# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# MDAnalysis --- https://www.mdanalysis.org
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
# doi: 10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e
# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
# TPR parser and tpr support module
# Copyright (c) 2011 Zhuyi Xue
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2
Utilities for the TPRParser
Function calling order::
(TPRParser.py call do_mtop)
do_mtop -> do_symtab
-> do_ffparams -> do_iparams
-> do_moltype -> do_atoms -> do_atom
-> do_resinfo
-> do_ilists
-> do_block
-> do_blocka
-> do_molblock
Then compose the stuffs in the format :class:`MDAnalysis.Universe` reads in.
The module also contains the :func:`do_inputrec` to read the TPR header with.
import numpy as np
import xdrlib
import struct
from . import obj
from . import setting
from ..base import squash_by
from ...core.topology import Topology
from ...core.topologyattrs import (
[docs]class TPXUnpacker(xdrlib.Unpacker):
Extend the standard XDR unpacker for the specificity of TPX files.
def __init__(self, data):
self._buf = self.get_buffer()
# The parent class uses a dunder attribute to store the
# cursor position. This property makes it easier to manipulate
# this attribute that is otherwise "protected".
def _pos(self):
return self.get_position()
def _pos(self, value):
def _unpack_value(self, item_size, struct_template):
start_position = self._pos
end_position = self._pos = start_position + item_size
content = self._buf[start_position:end_position]
if len(content) != item_size:
raise EOFError
return struct.unpack(struct_template, content)[0]
[docs] def unpack_int64(self):
return self._unpack_value(8, '>q')
[docs] def unpack_uint64(self):
return self._unpack_value(8, '>Q')
[docs] def unpack_ushort(self):
return self.unpack_uint()
[docs] def unpack_uchar(self):
# TPX files prior to gromacs 2020 (tpx version < 119) use unsigned ints
# (4 bytes) instead of unsigned chars.
return self._unpack_value(4, '>I')
[docs] def do_string(self):
Emulate gmx_fio_do_string
gmx_fio_do_string reads a string from a XDR file. On the contrary to the
python unpack_string, gmx_fio_do_string reads the size as an unsigned
integer before reading the actual string.
See <gromacs-2016-src>/src/gromacs/fileio/gmx_system_xdr.c:454
return self.unpack_string()
[docs]class TPXUnpacker2020(TPXUnpacker):
Unpacker for TPX files from and later than gromacs 2020.
A new implementation of the serializer (InMemorySerializer), introduced in
gromacs 2020, changes le meaning of some types in the file body (the header
keep using the previous implementation of the serializer).
[docs] @classmethod
def from_unpacker(cls, unpacker):
new_unpacker = cls(unpacker.get_buffer())
new_unpacker._pos = unpacker.get_position()
if hasattr(unpacker, 'unpack_real'):
if unpacker.unpack_real == unpacker.unpack_float:
new_unpacker.unpack_real = new_unpacker.unpack_float
elif unpacker.unpack_real == unpacker.unpack_double:
new_unpacker.unpack_real = new_unpacker.unpack_double
raise ValueError("Unrecognized precision")
return new_unpacker
[docs] def unpack_fstring(self, n):
if n < 0:
raise ValueError('Size of fstring cannot be negative.')
start_position = self._pos
end_position = self._pos = start_position + n
if end_position > len(self._buf):
raise EOFError
content = self._buf[start_position:end_position]
return content
[docs] def unpack_ushort(self):
# The InMemorySerializer implements ushort according to the XDR standard
# on the contrary to the IO serializer.
return self._unpack_value(2, '>H')
[docs] def unpack_uchar(self):
# The InMemorySerializer implements uchar according to the XDR standard
# on the contrary to the IO serializer.
return self._unpack_value(1, '>B')
[docs] def do_string(self):
Emulate gmx_fio_do_string
n = self.unpack_uint64()
return self.unpack_fstring(n)
[docs]def ndo_int(data, n):
"""mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_real in gromacs"""
return [data.unpack_int() for i in range(n)]
[docs]def ndo_real(data, n):
"""mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_real in gromacs"""
return [data.unpack_real() for i in range(n)]
[docs]def do_rvec(data):
return data.unpack_farray(setting.DIM, data.unpack_real)
[docs]def ndo_rvec(data, n):
"""mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_rvec in gromacs"""
return [data.unpack_farray(setting.DIM, data.unpack_real) for i in range(n)]
[docs]def ndo_ivec(data, n):
"""mimic of gmx_fio_ndo_rvec in gromacs"""
return [data.unpack_farray(setting.DIM, data.unpack_int) for i in range(n)]
[docs]def fileVersion_err(fver):
if fver not in setting.SUPPORTED_VERSIONS:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Your tpx version is {fver}, which this parser does not support, yet "
[docs]def define_unpack_real(prec, data):
"""Define an unpack_real method of data based on the float precision used"""
if prec == 4:
data.unpack_real = data.unpack_float
elif prec == 8:
data.unpack_real = data.unpack_double
raise ValueError(f"unsupported precision: {prec}")
[docs]def do_mtop(data, fver, tpr_resid_from_one=False):
# mtop: the topology of the whole system
symtab = do_symtab(data)
do_symstr(data, symtab) # system_name
do_ffparams(data, fver) # params
nmoltype = data.unpack_int()
moltypes = [] # non-gromacs
for i in range(nmoltype):
moltype = do_moltype(data, symtab, fver)
nmolblock = data.unpack_int()
mtop = obj.Mtop(nmoltype, moltypes, nmolblock)
bonds = []
angles = []
dihedrals = []
impropers = []
atomids = []
segids = []
resids = []
resnames = []
atomnames = []
atomtypes = []
moltypes = []
molnums = []
charges = []
masses = []
elements = []
atom_start_ndx = 0
res_start_ndx = 0
molnum = 0
for i in range(mtop.nmolblock):
# molb_type is just an index for moltypes/molecule_types
mb = do_molblock(data)
# segment is made to correspond to the molblock as in gromacs, the
# naming is kind of arbitrary
molblock = mtop.moltypes[mb.molb_type].name.decode('utf-8')
segid = f"seg_{i}_{molblock}"
for j in range(mb.molb_nmol):
mt = mtop.moltypes[mb.molb_type] # mt: molecule type
for atomkind in mt.atomkinds:
atomids.append(atomkind.id + atom_start_ndx)
resids.append(atomkind.resid + res_start_ndx)
molnum += 1
# remap_ method returns [blah, blah, ..] or []
atom_start_ndx += mt.number_of_atoms()
res_start_ndx += mt.number_of_residues()
# not useful here
# data.unpack_int() # mtop_natoms
# do_atomtypes(data)
# mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_ngrid = 0
# mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_grid_spacing = 0.1
# mtop_ffparams_cmap_grid_cmapdata = 'NULL'
# do_groups(data, symtab)
atomids = Atomids(np.array(atomids, dtype=np.int32))
atomnames = Atomnames(np.array(atomnames, dtype=object))
atomtypes = Atomtypes(np.array(atomtypes, dtype=object))
charges = Charges(np.array(charges, dtype=np.float32))
masses = Masses(np.array(masses, dtype=np.float32))
moltypes = np.array(moltypes, dtype=object)
molnums = np.array(molnums, dtype=np.int32)
segids = np.array(segids, dtype=object)
resids = np.array(resids, dtype=np.int32)
if tpr_resid_from_one:
resids += 1
resnames = np.array(resnames, dtype=object)
(residx, new_resids,
) = squash_by(resids,
residueids = Resids(new_resids)
residuenames = Resnames(new_resnames)
residue_moltypes = Moltypes(new_moltypes)
residue_molnums = Molnums(new_molnums)
segidx, perseg_segids = squash_by(perres_segids)[:2]
segids = Segids(perseg_segids)
top = Topology(len(atomids), len(new_resids), len(perseg_segids),
attrs=[atomids, atomnames, atomtypes,
charges, masses,
residueids, residuenames,
residue_moltypes, residue_molnums,
top.add_TopologyAttr(Bonds([bond for bond in bonds if bond]))
top.add_TopologyAttr(Angles([angle for angle in angles if angle]))
top.add_TopologyAttr(Dihedrals([dihedral for dihedral in dihedrals
if dihedral]))
top.add_TopologyAttr(Impropers([improper for improper in impropers
if improper]))
if any(elements):
elements = Elements(np.array(elements, dtype=object))
return top
[docs]def do_symstr(data, symtab):
# do_symstr: get a string based on index from the symtab
ndx = data.unpack_int()
return symtab[ndx]
[docs]def do_symtab(data):
symtab_nr = data.unpack_int() # number of symbols
symtab = []
for i in range(symtab_nr):
j = data.do_string()
return symtab
[docs]def do_ffparams(data, fver):
atnr = data.unpack_int()
ntypes = data.unpack_int()
functype = ndo_int(data, ntypes)
reppow = data.unpack_double() if fver >= 66 else 12.0
fudgeQQ = data.unpack_real()
# mimicing the c code,
# remapping the functype due to inconsistency in different versions
for i in range(len(functype)):
for k in setting.ftupd:
# j[0]: tpx_version, j[1] funtype
if fver < k[0] and functype[i] >= k[1]:
functype[i] += 1
do_iparams(data, functype, fver)
params = obj.Params(atnr, ntypes, functype, reppow, fudgeQQ)
return params
[docs]def do_harm(data):
data.unpack_real() # rA
data.unpack_real() # krA
data.unpack_real() # rB
data.unpack_real() # krB
[docs]def do_iparams(data, functypes, fver):
# Not all elif cases in this function has been used and tested
for k, i in enumerate(functypes):
if i in [
setting.F_ANGLES, setting.F_G96ANGLES,
setting.F_BONDS, setting.F_G96BONDS,
setting.F_HARMONIC, setting.F_IDIHS
elif i in [setting.F_RESTRANGLES]:
data.unpack_real() # harmonic.rA
data.unpack_real() # harmonic.krA
elif i in [setting.F_LINEAR_ANGLES]:
data.unpack_real() # linangle.klinA
data.unpack_real() # linangle.aA
data.unpack_real() # linangle.klinB
data.unpack_real() # linangle.aB);
elif i in [setting.F_FENEBONDS]:
data.unpack_real() # fene.bm
data.unpack_real() # fene.kb
elif i in [setting.F_RESTRBONDS]:
data.unpack_real() # restraint.lowA
data.unpack_real() # restraint.up1A
data.unpack_real() # restraint.up2A
data.unpack_real() # restraint.kA
data.unpack_real() # restraint.lowB
data.unpack_real() # restraint.up1B
data.unpack_real() # restraint.up2B
data.unpack_real() # restraint.kB
elif i in [
setting.F_TABBONDS, setting.F_TABBONDSNC,
setting.F_TABANGLES, setting.F_TABDIHS,
data.unpack_real() # tab.kA
data.unpack_int() # tab.table
data.unpack_real() # tab.kB
elif i in [setting.F_CROSS_BOND_BONDS]:
data.unpack_real() # cross_bb.r1e
data.unpack_real() # cross_bb.r2e
data.unpack_real() # cross_bb.krr
elif i in [setting.F_CROSS_BOND_ANGLES]:
data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.r1e
data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.r2e
data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.r3e
data.unpack_real() # cross_ba.krt
elif i in [setting.F_UREY_BRADLEY]:
data.unpack_real() # u_b.theta
data.unpack_real() # u_b.ktheta
data.unpack_real() # u_b.r13
data.unpack_real() # u_b.kUB
if fver >= 79:
data.unpack_real() # u_b.thetaB
data.unpack_real() # u_b.kthetaB
data.unpack_real() # u_b.r13B
data.unpack_real() # u_b.kUBB
elif i in [setting.F_QUARTIC_ANGLES]:
data.unpack_real() # qangle.theta
ndo_real(data, 5) # qangle.c
elif i in [setting.F_BHAM]:
data.unpack_real() # bham.a
data.unpack_real() # bham.b
data.unpack_real() # bham.c
elif i in [setting.F_MORSE]:
data.unpack_real() # morse.b0
data.unpack_real() # morse.cb
data.unpack_real() # morse.beta
if fver >= 79:
data.unpack_real() # morse.b0B
data.unpack_real() # morse.cbB
data.unpack_real() # morse.betaB
elif i in [setting.F_CUBICBONDS]:
data.unpack_real() # cubic.b0g
data.unpack_real() # cubic.kb
data.unpack_real() # cubic.kcub
elif i in [setting.F_CONNBONDS]:
elif i in [setting.F_POLARIZATION]:
data.unpack_real() # polarize.alpha
elif i in [setting.F_ANHARM_POL]:
data.unpack_real() # anharm_polarize.alpha
data.unpack_real() # anharm_polarize.drcut
data.unpack_real() # anharm_polarize.khyp
elif i in [setting.F_WATER_POL]:
data.unpack_real() # wpol.al_x
data.unpack_real() # wpol.al_y
data.unpack_real() # wpol.al_z
data.unpack_real() # wpol.rOH
data.unpack_real() # wpol.rHH
data.unpack_real() # wpol.rOD
elif i in [setting.F_THOLE_POL]:
data.unpack_real() # thole.a
data.unpack_real() # thole.alpha1
data.unpack_real() # thole.alpha2
data.unpack_real() # thole.rfac
elif i in [setting.F_LJ]:
data.unpack_real() # lj_c6
data.unpack_real() # lj_c9
elif i in [setting.F_LJ14]:
data.unpack_real() # lj14_c6A
data.unpack_real() # lj14_c12A
data.unpack_real() # lj14_c6B
data.unpack_real() # lj14_c12B
elif i in [setting.F_LJC14_Q]:
data.unpack_real() # ljc14.fqq
data.unpack_real() # ljc14.qi
data.unpack_real() # ljc14.qj
data.unpack_real() # ljc14.c6
data.unpack_real() # ljc14.c12
elif i in [setting.F_LJC_PAIRS_NB]:
data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.qi
data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.qj
data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.c6
data.unpack_real() # ljcnb.c12
elif i in [
setting.F_PIDIHS, setting.F_ANGRES,
setting.F_ANGRESZ, setting.F_PDIHS,
data.unpack_real() # pdihs_phiA
data.unpack_real() # pdihs_cpA
data.unpack_real() # pdihs_phiB
data.unpack_real() # pdihs_cpB
data.unpack_int() # pdihs_mult
elif i in [setting.F_RESTRDIHS]:
data.unpack_real() # pdihs.phiA
data.unpack_real() # pdihs.cpA
elif i in [setting.F_DISRES]:
data.unpack_int() # disres.label
data.unpack_int() # disres.type
data.unpack_real() # disres.low
data.unpack_real() # disres.up1
data.unpack_real() # disres.up2
data.unpack_real() # disres.kfac
elif i in [setting.F_ORIRES]:
data.unpack_int() # orires.ex
data.unpack_int() # orires.label
data.unpack_int() # orires.power
data.unpack_real() # orires.c
data.unpack_real() # orires.obs
data.unpack_real() # orires.kfac
elif i in [setting.F_DIHRES]:
if fver < 72:
data.unpack_int() # idum
data.unpack_int() # idum
data.unpack_real() # dihres.phiA
data.unpack_real() # dihres.dphiA
data.unpack_real() # dihres.kfacA
if fver >= 72:
data.unpack_real() # dihres.phiB
data.unpack_real() # dihres.dphiB
data.unpack_real() # dihres.kfacB
elif i in [setting.F_POSRES]:
do_rvec(data) # posres.pos0A
do_rvec(data) # posres.fcA
do_rvec(data) # posres.pos0B
do_rvec(data) # posres.fcB
elif i in [setting.F_FBPOSRES]:
data.unpack_int() # fbposres.geom
do_rvec(data) # fbposres.pos0
data.unpack_real() # fbposres.r
data.unpack_real() # fbposres.k
elif i in [setting.F_CBTDIHS]:
ndo_real(data, setting.NR_CBTDIHS) # cbtdihs.cbtcA
elif i in [setting.F_RBDIHS]:
ndo_real(data, setting.NR_RBDIHS) # iparams_rbdihs_rbcA
ndo_real(data, setting.NR_RBDIHS) # iparams_rbdihs_rbcB
elif i in [setting.F_FOURDIHS]:
# Fourier dihedrals
ndo_real(data, setting.NR_RBDIHS) # rbdihs.rbcA
ndo_real(data, setting.NR_RBDIHS) # rbdihs.rbcB
elif i in [setting.F_CONSTR, setting.F_CONSTRNC]:
data.unpack_real() # dA
data.unpack_real() # dB
elif i in [setting.F_SETTLE]:
data.unpack_real() # settle.doh
data.unpack_real() # settle.dhh
elif i in [setting.F_VSITE1]:
elif i in [setting.F_VSITE2, setting.F_VSITE2FD]:
data.unpack_real() # vsite.a
elif i in [setting.F_VSITE3, setting.F_VSITE3FD, setting.F_VSITE3FAD]:
data.unpack_real() # vsite.a
data.unpack_real() # vsite.b
elif i in [setting.F_VSITE3OUT, setting.F_VSITE4FD, setting.F_VSITE4FDN]:
data.unpack_real() # vsite.a
data.unpack_real() # vsite.b
data.unpack_real() # vsite.c
elif i in [setting.F_VSITEN]:
data.unpack_int() # vsiten.n
data.unpack_real() # vsiten.a
elif i in [setting.F_GB12, setting.F_GB13, setting.F_GB14]:
# /* We got rid of some parameters in version 68 */
if fver < 68:
data.unpack_real() # rdum
data.unpack_real() # rdum
data.unpack_real() # rdum
data.unpack_real() # rdum
data.unpack_real() # gb.sar
data.unpack_real() # gb.st
data.unpack_real() # gb.pi
data.unpack_real() # gb.gbr
data.unpack_real() # gb.bmlt
elif i in [setting.F_CMAP]:
data.unpack_int() # cmap.cmapA
data.unpack_int() # cmap.cmapB
raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown functype: {i}")
[docs]def do_moltype(data, symtab, fver):
molname = do_symstr(data, symtab)
# key info: about atoms
atoms_obj = do_atoms(data, symtab, fver)
#### start: MDAnalysis specific
atomkinds = []
for k, a in enumerate(atoms_obj.atoms):
#### end: MDAnalysis specific
# key info: about bonds, angles, dih, improp dih.
ilists = do_ilists(data, fver)
#### start: MDAnalysis specific
# these may not be available for certain molecules, e.g. tip4p
bonds, angles, dihs, impr = [], [], [], []
for ilist in ilists:
if ilist.nr > 0:
ik_obj = obj.InteractionKind(*ilist.ik)
ias = ilist.iatoms
# the following if..elif..else statement needs to be updated as new
# type of interactions become interested
if ik_obj.name in ['BONDS', 'G96BONDS', 'MORSE', 'CUBICBONDS',
bonds += list(ik_obj.process(ias))
elif ik_obj.name in ['ANGLES', 'G96ANGLES', 'CROSS_BOND_BOND',
angles += list(ik_obj.process(ias))
elif ik_obj.name in ['PDIHS', 'RBDIHS', 'RESTRDIHS', 'CBTDIHS',
dihs += list(ik_obj.process(ias))
elif ik_obj.name in ['IDIHS', 'PIDIHS']:
impr += list(ik_obj.process(ias))
elif ik_obj.name == 'SETTLE':
# SETTLE interactions are optimized triangular constraints for
# water molecules. They should be counted as a pair of bonds
# between the oxygen and the hydrogens. In older versions of
# the TPR format only specifies the index of the oxygen and
# assumes that the next two atoms are the hydrogens.
if len(ias) == 2:
# Old format. Only the first atom is specified.
base_atom = ias[1]
bonds += [
[base_atom, base_atom + 1],
[base_atom, base_atom + 2],
all_settle = ik_obj.process(ias)
for settle in all_settle:
base_atom = settle[0]
bonds += [
[settle[0], settle[1]],
[settle[0], settle[2]],
# other interaction types are not interested at the moment
bonds = bonds if bonds else None
angles = angles if angles else None
dihs = dihs if dihs else None
impr = impr if impr else None
moltype = obj.MoleculeKind(molname, atomkinds, bonds, angles, dihs, impr)
#### end: MDAnalysis specific
# info in do_block and do_blocka is not interesting, but has to be parsed
# here so that all moltypes can be parsed properly
return moltype
[docs]def do_atoms(data, symtab, fver):
nr = data.unpack_int() # number of atoms in a particular molecule
nres = data.unpack_int() # number of residues in a particular molecule
atoms = []
for i in range(nr):
A = do_atom(data, fver)
# do_strstr
atomnames = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nr)]
type = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nr)] # e.g. opls_111
typeB = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nr)]
resnames = do_resinfo(data, symtab, fver, nres)
return obj.Atoms(atoms, nr, nres, type, typeB, atomnames, resnames)
[docs]def do_resinfo(data, symtab, fver, nres):
if fver < 63:
resnames = [symtab[i] for i in ndo_int(data, nres)]
resnames = []
for i in range(nres):
return resnames
[docs]def do_atom(data, fver):
m = data.unpack_real() # mass
q = data.unpack_real() # charge
mB = data.unpack_real()
qB = data.unpack_real()
tp = data.unpack_ushort() # type is a keyword in python
typeB = data.unpack_ushort()
ptype = data.unpack_int() # regular atom, virtual site or others
resind = data.unpack_int() # index of residue
atomnumber = data.unpack_int() # index of atom type
return obj.Atom(m, q, mB, qB, tp, typeB, ptype, resind, atomnumber)
[docs]def do_ilists(data, fver):
nr = [] # number of ilist
iatoms = [] # atoms involved in a particular interaction type
pos = []
for j in range(setting.F_NRE): # total number of energies (i.e. interaction types)
bClear = False
for k in setting.ftupd:
if fver < k[0] and j == k[1]:
bClear = True
if bClear:
# do_ilist
n = data.unpack_int()
l_ = []
for i in range(n):
return [
obj.Ilist(n, it, i)
for n, it, i in zip(nr, setting.interaction_types, iatoms)
[docs]def do_molblock(data):
molb_type = data.unpack_int()
molb_nmol = data.unpack_int() # number of moles in the molblock
molb_natoms_mol = data.unpack_int() # number of atoms in a molecule
molb_nposres_xA = data.unpack_int()
if molb_nposres_xA > 0:
ndo_rvec(data, molb_nposres_xA)
molb_nposres_xB = data.unpack_int() # The number of posres coords for top B
if molb_nposres_xB > 0:
ndo_rvec(data, molb_nposres_xB)
return obj.Molblock(molb_type, molb_nmol, molb_natoms_mol,
molb_nposres_xA, molb_nposres_xB)
[docs]def do_block(data):
block_nr = data.unpack_int() # for cgs: charge groups
# starting or ending atom indices, based on which cgs are grouped
ndo_int(data, block_nr + 1)
return do_block
[docs]def do_blocka(data):
block_nr = data.unpack_int() # No. of atoms with excls
block_nra = data.unpack_int() # total times fo appearance of atoms for excls
ndo_int(data, block_nr + 1)
ndo_int(data, block_nra)
return block_nr, block_nra
[docs]def do_grps(data): # pragma: no cover
grps_nr = []
myngrps = ngrps = setting.egcNR # remind of version inconsistency
for j in range(ngrps):
if j < myngrps:
v = data.unpack_int()
ndo_int(data, v)
return grps_nr
[docs]def do_groups(data, symtab): # pragma: no cover
ngrpname = data.unpack_int()
# do_strstr, list of indices of group name: e.g. System, Protein,
# Protein-H, etc. use symtab[i] to check
ndo_int(data, ngrpname)
ngrpnr = []
grpnr = []
for i in range(setting.egcNR):
x = data.unpack_int()
if x == 0:
l_ = []
for i in range(x):
# print ngrpnr
# print [len(i) for i in grpnr if i]
[docs]def do_atomtypes(data): # pragma: no cover
at_nr = data.unpack_int() # at: atomtype
at_radius = ndo_real(data, at_nr)
at_vol = ndo_real(data, at_nr)
at_surftens = ndo_real(data, at_nr)
at_atomnumber = ndo_int(data, at_nr)
return at_radius, at_vol, at_surftens, at_atomnumber