# end of range
endmask = vals == u_resid
endmask &= icodes <= u_icode
thismask |= endmask
else: # Selecting a single residue
thismask = vals == l_resid
thismask &= icodes == l_icode
mask |= thismask
return mask
class BoolSelection(Selection):
"""Selection for boolean values"""
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
values = grab_not_keywords(tokens)
if not values:
values = ["true"]
self.values = []
for val in values:
lower = val.lower()
if lower == "false":
bval = False
elif lower == "true":
bval = True
raise ValueError(f"'{val}' is an invalid value "
"for boolean selection. "
"Use 'True' or 'False'")
def _apply(self, group):
vals = getattr(group, self.field)
mask = np.zeros(len(vals), dtype=bool)
for val in self.values:
mask |= vals == val
return group[mask]
class RangeSelection(Selection):
"""Range selection for int values"""
value_offset = 0
dtype = int
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
self.rtol = parser.rtol
self.atol = parser.atol
values = grab_not_keywords(tokens)
if not values:
raise ValueError("Unexpected token: '{0}'".format(tokens[0]))
values = join_separated_values(values)
uppers = [] # upper limit on any range
lowers = [] # lower limit on any range
for val in values:
lower = self.dtype(val)
upper = None
except ValueError:
# check if in appropriate format 'lower:upper' or 'lower-upper'
selrange = re.match(self.pattern, val)
if not selrange:
errmsg = f"Failed to parse number: {val}"
raise ValueError(errmsg) from None
lower, upper = map(self.dtype, selrange.groups())
self.lowers = lowers
self.uppers = uppers
def _apply(self, group):
mask = np.zeros(len(group), dtype=bool)
vals = getattr(group, self.field) + self.value_offset
for upper, lower in zip(self.uppers, self.lowers):
if upper is not None:
thismask = vals >= lower
thismask &= vals <= upper
thismask = vals == lower
mask |= thismask
return group[mask]
class FloatRangeSelection(RangeSelection):
"""Range selection for float values"""
dtype = float
def _apply(self, group):
mask = np.zeros(len(group), dtype=bool)
vals = getattr(group, self.field) + self.value_offset
for upper, lower in zip(self.uppers, self.lowers):
if upper is not None:
thismask = vals >= lower
thismask &= vals <= upper
low, high = lower - 1, lower + 1
fp = "https://docs.python.org/3.8/tutorial/floatingpoint.html"
msg = ("Using float equality to select atoms is "
"not recommended because of inherent "
"limitations in representing numbers on "
f"computers (see {fp} for more). "
"Instead, we recommend using a range "
f"to select, e.g. '{self.token} {low} to {high}'. "
"If you still want to compare floats, use the "
"`atol` and `rtol` keywords to modify the tolerance "
"for `np.isclose`.")
warnings.warn(msg, category=SelectionWarning)
thismask = np.isclose(vals, lower, atol=self.atol,
mask |= thismask
return group[mask]
class ByNumSelection(RangeSelection):
token = 'bynum'
field = 'indices'
value_offset = 1 # queries are in 1 based indices
class ProteinSelection(Selection):
"""Consists of all residues with recognized residue names.
Recognized residue names in :attr:`ProteinSelection.prot_res`.
* from the CHARMM force field::
awk '/RESI/ {printf "'"'"%s"'"',",$2 }' top_all27_prot_lipid.rtf
* manually added special CHARMM, OPLS/AA and Amber residue names.
See Also
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.1
prot_res changed to set (from numpy array)
performance improved by ~100x on larger systems
token = 'protein'
prot_res = {
# CHARMM top_all27_prot_lipid.rtf
'ALA', 'ARG', 'ASN', 'ASP', 'CYS', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'GLY', 'HSD',
'HSE', 'HSP', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'LYS', 'MET', 'PHE', 'PRO', 'SER', 'THR',
'TRP', 'TYR', 'VAL', 'ALAD',
## 'CHO','EAM', # -- special formyl and ethanolamine termini of gramicidin
'HIS', 'MSE',
# from Gromacs 4.5.3 oplsaa.ff/aminoacids.rtp
'ARGN', 'ASPH', 'CYS2', 'CYSH', 'QLN', 'PGLU', 'GLUH', 'HIS1', 'HISD',
# from Gromacs 4.5.3 gromos53a6.ff/aminoacids.rtp
'ASN1', 'CYS1', 'HISA', 'HISB', 'HIS2',
# from Gromacs 4.5.3 amber03.ff/aminoacids.rtp
'HID', 'HIE', 'HIP', 'ORN', 'DAB', 'LYN', 'HYP', 'CYM', 'CYX', 'ASH',
'GLH', 'ACE', 'NME',
# from Gromacs 2016.3 amber99sb-star-ildn.ff/aminoacids.rtp
'CCYX', 'CMET', 'CME', 'ASF',
def _apply(self, group):
resname_attr = group.universe._topology.resnames
# which values in resname attr are in prot_res?
matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in resname_attr.namedict.items()
if nm in self.prot_res]
# index of each atom's resname
nmidx = resname_attr.nmidx[group.resindices]
# intersect atom's resname index and matches to prot_res
return group[np.isin(nmidx, matches)]
class NucleicSelection(Selection):
"""All atoms in nucleic acid residues with recognized residue names.
Recognized residue names:
* from the CHARMM force field ::
awk '/RESI/ {printf "'"'"%s"'"',",$2 }' top_all27_prot_na.rtf
* recognized: 'ADE', 'URA', 'CYT', 'GUA', 'THY'
* recognized (CHARMM in Gromacs): 'DA', 'DU', 'DC', 'DG', 'DT'
.. versionchanged:: 0.8
additional Gromacs selections
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.1
nucl_res changed to set (from numpy array)
performance improved by ~100x on larger systems
token = 'nucleic'
nucl_res = {
'ADE', 'URA', 'CYT', 'GUA', 'THY', 'DA', 'DC', 'DG', 'DT', 'RA',
'RU', 'RG', 'RC', 'A', 'T', 'U', 'C', 'G',
'DA5', 'DC5', 'DG5', 'DT5',
'DA3', 'DC3', 'DG3', 'DT3',
'RA5', 'RU5', 'RG5', 'RC5',
'RA3', 'RU3', 'RG3', 'RC3'
def _apply(self, group):
resnames = group.universe._topology.resnames
nmidx = resnames.nmidx[group.resindices]
matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in resnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.nucl_res]
mask = np.isin(nmidx, matches)
return group[mask]
class WaterSelection(Selection):
"""All atoms in water residues with recognized water residue names.
Recognized residue names:
* recognized 3 Letter resnames: 'H2O', 'HOH', 'OH2', 'HHO', 'OHH'
'TIP', 'T3P', 'T4P', 'T5P', 'SOL', 'WAT'
* recognized 4 Letter resnames: 'TIP2', 'TIP3', 'TIP4'
.. versionadded:: 2.9.0
token = "water"
# Recognized water resnames
water_res = {
def _apply(self, group):
resnames = group.universe._topology.resnames
nmidx = resnames.nmidx[group.resindices]
matches = [
for (nm, ix) in resnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.water_res
mask = np.isin(nmidx, matches)
return group[mask]
class BackboneSelection(ProteinSelection):
"""A BackboneSelection contains all atoms with name 'N', 'CA', 'C', 'O'.
This excludes OT* on C-termini
(which are included by, eg VMD's backbone selection).
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.1
bb_atoms changed to set (from numpy array)
performance improved by ~100x on larger systems
token = 'backbone'
bb_atoms = {'N', 'CA', 'C', 'O'}
def _apply(self, group):
atomnames = group.universe._topology.names
resnames = group.universe._topology.resnames
# filter by atom names
name_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in atomnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.bb_atoms]
nmidx = atomnames.nmidx[group.ix]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, name_matches)]
# filter by resnames
resname_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in resnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.prot_res]
nmidx = resnames.nmidx[group.resindices]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, resname_matches)]
return group.unique
class NucleicBackboneSelection(NucleicSelection):
"""Contains all atoms with name "P", "C5'", C3'", "O3'", "O5'".
These atoms are only recognized if they are in a residue matched
by the :class:`NucleicSelection`.
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.1
bb_atoms changed to set (from numpy array)
performance improved by ~100x on larger systems
token = 'nucleicbackbone'
bb_atoms = {"P", "C5'", "C3'", "O3'", "O5'"}
def _apply(self, group):
atomnames = group.universe._topology.names
resnames = group.universe._topology.resnames
# filter by atom names
name_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in atomnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.bb_atoms]
nmidx = atomnames.nmidx[group.ix]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, name_matches)]
# filter by resnames
resname_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in resnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.nucl_res]
nmidx = resnames.nmidx[group.resindices]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, resname_matches)]
return group.unique
class BaseSelection(NucleicSelection):
"""Selection of atoms in nucleobases.
Recognized atom names (from CHARMM):
'N9', 'N7', 'C8', 'C5', 'C4', 'N3', 'C2', 'N1', 'C6',
'O6','N2','N6', 'O2','N4','O4','C5M'
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.1
base_atoms changed to set (from numpy array)
performance improved by ~100x on larger systems
token = 'nucleicbase'
base_atoms = {
'N9', 'N7', 'C8', 'C5', 'C4', 'N3', 'C2', 'N1', 'C6',
'O6', 'N2', 'N6',
'O2', 'N4', 'O4', 'C5M'}
def _apply(self, group):
atomnames = group.universe._topology.names
resnames = group.universe._topology.resnames
# filter by atom names
name_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in atomnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.base_atoms]
nmidx = atomnames.nmidx[group.ix]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, name_matches)]
# filter by resnames
resname_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in resnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.nucl_res]
nmidx = resnames.nmidx[group.resindices]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, resname_matches)]
return group.unique
class NucleicSugarSelection(NucleicSelection):
"""Contains all atoms with name C1', C2', C3', C4', O2', O4', O3'.
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.1
sug_atoms changed to set (from numpy array)
performance improved by ~100x on larger systems
token = 'nucleicsugar'
sug_atoms = {"C1'", "C2'", "C3'", "C4'", "O4'"}
def _apply(self, group):
atomnames = group.universe._topology.names
resnames = group.universe._topology.resnames
# filter by atom names
name_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in atomnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.sug_atoms]
nmidx = atomnames.nmidx[group.ix]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, name_matches)]
# filter by resnames
resname_matches = [ix for (nm, ix) in resnames.namedict.items()
if nm in self.nucl_res]
nmidx = resnames.nmidx[group.resindices]
group = group[np.isin(nmidx, resname_matches)]
return group.unique
class PropertySelection(Selection):
"""Some of the possible properties:
x, y, z, radius, mass,
.. versionchanged:: 2.0.0
changed == operator to use np.isclose instead of np.equals.
Added ``atol`` and ``rtol`` keywords to control ``np.isclose``
token = 'prop'
ops = dict([
('>', np.greater),
('<', np.less),
('>=', np.greater_equal),
('<=', np.less_equal),
('==', np.isclose),
('!=', np.not_equal),
# order here is important, need to check <= before < so the
# larger (in terms of string length) symbol is considered first
_op_symbols = ('<=', '>=', '==', '!=', '<', '>')
# symbols to replace with when flipping
# eg 6 > x -> x <= 6, 5 == x -> x == 5
opposite_ops = {
'==': '==', '!=': '!=',
'<': '>=', '>=': '<',
'>': '<=', '<=': '>',
props = {"x": "positions",
"y": "positions",
"z": "positions"}
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
Possible splitting around operator:
prop x < 5
prop x< 5
prop x <5
prop x<5
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
prop = tokens.popleft()
oper = None
value = None
if prop == "abs":
self.absolute = True
prop = tokens.popleft()
self.absolute = False
# check if prop has any extra information atm
for possible in self._op_symbols:
x, y = prop.split(possible)
except ValueError:
# won't unpack into 2 args unless *possible* is present
prop = x
oper = possible + y # add back after splitting
if oper is None:
oper = tokens.popleft()
# check if oper has the value appended
for possible in self._op_symbols:
if possible in oper:
x, y = oper.split(possible)
if y: # '<='.split('<=') == ['', ''], therefore y won't exist
oper = possible
value = y
if value is None:
value = tokens.popleft()
# check if we flip prop and value
# eg 5 > x -> x <= 5
if value in self.props:
prop, value = value, prop
oper = self.opposite_ops[oper]
self.prop = prop
self.operator = self.ops[oper]
except KeyError:
errmsg = (f"Invalid operator : '{oper}' Use one of : "
raise ValueError(errmsg) from None
if oper == "==":
self.operator = functools.partial(self.operator,
self.value = float(value)
def _apply(self, group):
values = getattr(group, self.props[self.prop])
except KeyError:
errmsg = f"Expected one of {list(self.props.keys())}"
raise SelectionError(errmsg) from None
except NoDataError:
attr = self.props[self.prop]
errmsg = f"This Universe does not contain {attr} information"
raise SelectionError(errmsg) from None
col = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}[self.prop]
except KeyError:
values = values[:, col]
if self.absolute:
values = np.abs(values)
mask = self.operator(values, self.value)
return group[mask]
class SameSelection(Selection):
Selects all atoms that have the same subkeyword value as any atom in selection
.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0
Map :code:`"residue"` to :code:`"resindices"` and :code:`"segment"` to
:code:`"segindices"` (see #2669 and #2672)
token = 'same'
precedence = 1
prop_trans = {
'fragment': None,
'x': None,
'y': None,
'z': None,
'residue': 'resindices',
'segment': 'segindices',
'name': 'names',
'type': 'types',
'resname': 'resnames',
'resid': 'resids',
'segid': 'segids',
'mass': 'masses',
'charge': 'charges',
'radius': 'radii',
'bfactor': 'bfactors',
'resnum': 'resnums',
def __init__(self, parser, tokens):
super().__init__(parser, tokens)
prop = tokens.popleft()
if prop not in self.prop_trans:
raise ValueError("Unknown same property : {0}"
"Choose one of : {1}"
"".format(prop, self.prop_trans.keys()))
self.prop = prop
self.sel = parser.parse_expression(self.precedence)
self.prop = prop
def _apply(self, group):
res = self.sel.apply(group)
if not res:
return group[[]] # empty selection
# Fragment must come before self.prop_trans lookups!
if self.prop == 'fragment':
# Combine all fragments together, then check where group
# indices are same as fragment(s) indices
allfrags = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, res.fragments)
mask = np.isin(group.indices, allfrags.indices)
return group[mask]
# [xyz] must come before self.prop_trans lookups too!
pos_idx = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}[self.prop]
except KeyError:
# The self.prop string was already checked,
# so don't need error checking here.
# KeyError at this point is impossible!
attrname = self.prop_trans[self.prop]
vals = getattr(res, attrname)
mask = np.isin(getattr(group, attrname), vals)
return group[mask]
vals = res.positions[:, pos_idx]
pos = group.positions[:, pos_idx]
# isclose only does one value at a time
mask = np.vstack([np.isclose(pos, v)
for v in vals]).any(axis=0)
return group[mask]
class SelectionParser(object):
"""A small parser for selection expressions. Demonstration of
recursive descent parsing using Precedence climbing (see
http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/exp_parsing.htm). Transforms
expressions into nested Selection tree.
For reference, the grammar that we parse is ::
E(xpression)--> Exp(0)
Exp(p) --> P {B Exp(q)}
P --> U Exp(q) | "(" E ")" | v
B(inary) --> "and" | "or"
U(nary) --> "not"
T(erms) --> segid [value]
| resname [value]
| resid [value]
| name [value]
| type [value]
# Borg pattern: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66531
_shared_state = {}
def __new__(cls, *p, **k):
self = object.__new__(cls, *p, **k)
self.__dict__ = cls._shared_state
return self
def expect(self, token):
"""Anticipate and remove a given token"""
if self.tokens[0] == token:
raise SelectionError(
"Unexpected token: '{0}' Expected: '{1}'"
"".format(self.tokens[0], token))
def parse(self, selectstr, selgroups, periodic=None, atol=1e-08,
rtol=1e-05, sorted=True, rdkit_kwargs=None, smarts_kwargs=None):
"""Create a Selection object from a string.
selectstr : str
The string that describes the selection
selgroups : AtomGroups
AtomGroups to be used in `group` selections
periodic : bool, optional
for distance based selections, whether to consider
periodic boundary conditions
atol : float, optional
The absolute tolerance parameter for float comparisons.
Passed to :func:`numpy.isclose`.
rtol : float, optional
The relative tolerance parameter for float comparisons.
Passed to :func:`numpy.isclose`.
sorted : bool, optional
Whether to sorted the output AtomGroup.
rdkit_kwargs : dict, optional
Arguments passed to the RDKitConverter when using selection based
on SMARTS queries
smarts_kwargs : dict, optional
Arguments passed internally to RDKit's `GetSubstructMatches
The appropriate Selection object. Use the .apply method on
this to perform the selection.
If anything goes wrong in creating the Selection object.
.. versionchanged:: 2.0.0
Added `atol` and `rtol` keywords to select float values. Added
`rdkit_kwargs` to pass arguments to the RDKitConverter
.. versionchanged:: 2.2.0
Added ``smarts_kwargs`` argument, allowing users to pass a
a dictionary of arguments to RDKit's ``GetSubstructMatches``.
self.periodic = periodic
self.atol = atol
self.rtol = rtol
self.sorted = sorted
self.rdkit_kwargs = rdkit_kwargs or {}
self.smarts_kwargs = smarts_kwargs or {}
self.selectstr = selectstr
self.selgroups = selgroups
tokens = selectstr.replace('(', ' ( ').replace(')', ' ) ')
self.tokens = collections.deque(tokens.split() + [None])
parsetree = self.parse_expression(0)
if self.tokens[0] is not None:
raise SelectionError(
"Unexpected token at end of selection string: '{0}'"
return parsetree
def parse_expression(self, p):
exp1 = self._parse_subexp()
while (self.tokens[0] in _OPERATIONS and
_OPERATIONS[self.tokens[0]].precedence >= p):
op = _OPERATIONS[self.tokens.popleft()]
q = 1 + op.precedence
exp2 = self.parse_expression(q)
exp1 = op(exp1, exp2, self)
return exp1
def _parse_subexp(self):
op = self.tokens.popleft()
if op == '(':
exp = self.parse_expression(0)
return exp
return _SELECTIONDICT[op](self, self.tokens)
except KeyError:
errmsg = f"Unknown selection token: '{op}'"
raise SelectionError(errmsg) from None
except ValueError as e:
errmsg = f"Selection failed: '{e}'"
raise SelectionError(errmsg) from None
# The module level instance
Parser = SelectionParser()
# create a module container to avoid name clashes of autogenerated classes
_selectors = types.ModuleType(f"{__name__}._selectors",
doc="Automatically generated selectors")
# stick it in sys.modules so pickle can find it
sys.modules[_selectors.__name__] = _selectors
def gen_selection_class(singular, attrname, dtype, per_object):
"""Selection class factory for arbitrary TopologyAttrs.
Normally this should not be used except within the codebase
or by developers; it is called by the metaclass
:class:`MDAnalysis.core.topologyattrs._TopologyAttrMeta` to
auto-generate suitable selection classes by creating a token
with the topology attribute (singular) name. The function
uses the provided ``dtype`` to choose which Selection class
to subclass:
* :class:`BoolSelection` for booleans
* :class:`RangeSelection` for integers
* :class:`FloatRangeSelection` for floats
* :class:`_ProtoStringSelection` for strings
Other value types are not yet supported and will raise a
ValueError. The classes are created in the :mod:`_selectors`
module to avoid namespace clashes.
singular: str
singular name of TopologyAttr
attrname: str
attribute name of TopologyAttr
dtype: type
type of TopologyAttr
per_object: str
level of TopologyAttr
selection: subclass of Selection
If ``dtype`` is not one of the supported types
The function creates a class inside ``_selectors`` and returns it.
Normally it should not need to be manually called, as it is created
for each TopologyAttr::
>>> gen_selection_class("resname", "resnames", object, "residue")
<class 'MDAnalysis.core.selection._selectors.ResnameSelection'>
Simply generating this selector is sufficient for the keyword to be
accessible by :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.select_atoms`,
as that is automatically handled by
See also
.. versionadded:: 2.0.0
basedct = {"token": singular, "field": attrname,
# manually make modules the _selectors wrapper
"__module__": _selectors.__name__}
name = f"{singular.capitalize()}Selection"
if dtype == 'U1': # order is important here, U1 will trip up issubclass
basecls = SingleCharSelection
elif issubclass(dtype, bool):
basecls = BoolSelection
elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
basecls = RangeSelection
elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
basecls = FloatRangeSelection
elif issubclass(dtype, str) or dtype == object:
basecls = _ProtoStringSelection
if per_object == "segment":
basedct["level"] = "segindices"
elif per_object == "residue":
basedct["level"] = "resindices"
basedct["level"] = "ix"
raise ValueError(f"No base class defined for dtype {dtype}. "
"Define a Selection class manually by "
"subclassing core.selection.Selection")
cls = type(name, (basecls,), basedct)
setattr(_selectors, name, cls) # stick it in _selectors
return cls