# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
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# MDAnalysis --- https://www.mdanalysis.org
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
# doi: 10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e
# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787
Auxiliary Readers --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.auxiliary.base`
Base classes for deriving all auxiliary data readers. See the API in :mod:`MDAnalysis.auxiliary.__init__`.
.. autoclass:: AuxStep
.. autoclass:: AuxReader
.. autoclass:: AuxFileReader
from __future__ import division, absolute_import
import six
from six.moves import range
import os
import numbers
import math
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..lib.util import asiterable, anyopen
from . import _AUXREADERS
class _AuxReaderMeta(type):
# auto register on class creation
def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
type.__init__(type, name, bases, classdict)
fmt = asiterable(classdict['format'])
except KeyError:
for f in fmt:
_AUXREADERS[f] = cls
[docs]class AuxStep(object):
"""Base class for auxiliary timesteps.
Stores the auxiliary data for the current auxiliary step. On creation,
``step`` is set to -1.
dt : float, optional
Change in time between auxiliary steps (in ps). If not specified, will
attempt to determine from auxiliary data; otherwise defaults to 1 ps.
Ignored if ``constant_dt`` is False.
initial_time : float, optional
Time of first auxiliary step (in ps). If not specified, will attempt to
determine from auxiliary data; otherwise defaults to 0 ps. Ignored if
``constant_dt`` is False.
time_selector: optional
Key to select 'time' value from the full set of data read for each
step, if time selection is enabled; type will vary depending on the
auxiliary data format (see individual AuxReader documentation). If
``None`` (default value), time is instead calculated as: ``time = step
* dt + initial_time``
data_selector: optional
Key(s) to select auxiliary data values of interest from the full set of
data read for each step, if data selection is enabled by the reader;
type will vary depending on the auxiliary data format (see individual
AuxReader documentation).
If ``None`` (default value), the full set of data is returned.
constant_dt : bool, optional
(Default: True) Set to False if ``dt`` is not constant
throughout the auxiliary data set, in which case a valid
``time_selector`` must be provided.
step : int
Number of the current auxiliary step (0-based).
def __init__(self, dt=1, initial_time=0, time_selector=None,
data_selector=None, constant_dt=True):
self.step = -1
self._initial_time = initial_time
self._dt = dt
self._constant_dt = constant_dt
# check for valid values when assigning _time/data_selector will fail
# here as we don't have and _data yet, so set _time/data_selector_ directly;
# if invalid, will catch later
self._time_selector_ = time_selector
self._data_selector_ = data_selector
def time(self):
""" Time in ps of current auxiliary step (as float).
Read from the set of auxiliary data read each step if time selection
is enabled and a valid ``time_selector`` is specified; otherwise
calculated as ``step * dt + initial_time``.
if self._time_selector is not None:
return self._select_time(self._time_selector)
elif self._constant_dt:
# default to calculting time...
return self.step * self._dt + self._initial_time
raise ValueError("If dt is not constant, must have a valid "
"time selector")
def data(self):
""" Auxiliary values of interest for the current step (as ndarray).
Read from the full set of data read for each step if data selection is
enabled and a valid ``data_selector`` is specified; otherwise
defaults to the full set of data.
if self._data_selector is not None:
return self._select_data(self._data_selector)
# default to full set of data...
return self._data
def _time_selector(self):
""" 'Key' to select time from the full set of data read in each step.
Will be passed to ``_select_time()``, defined separately for each
auxiliary format, when returning the time of the current step.
Format will depend on the auxiliary format. e.g. for the XVGReader,
this is an index and ``_select_time()`` returns the value in that column
of the current step data.
Defaults to 'None' if time selection is not enabled.
except AttributeError:
warnings.warn("{} does not support time selection. Reverting to "
return None
return self._time_selector_
def _time_selector(self, new):
# check we have a select_time method
select = self._select_time
except AttributeError:
warnings.warn("{} does not support time selection".format(
# check *new* is valid before setting; _select_time should raise
# an error if not
self._time_selector_ = new
def _data_selector(self):
""" 'Key' to select values of interest from full set of auxiliary data.
These are the values that will be stored in ``data`` (and
``frame_data`` and ``frame_rep``).
Will be passed to ``_select_data()``, defined separately for each
auxiliary format, when returning the data of interest for the current
step (``data``). Format will depend on the auxiliary format; e.g.
for the XVGReader, this is a list of indices and `_select_data()` returns
the value(s) in those columns of the current step data.
Defaults to 'None' if data selection is not enabled.
except AttributeError:
warnings.warn("{} does not support data selection. Reverting to "
return None
return self._data_selector_
def _data_selector(self, new):
# check we have a select_data method
select = self._select_data
except AttributeError:
warnings.warn("{} does not support data selection".format(
# check *new* is valid before setting; _select_data should raise an
# error if not
self._data_selector_ = new
def _empty_data(self):
""" Create an 'empty' ``data``-like placeholder.
Returns an ndarray in the format of ``data`` with all values set to
np.nan; to use at the 'representative value' when no auxiliary steps
are assigned to a trajectory timestep/within the cutoff.
Default behaviour here works when ``data`` is a ndarray of floats. May
need to overwrite in individual format's AuxSteps.
return np.full_like(self.data, np.nan)
[docs]class AuxReader(six.with_metaclass(_AuxReaderMeta)):
""" Base class for auxiliary readers.
Allows iteration over a set of data from a trajectory, additional
('auxiliary') to the regular positions/velocities/etc. This auxiliary
data may be stored in e.g. an array or a separate file.
See the :ref:`Auxiliary API` for more on use.
auxname : str, optional
Name for auxiliary data. When added to a trajectory, the representative
auxiliary value(s) for the timestep may be accessed as ``ts.aux.auxname``
or ``ts.aux['auxname']``.
represent_ts_as : str
Method to use to calculate representative value of auxiliary data for a
trajectory timestep. See :func:`calc_representative` for valid options.
cutoff : float, optional
Auxiliary steps further from the trajectory timestep than *cutoff*
(in ps) will be ignored when calculating representative values. If -1
(default), all auxiliary steps assigned to that timestep will be used.
Options to be passed to :class:`~AuxStep`
auxstep :
:class:`~AuxStep` object containing data for current step.
frame_data : dict
Dictionary containing ``data`` from each auxiliary step assigned to the
current trajectory timestep, indexed by the difference in time between
the step and trajectory timestep (i.e. ``auxstep.time - ts.time``; in ps)
frame_rep : ndarray
Representative value(s) of auxiliary data for current trajectory timestep.
Auxiliary data are assumed to be time ordered and contain no duplicates.
_Auxstep = AuxStep
# update when add new options
represent_options = ['closest', 'average']
# list of attributes required to recreate the auxiliary
required_attrs = ['represent_ts_as', 'cutoff', 'dt', 'initial_time',
'time_selector', 'data_selector', 'constant_dt', 'auxname',
'format', '_auxdata']
def __init__(self, represent_ts_as='closest', auxname=None, cutoff=-1,
# allow auxname to be optional for when using reader separate from
# trajectory.
self.auxname = auxname
self.represent_ts_as = represent_ts_as
self.cutoff = cutoff
self.frame_data = None
self.frame_rep = None
self.auxstep = self._Auxstep(**kwargs)
# if dt is constant and auxiliary data includes time, calculate
# initial time and dt
if self.time_selector is not None and self.constant_dt:
self.auxstep._initial_time = self.time
self.auxstep._dt = self.time - self.initial_time
def copy(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Copy not implemented for AuxReader")
def __len__(self):
""" Number of steps in auxiliary data. """
return self.n_steps
[docs] def next(self):
""" Move to next step of auxiliary data. """
return self._read_next_step()
def __next__(self):
""" Move to next step of auxiliary data. """
return self.next()
def __iter__(self):
""" Iterate over all auxiliary steps. """
return self
def _restart(self):
""" Reset back to start; calling next() should read first step. """
# Overwrite as appropriate
self.auxstep.step = -1
[docs] def rewind(self):
""" Return to and read first step. """
# Overwrite as appropriate
# could also use _go_to_step(0)
return self._read_next_step()
def _read_next_step(self):
""" Move to next step and update auxstep.
Should return the AuxStep instance corresponding to the next step.
# Define in each auxiliary reader
raise NotImplementedError(
"BUG: Override _read_next_timestep() in auxiliary reader!")
[docs] def update_ts(self, ts):
""" Read auxiliary steps corresponding to and update the trajectory
timestep *ts*.
Calls :meth:`read_ts`, then updates *ts* with the representative value.
``auxname`` must be set; the representative value will be accessible in
*ts* as ``ts.aux.auxname`` or ``ts.aux['auxname']``.
ts : :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object
The trajectory timestep for which corresponding auxiliary data is
to be read and updated.
*ts* with the representative auxiliary
value in ``ts.aux`` be updated appropriately.
If ``auxname`` is not set.
See Also
if not self.auxname:
raise ValueError("Auxiliary name not set, cannot set representative "
"value in timestep. Name auxiliary or use read_ts "
setattr(ts.aux, self.auxname, self.frame_rep)
return ts
[docs] def read_ts(self, ts):
""" Read auxiliary steps corresponding to the trajectory timestep *ts*.
Read the auxiliary steps 'assigned' to *ts* (the steps that are within
``ts.dt/2`` of of the trajectory timestep/frame - ie. closer to *ts*
than either the preceding or following frame). Then calculate a
'representative value' for the timestep from the data in each of these
auxiliary steps.
To update *ts* with the representative value, use ``update_ts`` instead.
ts : :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object
The trajectory timestep for which corresponding auxiliary data is
to be read.
See Also
The auxiliary reader will end up positioned at the last step assigned
to the trajectory frame or, if the frame includes no auxiliary steps,
(as when auxiliary data are less frequent), the most recent auxiliary
step before the frame.
# Make sure our auxiliary step starts at the right point (just before
# the frame being read): the current step should be assigned to a
# previous frame, and the next step to either the frame being read or a
# following frame. Move to right position if not.
frame_for_step = self.step_to_frame(self.step, ts)
frame_for_next_step = self.step_to_frame(self.step+1, ts)
if (frame_for_step is not None and frame_for_next_step is not None
and not (frame_for_step < ts.frame <= frame_for_next_step)):
self._reset_frame_data() # clear previous frame data
# read through all the steps 'assigned' to ts.frame + add to frame_data
while self.step_to_frame(self.step+1, ts) == ts.frame:
self.frame_rep = self.calc_representative()
[docs] def step_to_frame(self, step, ts, return_time_diff=False):
""" Calculate closest trajectory frame for auxiliary step *step*.
Calculated given dt, time and frame from *ts*::
time_frame_0 = ts.time - ts.frame*ts.dt # time at frame 0
frame = floor((step_to_time(step) - time_frame_0 + ts.dt/2)/ts.dt))
The difference in time between the step and the calculated frame can
also optionally be returned with *return_time_diff*.
step : int
Number of the auxiliary step to calculate closest trajectory frame
ts : :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object
(Any) timestep from the trajectory the calculated frame number is to
correspond to.
return_time_diff : bool, optional
(Default: False) Additionally return the time difference between
*step* and returned frame.
frame_index : int or None
Number of the trajectory frame closest (in time) to the given
auxiliary step. If the step index is out of range for the auxiliary
data, ``None`` is returned instead.
time_diff : float (optional)
Difference in time between *step* and *frame_index*.
Assumes trajectory dt is consant.
The returned frame number may be out of range for the trajectory.
if step >= self.n_steps or step < 0:
return None
time_frame_0 = ts.time - ts.frame*ts.dt # assumes ts.dt is constant
time_step = self.step_to_time(step)
frame_index = int(math.floor((time_step-time_frame_0+ts.dt/2.)/ts.dt))
if not return_time_diff:
return frame_index
time_frame = time_frame_0 + frame_index*ts.dt
time_diff = abs(time_frame_0 - time_step)
return frame_index, time_diff
[docs] def move_to_ts(self, ts):
""" Position auxiliary reader just before trajectory timestep *ts*.
Calling ``next()`` should read the first auxiliary step 'assigned' to
the trajectory timestep *ts* or, if no auxiliary steps are
assigned to that timestep (as in the case of less frequent auxiliary
data), the first auxiliary step after *ts*.
ts : :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object
The trajectory timestep before which the auxiliary reader is to
be positioned.
# figure out what step we want to end up at
if self.constant_dt:
# if dt constant, calculate from dt/offset/etc
step = int(math.floor((ts.time-ts.dt/2-self.initial_time)/self.dt))
# if we're out of range of the number of steps, reset back
step = max(min(step, self.n_steps-1), -1)
# otherwise, go through steps till we find the right one
for i in range(self.n_steps+1):
if self.step_to_frame(i) >= ts.frame:
# we want the step before this
step = i-1
if step == -1:
[docs] def next_nonempty_frame(self, ts):
""" Find the next trajectory frame for which a representative auxiliary
value can be calculated.
That is, the next trajectory frame to which one or more auxiliary steps
are assigned and fall within the cutoff.
Starts looking from the current step time. If the end of the auxiliary
data is reached before a trajectory frame is found, None is returned.
ts : :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object
Any timestep from the trajectory for which the next 'non-empty'
frame is to be found.
Index of the next auxiliary-containing frame in the trajectory.
The returned index may be out of range for the trajectory.
step = self.step
while step < self.n_steps-1:
next_frame, time_diff = self.step_to_frame(self.step+1, ts,
if self.cutoff != -1 and time_diff > self.cutoff:
# 'representative values' will be NaN; check next step
step = step + 1
return next_frame
# we ran out of auxiliary steps...
return None
def __getitem__(self, i):
""" Return the AuxStep corresponding to the *i*-th auxiliary step(s)
(0-based). Negative numbers are counted from the end.
*i* may be an integer (in which case the corresponding AuxStep is
returned) or a list of integers or slice (in which case an iterator is
step_10 = aux_reader[10]
will move to step 10 of the auxiliary and return the :class:`AuxStep`.
By using a slice/list, we can iterated over specified steps in the
auxiliary, e.g. when performing analysis ::
for auxstep in aux_reader[100:200]: # analyse only steps 100 to 200
for auxstep in aux_reader[::10] # analyse every 10th step
if isinstance(i, numbers.Integral):
i = self._check_index(i)
return self._go_to_step(i)
elif isinstance(i, (list, np.ndarray)):
return self._list_iter([self._check_index(x) for x in i])
elif isinstance(i, slice):
# default start to first frame (ie. 0)
start = self._check_index(i.start) if i.start is not None else 0
# default stop to after last frame (i.e. n_steps)
# n_steps is a valid stop index but will fail _check_index;
# deal with separately
stop = (i.stop if i.stop == self.n_steps
else self._check_index(i.stop) if i.stop is not None
else self.n_steps)
step = i.step or 1
if not isinstance(step, numbers.Integral) or step < 1:
raise ValueError("Step must be positive integer") # allow -ve?
if start > stop:
raise IndexError("Stop frame is lower than start frame")
return self._slice_iter(slice(start,stop,step))
raise TypeError("Index must be integer, list of integers or slice")
def _check_index(self, i):
if not isinstance(i, numbers.Integral):
raise TypeError("Step indices must be integers")
if i < 0:
i = i + self.n_steps
if i < 0 or i >= self.n_steps:
raise IndexError("{} is out of range of auxiliary (num. steps "
"{})".format(i, self.n_steps))
return i
def _list_iter(self, i):
for j in i:
yield self._go_to_step(j)
def _slice_iter(self, i):
for j in range(i.start, i.stop, i.step):
yield self._go_to_step(j)
def _go_to_step(self, i):
""" Move to and read i-th auxiliary step. """
# Need to define in each auxiliary reader
raise NotImplementedError(
"BUG: Override _go_to_step() in auxiliary reader!")
def _reset_frame_data(self):
self.frame_data = {}
def _add_step_to_frame_data(self, ts_time):
""" Update ``frame_data`` with values for the current step.
ts_time : float
the time of the timestep the current step is being 'added to'. Used
to calculate difference in time between current step and timestep.
time_diff = self.time - ts_time
self.frame_data[time_diff] = self.auxstep.data
[docs] def calc_representative(self):
""" Calculate representative auxiliary value(s) from the data in
Currently implemented options for calculating representative value are:
* `closest`: default; the value(s) from the step closest to in time
to the trajectory timestep
* `average`: average of the value(s) from steps 'assigned' to the
trajectory timestep.
Additionally, if ``cutoff`` is specified, only steps within this time
of the trajectory timestep are considered in calculating the
If no auxiliary steps were assigned to the timestep, or none fall
within the cutoff, representative values are set to ``np.nan``.
Array of auxiliary value(s) 'representative' for the timestep.
if self.cutoff == -1:
cutoff_data = self.frame_data
cutoff_data = {key: val for key, val in self.frame_data.items()
if abs(key) <= self.cutoff}
if len(cutoff_data) == 0:
# no steps are 'assigned' to this trajectory frame, so return
# values of ``np.nan``
value = self.auxstep._empty_data()
elif self.represent_ts_as == 'closest':
min_diff = min([abs(i) for i in cutoff_data])
# we don't know the original sign, and might have two equally-spaced
# steps; check the earlier time first
value = cutoff_data[-min_diff]
except KeyError:
value = cutoff_data[min_diff]
elif self.represent_ts_as == 'average':
value = np.mean(np.array([val for val in cutoff_data.values()]),
return value
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
return False
def close(self):
# Overwrite as appropriate
def n_steps(self):
""" Total number of steps in the auxiliary data. """
return self._n_steps
except AttributeError:
self._n_steps = self._count_n_steps()
return self._n_steps
[docs] def step_to_time(self, i):
""" Return time of auxiliary step *i*.
Calculated using ``dt`` and ``initial_time`` if ``constant_dt`` is True;
otherwise from the list of times as read from the auxiliary data for
each step.
i : int
Index (0-based) of step to return time for
time : float
Time (in ps) of step *i*
When *i* not in valid range
if i >= self.n_steps:
raise ValueError("{0} is not a valid step index (total number of "
"steps is {1})".format(i, self.n_steps))
if self.constant_dt:
return i*self.dt+self.initial_time
return self._times[i]
except AttributeError:
self._times = self.read_all_times()
return self._times[i]
def represent_ts_as(self):
""" Method by which 'representative' timestep values of auxiliary data
will be calculated.
return self._represent_ts_as
def represent_ts_as(self, new):
if new not in self.represent_options:
raise ValueError("{0} is not a valid option for calculating "
"representative value(s). Enabled options are: "
"{1}".format(new, self.represent_options))
self._represent_ts_as = new
def __del__(self):
[docs] def get_description(self):
""" Get the values of the parameters necessary for replicating the
An AuxReader can be duplicated using
description = original_aux.get_description()
new_aux = MDAnalysis.auxiliary.auxreader(**description)
The resulting dictionary may also be passed directly to
:meth:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.ProtoReader.add_auxiliary` to
reload an auxiliary into a trajectory::
Key-word arguments and values that can be used to replicate the
description = {attr.strip('_'): getattr(self, attr)
for attr in self.required_attrs}
return description
def __eq__(self, other):
for attr in self.required_attrs:
if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
return False
return True
def step(self):
"""Number of the current auxiliary step (as stored in ``auxstep``;
return self.auxstep.step
def time(self):
"""Time of current auxiliary step (as stored in ``auxstep``; in ps)"""
return self.auxstep.time
def dt(self):
"""Change in time between auxiliary steps (as stored in ``auxstep``;
in ps)"""
return self.auxstep._dt
def initial_time(self):
"""Time of first auxiliary step (as stored in ``auxstep``; in ps)"""
return self.auxstep._initial_time
def time_selector(self):
"""Key to select 'time' value from the full set of data read for each step.
As stored in ``austep``.
Type differs between auxiliary formats, depending how the data for each
step is read in and stored; e.g. data from .xvg files is read in as a
list and `time_selector` must be a valid index. If time selection is not
enabled by the reader, ``time_selector`` will default to ``None``.
See each individual auxiliary reader.
return self.auxstep._time_selector
def time_selector(self, new):
olf = self.auxstep._time_selector
self.auxstep._time_selector = new
if old != new:
# if constant_dt is False and so we're using a _times list, this will
# now be made invalid
except AttributeError:
def data_selector(self):
"""Key(s) to select auxiliary data values of interest from the full set
of data read for each step (as stored in ``auxstep``).
Type differs between auxiliary formats, depending how the data for each
step is read in and stored - e.g. data from .xvg files is read in as
a list and `data_selector` must be a list of valid indicies. If data
selection is not enabled by the reader, ``data_selector`` will default
to ``None``.
See each individual auxiliary reader.
return self.auxstep._data_selector
def data_selector(self, new):
self.auxstep._data_selector = new
def constant_dt(self):
""" True if ``dt`` is constant throughout the auxiliary (as stored in
``auxstep``) """
return self.auxstep._constant_dt
def constant_dt(self, new):
self.auxstep._constant_dt = new
[docs]class AuxFileReader(AuxReader):
""" Base class for auxiliary readers that read from file.
Extends AuxReader with attributes and methods particular to reading
auxiliary data from an open file, for use when auxiliary files may be too
large to read in at once.
filename : str
Location of the file containing the auxiliary data.
Other AuxReader options.
See also
File object for the auxiliary file.
def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):
self.auxfile = anyopen(filename)
self._auxdata = os.path.abspath(filename)
super(AuxFileReader, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Close *auxfile*. """
if self.auxfile is None:
self.auxfile = None
def _restart(self):
""" Reposition to just before first step. """
self.auxstep.step = -1
def _reopen(self):
""" Close and then reopen *auxfile*. """
if self.auxfile != None:
self.auxfile = open(self._auxdata)
self.auxstep.step = -1
def _go_to_step(self, i):
""" Move to and read i-th auxiliary step.
i : int
Step number (0-indexed) to move to
If step index not in valid range.
Works by reading through all steps consecutively until correct step
is reached. Overwrite if this can be done more efficiently.
## could seek instead?
if i >= self.n_steps:
raise ValueError("Step index {0} is not valid for auxiliary "
"(num. steps {1}!".format(i, self.n_steps))
value = self.rewind()
while self.step != i:
value = self.next()
return value