Source code for MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory

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# MDAnalysis ---
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
# doi: 10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e
# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
Reading trajectories from memory --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory`

:Author: Wouter Boomsma
:Year: 2016
:Copyright: GNU Public License v2
:Maintainer: Wouter Boomsma <[email protected]>, wouterboomsma on github

.. versionadded:: 0.16.0

The module contains a trajectory reader that operates on an array in
memory, rather than reading from file. This makes it possible to
operate on raw coordinates using existing MDAnalysis tools. In
addition, it allows the user to make changes to the coordinates in a
trajectory (e.g. through
:attr:`MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.positions`) without having
to write the entire state to file.

How to use the :class:`MemoryReader`

The :class:`MemoryReader` can be used to either directly generate a
trajectory as a numpy array or by transferring an existing trajectory
to memory.

In-memory representation of arbitrary trajectories

If sufficient memory is available to hold a whole trajectory in memory
then analysis can be sped up substantially by transferring the
trajectory to memory.

The most straightforward use of the :class:`MemoryReader` is to simply
use the ``in_memory=True`` flag for the
:class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` class, which
automatically transfers a trajectory to memory::

 import MDAnalysis as mda
 from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import TPR, XTC

 universe = mda.Universe(TPR, XTC, in_memory=True)

Of course, sufficient memory has to be available to hold the whole

Switching a trajectory to an in-memory representation

The decision to transfer the trajectory to memory can be made at any
time with the
:meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.transfer_to_memory` method
of a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`::

    universe = mda.Universe(TPR, XTC)

This operation may take a while (with `verbose=True` a progress bar is
displayed) but then subsequent operations on the trajectory directly
operate on the in-memory array and will be very fast.

Constructing a Reader from a numpy array

The :class:`MemoryReader` provides great flexibility because it
becomes possible to create a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` directly
from a numpy array.

A simple example consists of a new universe created from the array
extracted from a DCD

    import MDAnalysis as mda
    from MDAnalysisTests.datafiles import DCD, PSF
    from MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory import MemoryReader

    universe = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD)

    coordinates = universe.trajectory.timeseries(universe.atoms)
    universe2 = mda.Universe(PSF, coordinates, format=MemoryReader, order='afc')

.. _create-in-memory-trajectory-with-AnalysisFromFunction:

.. rubric:: Creating an in-memory trajectory with

The :meth:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.DCD.DCDReader.timeseries` is
currently only implemented for the
:class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.DCD.DCDReader`. However, the
:func:`MDAnalysis.analysis.base.AnalysisFromFunction` can provide the
same functionality for any supported trajectory format::

  import MDAnalysis as mda
  from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB, XTC

  from MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory import MemoryReader
  from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisFromFunction

  u = mda.Universe(PDB, XTC)

  coordinates = AnalysisFromFunction(lambda ag: ag.positions.copy(),
  u2 = mda.Universe(PDB, coordinates, format=MemoryReader)

.. _creating-in-memory-trajectory-label:

Creating an in-memory trajectory of a sub-system

Creating a trajectory for just a selection of an existing trajectory
requires the transfer of the appropriate coordinates as well as
creation of a topology of the sub-system. For the latter one can use
the :func:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Merge` function, for the former
the :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.load_new` method of a
:class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` together with the
:class:`MemoryReader`. In the following, an in-memory trajectory of
only the protein is created::

  import MDAnalysis as mda
  from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB, XTC

  from MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory import MemoryReader
  from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisFromFunction

  u = mda.Universe(PDB, XTC)
  protein = u.select_atoms("protein")

  coordinates = AnalysisFromFunction(lambda ag: ag.positions.copy(),
  u2 = mda.Merge(protein)            # create the protein-only Universe
  u2.load_new(coordinates, format=MemoryReader)

The protein coordinates are extracted into ``coordinates`` and then
the in-memory trajectory is loaded from these coordinates. In
principle, this could have all be done in one line::

  u2 = mda.Merge(protein).load_new(
           AnalysisFromFunction(lambda ag: ag.positions.copy(),

The new :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` ``u2`` can be used
to, for instance, write out a new trajectory or perform fast analysis
on the sub-system.


.. autoclass:: Timestep

.. autoclass:: MemoryReader

from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import errno
import numpy as np
import warnings

from . import base

[docs]class Timestep(base.Timestep): """Timestep for the :class:`MemoryReader` Compared to the base :class:`base.Timestep`, this version (:class:`memory.Timestep`) has an additional :meth:`_replace_positions_array` method, which replaces the array of positions while the :attr:`positions` property replaces the content of the array. """ def _replace_positions_array(self, new): """Replace the array of positions Replaces the array of positions by another array. Note ---- The behavior of :meth:`_replace_positions_array` is different from the behavior of the :attr:`position` property that replaces the **content** of the array. The :meth:`_replace_positions_array` method should only be used to set the positions to a different frame in :meth:`MemoryReader._read_next_timestep`; there, the memory reader sets the positions to a view of the correct frame. Modifying the positions for a given frame should be done with the :attr:`positions` attribute that does not break the link between the array of positions in the time step and the :attr:`MemoryReader.coordinate_array`. .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 """ self.has_positions = True self._pos = new def _replace_velocities_array(self, new): self.has_velocities = True self._velocities = new def _replace_forces_array(self, new): self.has_forces = True self._forces = new def _replace_dimensions(self, new): self._unitcell = new
[docs]class MemoryReader(base.ProtoReader): """ MemoryReader works with trajectories represented as numpy arrays. A trajectory reader interface to a numpy array of the coordinates. For compatibility with the timeseries interface, support is provided for specifying the order of columns through the format option. .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 """ format = 'MEMORY' _Timestep = Timestep def __init__(self, coordinate_array, order='fac', dimensions=None, dt=1, filename=None, velocities=None, forces=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- coordinate_array : numpy.ndarray The underlying array of coordinates. The MemoryReader now necessarily requires a np.ndarray order : {"afc", "acf", "caf", "fac", "fca", "cfa"} (optional) the order/shape of the return data array, corresponding to (a)tom, (f)rame, (c)oordinates all six combinations of 'a', 'f', 'c' are allowed ie "fac" - return array where the shape is (frame, number of atoms, coordinates). dimensions: [A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma] (optional) unitcell dimensions (*A*, *B*, *C*, *alpha*, *beta*, *gamma*) lengths *A*, *B*, *C* are in the MDAnalysis length unit (Å), and angles are in degrees. An array of dimensions can be given, which must then be shape (nframes, 6) dt: float (optional) The time difference between frames (ps). If :attr:`time` is set, then `dt` will be ignored. filename: string (optional) The name of the file from which this instance is created. Set to ``None`` when created from an array velocities : numpy.ndarray (optional) Atom velocities. Must match shape of coordinate_array. Will share order with coordinates. forces : numpy.ndarray (optional) Atom forces. Must match shape of coordinate_array Will share order with coordinates Raises ------ TypeError if the coordinate array passed is not a np.ndarray Note ---- At the moment, only a fixed `dimension` is supported, i.e., the same unit cell for all frames in `coordinate_array`. See issue `#1041`_. .. _`#1041`: .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 The input to the MemoryReader now must be a np.ndarray Added optional velocities and forces """ super(MemoryReader, self).__init__() self.filename = filename self.stored_order = order # See Issue #1685. The block below checks if the coordinate array # passed is of shape (N, 3) and if it is, the coordiante array is # reshaped to (1, N, 3) try: if coordinate_array.ndim == 2 and coordinate_array.shape[1] == 3: coordinate_array = coordinate_array[np.newaxis, :, :] except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError("The input has to be a numpy.ndarray that " "corresponds to the layout specified by the " "'order' keyword.") self.set_array(coordinate_array, order) self.n_frames = \ self.coordinate_array.shape[self.stored_order.find('f')] self.n_atoms = \ self.coordinate_array.shape[self.stored_order.find('a')] if velocities is not None: try: velocities = np.asarray(velocities, dtype=np.float32) except ValueError: raise TypeError("'velocities' must be array-like got {}" "".format(type(velocities))) # if single frame, make into array of 1 frame if velocities.ndim == 2: velocities = velocities[np.newaxis, :, :] if not velocities.shape == self.coordinate_array.shape: raise ValueError('Velocities has wrong shape {} ' 'to match coordinates {}' ''.format(velocities.shape, self.coordinate_array.shape)) self.velocity_array = velocities.astype(np.float32, copy=False) else: self.velocity_array = None if forces is not None: try: forces = np.asarray(forces, dtype=np.float32) except ValueError: raise TypeError("'forces' must be array like got {}" "".format(type(forces))) if forces.ndim == 2: forces = forces[np.newaxis, :, :] if not forces.shape == self.coordinate_array.shape: raise ValueError('Forces has wrong shape {} ' 'to match coordinates {}' ''.format(forces.shape, self.coordinate_array.shape)) self.force_array = forces.astype(np.float32, copy=False) else: self.force_array = None provided_n_atoms = kwargs.pop("n_atoms", None) if (provided_n_atoms is not None and provided_n_atoms != self.n_atoms): raise ValueError("The provided value for n_atoms ({}) " "does not match the shape of the coordinate " "array ({})" .format(provided_n_atoms, self.n_atoms)) self.ts = self._Timestep(self.n_atoms, **kwargs) self.ts.dt = dt if dimensions is None: dimensions = np.zeros((self.n_frames, 6), dtype=np.float32) else: try: dimensions = np.asarray(dimensions, dtype=np.float32) except ValueError: raise TypeError("'dimensions' must be array-like got {}" "".format(type(dimensions))) if dimensions.shape == (6,): # single box, tile this to trajectory length # allows modifying the box of some frames dimensions = np.tile(dimensions, (self.n_frames, 1)) elif dimensions.shape != (self.n_frames, 6): raise ValueError("Provided dimensions array has shape {}. " "This must be a array of shape (6,) or " "(n_frames, 6)".format(dimensions.shape)) self.dimensions_array = dimensions self.ts.frame = -1 self.ts.time = -1 self._read_next_timestep()
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_n_atoms(filename, order='fac', **kwargs): """Deduce number of atoms in a given array of coordinates Parameters ---------- filename : numpy.ndarray data which will be used later in MemoryReader order : {"afc", "acf", "caf", "fac", "fca", "cfa"} (optional) the order/shape of the return data array, corresponding to (a)tom, (f)rame, (c)oordinates all six combinations of 'a', 'f', 'c' are allowed ie "fac" - return array where the shape is (frame, number of atoms, coordinates). Returns ------- n_atoms : int number of atoms in system """ # assume filename is a numpy array return filename.shape[order.find('a')]
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of this Memory Reader""" vels = (self.velocity_array.copy() if self.velocity_array is not None else None) fors = (self.force_array.copy() if self.force_array is not None else None) dims = self.dimensions_array.copy() new = self.__class__( self.coordinate_array.copy(), order=self.stored_order, dimensions=dims, velocities=vels, forces=fors, dt=self.ts.dt, filename=self.filename, ) new[self.ts.frame] for auxname, auxread in self._auxs.items(): new.add_auxiliary(auxname, auxread.copy()) # since transformations are already applied to the whole trajectory # simply copy the property new.transformations = self.transformations return new
[docs] def set_array(self, coordinate_array, order='fac'): """ Set underlying array in desired column order. Parameters ---------- coordinate_array : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` object The underlying array of coordinates order : {"afc", "acf", "caf", "fac", "fca", "cfa"} (optional) the order/shape of the return data array, corresponding to (a)tom, (f)rame, (c)oordinates all six combinations of 'a', 'f', 'c' are allowed ie "fac" - return array where the shape is (frame, number of atoms, coordinates). """ # Only make copy if not already in float32 format self.coordinate_array = coordinate_array.astype('float32', copy=False) self.stored_format = order
[docs] def get_array(self): """ Return underlying array. """ return self.coordinate_array
def _reopen(self): """Reset iteration to first frame""" self.ts.frame = -1 self.ts.time = -1
[docs] def timeseries(self, asel=None, start=0, stop=-1, step=1, order='afc', format=None): """Return a subset of coordinate data for an AtomGroup in desired column order/format. If no selection is given, it will return a view of the underlying array, while a copy is returned otherwise. Parameters --------- asel : AtomGroup (optional) Atom selection. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the full set of coordinate data is returned. Note that in this case, a view of the underlying numpy array is returned, while a copy of the data is returned whenever `asel` is different from ``None``. start : int (optional) stop : int (optional) step : int (optional) range of trajectory to access, `start` and `stop` are *inclusive* order : {"afc", "acf", "caf", "fac", "fca", "cfa"} (optional) the order/shape of the return data array, corresponding to (a)tom, (f)rame, (c)oordinates all six combinations of 'a', 'f', 'c' are allowed ie "fac" - return array where the shape is (frame, number of atoms, coordinates). format : str (optional) deprecated, equivalent to `order` Note ---- The `format` parameter name is used to mimic the :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.DCD.timeseries` interface. It is identical to the `order` parameter for :class:`MemoryReader`. In a future version, `format` will be renamed to `order`. .. deprecated:: 0.17.0 `format` has been deprecated in favor of the standard keyword `order`. """ if format is not None: warnings.warn( "'format' is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0. Use 'order' instead", category=DeprecationWarning) order = format array = self.get_array() if order == self.stored_order: pass elif order[0] == self.stored_order[0]: array = np.swapaxes(array, 1, 2) elif order[1] == self.stored_order[1]: array = np.swapaxes(array, 0, 2) elif order[2] == self.stored_order[2]: array = np.swapaxes(array, 0, 1) elif order[0] == self.stored_order[1]: array = np.swapaxes(array, 1, 0) array = np.swapaxes(array, 1, 2) elif order[0] == self.stored_order[2]: array = np.swapaxes(array, 2, 0) array = np.swapaxes(array, 1, 2) a_index = order.find('a') f_index = order.find('f') stop_index = stop+1 if stop_index == 0: stop_index = None basic_slice = ([slice(None)] * f_index + [slice(start, stop_index, step)] + [slice(None)] * (2-f_index)) # Return a view if either: # 1) asel is None # 2) asel corresponds to the selection of all atoms. array = array[tuple(basic_slice)] if (asel is None or asel is asel.universe.atoms): return array else: # If selection is specified, return a copy return array.take(asel.indices, a_index)
def _read_next_timestep(self, ts=None): """copy next frame into timestep""" if self.ts.frame >= self.n_frames-1: raise IOError(errno.EIO, 'trying to go over trajectory limit') if ts is None: ts = self.ts ts.frame += 1 f_index = self.stored_order.find('f') basic_slice = ([slice(None)]*(f_index) + [self.ts.frame] + [slice(None)]*(2-f_index)) ts._replace_positions_array(self.coordinate_array[tuple(basic_slice)]) ts._replace_dimensions(self.dimensions_array[self.ts.frame]) if self.velocity_array is not None: ts._replace_velocities_array(self.velocity_array[tuple(basic_slice)]) if self.force_array is not None: ts._replace_forces_array(self.force_array[tuple(basic_slice)]) ts.time = self.ts.frame * self.dt return ts def _read_frame(self, i): """read frame i""" # Frame number is incremented to zero by _read_next_timestep() self.ts.frame = i - 1 return self._read_next_timestep() def __repr__(self): """String representation""" return ("<{cls} with {nframes} frames of {natoms} atoms>" "".format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, nframes=self.n_frames, natoms=self.n_atoms ))
[docs] def add_transformations(self, *transformations): """ Add all transformations to be applied to the trajectory. This function take as list of transformations as an argument. These transformations are functions that will be called by the Reader and given a :class:`Timestep` object as argument, which will be transformed and returned to the Reader. The transformations can be part of the :mod:`~MDAnalysis.transformations` module, or created by the user, and are stored as a list `transformations`. This list can only be modified once, and further calls of this function will raise an exception. .. code-block:: python u = MDAnalysis.Universe(topology, coordinates) workflow = [some_transform, another_transform, this_transform] u.trajectory.add_transformations(*workflow) Parameters ---------- transform_list : list list of all the transformations that will be applied to the coordinates See Also -------- :mod:`MDAnalysis.transformations` """ #Overrides :meth:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ProtoReader.add_transformations` #to avoid unintended behaviour where the coordinates of each frame are transformed #multiple times when iterating over the trajectory. #In this method, the trajectory is modified all at once and once only. super(MemoryReader, self).add_transformations(*transformations) for i, ts in enumerate(self): for transform in self.transformations: ts = transform(ts)
def _apply_transformations(self, ts): """ Applies the transformations to the timestep.""" # Overrides :meth:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ProtoReader.add_transformations` # to avoid applying the same transformations multiple times on each frame return ts