Source code for MDAnalysis.analysis.hole

# -*- Mode: python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode:nil; coding:utf-8 -*-
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# MDAnalysis ---
# Copyright (c) 2006-2017 The MDAnalysis Development Team and contributors
# (see the file AUTHORS for the full list of names)
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version
# Please cite your use of MDAnalysis in published work:
# R. J. Gowers, M. Linke, J. Barnoud, T. J. E. Reddy, M. N. Melo, S. L. Seyler,
# D. L. Dotson, J. Domanski, S. Buchoux, I. M. Kenney, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics
# simulations. In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup editors, Proceedings of the 15th
# Python in Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX, 2016. SciPy.
# doi: 10.25080/majora-629e541a-00e
# N. Michaud-Agrawal, E. J. Denning, T. B. Woolf, and O. Beckstein.
# MDAnalysis: A Toolkit for the Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
# J. Comput. Chem. 32 (2011), 2319--2327, doi:10.1002/jcc.21787

r"""Generation and Analysis of HOLE pore profiles --- :mod:`MDAnalysis.analysis.hole`

:Author: Lukas Stelzl, Oliver Beckstein
:Year: 2011-2012
:Copyright: GNU Public License v2

With the help of this module, the :program:`hole` program from the HOLE_ suite
of tools [Smart1993]_ [Smart1996]_ can be run on frames in an MD trajectory or
NMR ensemble in order to analyze an ion channel pore or transporter pathway
[Stelzl2014]_ as a function of time or arbitrary order parameters. Data can be
combined and analyzed.

HOLE_ must be installed separately and can be obtained in binary form
from or as source from (HOLE is open source and available
under the Apache v2.0 license.)

.. _HOLE:

Examples for using HOLE

The two classes :class:`HOLE` and :class:`HOLEtraj` in this module primarily
act as wrappers around the :program:`hole` program from the HOLE_ suite of
tools. They contain many options to set options of :program:`hole`. However,
the defaults often work well and the following examples should be good starting
points for applying HOLE_ to other problems.

Single structure

The following example runs :program:`hole` on the experimental
structure of the Gramicidin A (gA) channel. We use the :class:`HOLE`
class, which acts as a wrapper around :program:`hole`. It therefore
shares some of the limitations of HOLE_, namely, that it can only
process PDB files [#HOLEDCD]_. ::

   from MDAnalysis.analysis.hole import HOLE
   from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB_HOLE

   H = HOLE(PDB_HOLE, executable="~/hole2/exe/hole")  # set path to your hole binary
   H.plot(linewidth=3, color="black", label=False)

The example assumes that :program:`hole` was installed as


One can also run :program:`hole` on frames in a trajectory with
:class:`HOLEtraj`. In this case, provide a

   import MDAnalysis as mda
   from MDAnalysis.analysis.hole import HOLEtraj
   from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import MULTIPDB_HOLE

   u = mda.Universe(MULTIPDB_HOLE)
   H = HOLEtraj(u, executable="~/hole2/exe/hole")

The profiles are available as the attribute :attr:`HOLEtraj.profiles`
(``H.profiles`` in the example) and are indexed by frame number but
can also be indexed by an arbitrary order parameter as shown in the
next example.

Trajectory with RMSD as order parameter

In order to classify the HOLE profiles :math:`R(\zeta)` the RMSD :math:`\rho`
to a reference structure is calculated for each trajectory frame (e.g. using
the :class:`MDAnalysis.analysis.rms.RMSD` analysis class). Then the HOLE
profiles :math:`R_\rho(\zeta)` can be ordered by the RMSD, which acts as an
order parameter :math:`\rho`. ::

   import MDAnalysis as mda
   from MDAnalysis.analysis.hole import HOLEtraj
   from MDAnalysis.analysis.rms import RMSD

   from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB_HOLE, MULTIPDB_HOLE

   ref = mda.Universe(PDB_HOLE)    # reference structure
   u = mda.Universe(MULTIPDB_HOLE) # trajectory

   # calculate RMSD
   R = RMSD(u, reference=ref, select="protein", weights='mass')

   # HOLE analysis with order parameters
   H = HOLEtraj(u, orderparameters=R.rmsd[:,2],

The :attr:`HOLEtraj.profiles` dictionary will have the order parameter as key
for each frame. The plot functions will automatically sort the profiles by
ascending order parameter. To access the individual profiles one can simply
iterate over the sorted profiles (see
:meth:`HOLEtraj.sorted_profiles_iter`). For example, in order to plot the
minimum radius as function of order parameter

.. math::

   r(\rho) = \min_\zeta R_\rho(\zeta)

we iterate over the profiles and process them in turn::

  import numpy as np
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

  r_rho = np.array([[rho, profile.radius.min()] for rho, profile in H])

  ax = plt.subplot(111)
  ax.plot(r_rho[:, 0], r_rho[:, 1], lw=2)
  ax.set_xlabel(r"order parameter RMSD $\rho$ ($\AA$)")
  ax.set_ylabel(r"minimum HOLE pore radius $r$ ($\AA$)")

(The graph shows that the pore opens up with increasing order parameter.)

Data structures

A profile is stored as a :class:`numpy.recarray`::

   frame   rxncoord   radius

   integer frame number (only important when HOLE itself reads a
   the distance along the pore axis, in Å
   the pore radius, in Å

The :attr:`HOLE.profiles` or :attr:`HOLEtraj.profiles` dictionary
holds one profile for each key. By default the keys are the frame
numbers but :class:`HOLEtraj` can take the optional *orderparameters*
keyword argument and load an arbitrary order parameter for each
frame. In that case, the key becomes the orderparameter.

The profiles dict is not ordered and hence one typically needs to manually
order the keys first. Furthermore, duplicate keys are not possible:
In the case of *duplicate orderparameters*, the last one read will
be stored in the dict.


.. autoclass:: HOLE

   .. attribute:: profiles

      After running :meth:`HOLE.collect`, this dict contains all the
      HOLE profiles, indexed by the frame number. If only a single
      frame was analyzed then this will be ``HOLE.profiles[0]``.
      The entries are stored in order of calculation, but one can
      also sort it by the keys.

      .. Note::
         Duplicate keys are not possible. The last key overwrites
         previous values. This is arguably a bug.

.. autoclass:: HOLEtraj

   .. attribute:: profiles

      After running :meth:`HOLE.collect`, this dict contains all the
      HOLE profiles, indexed by the frame number or the order
      parameter (if *orderparameters* was supplied).
      The entries are stored in order of calculation, but one can
      also sort it by the keys.

      .. Note::
         Duplicate keys are not possible. The last key overwrites
         previous values. This is arguably a bug.


.. autofunction:: write_simplerad2
.. autodata:: SIMPLE2_RAD
.. autofunction:: seq2str
.. autoclass:: ApplicationError


.. [Smart1993] O.S. Smart, J.M. Goodfellow and B.A. Wallace.
               The Pore Dimensions of Gramicidin A. Biophysical Journal 65:2455-2460, 1993.
               DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3495(93)81293-1
.. [Smart1996] O.S. Smart, J.G. Neduvelil, X. Wang, B.A. Wallace, and M.S.P. Sansom.
               HOLE: A program for the analysis of the pore dimensions of ion channel
               structural models. J.Mol.Graph., 14:354–360, 1996.
               DOI: 10.1016/S0263-7855(97)00009-X
.. [Stelzl2014] L. S. Stelzl, P. W. Fowler, M. S. P. Sansom, and O. Beckstein.
               Flexible gates generate occluded intermediates in the transport cycle
               of LacY. J Mol Biol, 426:735–751, 2014.
               DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2013.10.024

.. Footnotes

.. [#HOLEDCD] PDB files are not the only files that :program:`hole` can
              read. In principle, it is also able to read CHARMM DCD
              trajectories and generate a hole profile for each frame. However,
              native support for DCD in :program:`hole` is patchy and not every
              DCD is recognized. In particular, At the moment, DCDs generated
              with MDAnalysis are not accepted by HOLE. If DCDs do not work,
              use :class:`HOLEtraj`, which converts any of the :ref:`any
              trajectory that MDAnalysis can read <Supported coordinate
              formats>` into a sequence of PDB files and runs :class:`HOLE` on
              each of them in turn.


from __future__ import absolute_import, division

from six.moves import zip, cPickle
import six

import glob
import os
import errno
import shutil
import warnings
import os.path
import subprocess
import tempfile
import textwrap
import logging
from itertools import cycle
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from MDAnalysis import Universe
from MDAnalysis.exceptions import ApplicationError
from MDAnalysis.lib.util import (which, realpath, asiterable,
                                 FORTRANReader, deprecate)

from ..due import due, Doi

         description="HOLE program",
         description="HOLE program",
         description="HOLE trajectory analysis with orderparameters",
del Doi

logger = logging.getLogger("MDAnalysis.analysis.hole")

#: Built-in HOLE radii (based on ``simple.rad`` from the HOLE_ distribution):
#: van der Waals radii are AMBER united atom from Weiner et al. (1984), JACS, vol 106 pp765-768.
#: *Simple* - Only use one value for each element C O H etc.
#: Added radii for K+, NA+, CL- (Pauling hydration radius from Hille 2002).
#: The data file can be written with the convenience function :func:`write_simplerad2`.
remark: Time-stamp: <2005-11-21 13:57:55 oliver> [OB]
remark: van der Waals radii: AMBER united atom
remark: from Weiner et al. (1984), JACS, vol 106 pp765-768
remark: Simple - Only use one value for each element C O H etc.
remark: van der Waals radii
remark: general last
VDWR C??? ??? 1.85
VDWR O??? ??? 1.65
VDWR S??? ??? 2.00
VDWR N??? ??? 1.75
VDWR H??? ??? 1.00
VDWR H?   ??? 1.00
VDWR P??? ??? 2.10
remark: ASN, GLN polar H (odd names for these atoms in xplor)
VDWR E2?  GLN 1.00
VDWR D2?  ASN 1.00
remark: amber lone pairs on sulphurs
VDWR LP?? ??? 0.00
remark: for some funny reason it wants radius for K even though
remark: it is on the exclude list
remark: Use Pauling hydration radius (Hille 2001) [OB]
VDWR K?   ??? 1.33
VDWR NA?  ??? 0.95
VDWR CL?  ??? 1.81
remark: funny hydrogens in gA structure [OB]
VDWR 1H?  ??? 1.00
VDWR 2H?  ??? 1.00
VDWR 3H?  ??? 1.00
remark: need bond rad for molqpt option
BOND C??? 0.85
BOND N??? 0.75
BOND O??? 0.7
BOND S??? 1.1
BOND H??? 0.5
BOND P??? 1.0
BOND ???? 0.85

[docs]def write_simplerad2(filename="simple2.rad"): """Write the built-in radii in :data:`SIMPLE2_RAD` to `filename`. Does nothing if `filename` already exists. Parameters ---------- filename : string, optional output file name; the default is "simple2.rad" Returns ------- filename : string returns the name of the data file """ if not os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, "w") as rad: rad.write(SIMPLE2_RAD + "\n") logger.debug("Created simple radii file %(filename)r", vars()) return filename
[docs]def seq2str(v): """Return sequence as a string of numbers with spaces as separators. In the special case of ``None``, the empty string "" is returned. Parameters ---------- v : sequence or array_like Returns ------- string """ if v is None: return "" return " ".join([str(x) for x in v])
class BaseHOLE(object): """Baseclass for HOLE analysis, providing plotting and utility functions""" @deprecate(release="0.19.0", remove="1.0.0", message="You can instead use " "``cPickle.dump(HOLE.profiles, open(filename, 'wb'))``.") def save(self, filename="hole.pickle"): """Save :attr:`profiles` as a Python pickle file *filename*. Load profiles dictionary with :: import cPickle profiles = cPickle.load(open(filename)) """ cPickle.dump(self.profiles, open(filename, "wb"), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def _process_plot_kwargs(self, kwargs): kw = {} frames = kwargs.pop('frames', None) if frames is None: frames = np.sort(list(self.profiles.keys())[::kwargs.pop('step', 1)]) else: frames = asiterable(frames) kw['frames'] = frames kw['yshift'] = kwargs.pop('yshift', 0.0) kw['rmax'] = kwargs.pop('rmax', None) kw['label'] = kwargs.pop('label', True) if kw['label'] == "_nolegend_": kw['label'] = False elif kw['label'] is None: kw['label'] = True color = kwargs.pop('color', None) if color is None: cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', normalize = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.min(frames), vmax=np.max(frames)) colors = cmap(normalize(frames)) else: colors = cycle(asiterable(color)) kw['colors'] = colors kw['linestyles'] = cycle(asiterable(kwargs.pop('linestyle', '-'))) return kw, kwargs def plot(self, **kwargs): r"""Plot HOLE profiles :math:`R(\zeta)` in a 1D graph. Lines are colored according to the color map *cmap*. One graph is plotted for each trajectory frame (unless `step` is changed). Parameters ---------- step : integer, optional only plot every `step` profiles; default is 1. color : string or iterable, optional color or iterable of colors to specify graph colors; The default ``None`` will use the color map `cmap` instead. cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` Pick colors from the matplotlib color map `cmap`; the default is *viridis*. linestyle : string or iterable, optional linestyle supported by :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`; an iterable that is not a string (e.g., ``('-', '--', '.')``) will be applied in turn. The default is '-' to draw a simple line. yshift : float, optional displace each :math:`R(\zeta)` profile by `yshift` in the :math:`y`-direction for clearer visualization. The default is 0, i.e., not to shift any graph. frames : integer or array_like, optional only plot these specific frame(s); the default ``None`` is to plot everything (see also `step`) label : bool or string, optional If it is set to "_nolegend_" or ``False`` then no legend is displayed. Any other value is ignored and the frame number is used as a label. The default is ``True`` to plot the legend even though this can become rather messy. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` If no `ax` is supplied or set to ``None`` then the plot will be added to the current active axes. kwargs : `**kwargs` All other `kwargs` are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes with the plot, either `ax` or the current axes. Notes ----- .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 Returns ``ax``. """ kw, kwargs = self._process_plot_kwargs(kwargs) ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for iplot, (frame, color, linestyle) in enumerate( zip(kw['frames'], kw['colors'], kw['linestyles'])): kwargs['color'] = color kwargs['linestyle'] = linestyle kwargs['zorder'] = -frame kwargs['label'] = str(frame) dy = iplot * kw['yshift'] profile = self.profiles[frame] ax.plot(profile.rxncoord, profile.radius + dy, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r"pore coordinate $\zeta$ ($\AA$)") ax.set_ylabel(r"HOLE radius $R$ ($\AA$)") if kw['label']: ax.legend(loc="best") return ax def plot3D(self, **kwargs): r"""Stacked 3D graph of profiles :math:`R(\zeta)`. Lines are coloured according to the colour map `cmap`. Parameters ---------- step : int, optional only plot every *step* profile; default: 1 cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional matplotlib color map ; the default is *viridis* rmax : float, optional only display radii up to `rmax`; the default is ``None``, which means to show all radii. ylabel : string, optional label of the reaction coordinate axis; the default is "frames" ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` axes instance to plot into, which *must* have been generated with the `projection='3d'` keyword set (see :mod:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d` and the `mplot3d tutorial`_ for details) Returns ------- ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes with the plot, either `ax` or the current axes. Notes ----- Based on StackOverflow post `3d plots using matplotlib`_. Masking of the data above `rmax` implements the StackOverflow hack `How do I set a maximum value for the z axis`_. .. _`3d plots using matplotlib`: .. _`How do I set a maximum value for the z axis`: .. _`mplot3d tutorial`: .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 Returns ``ax``. """ # installed with matplotlib; imported here to enable 3D axes from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D kw, kwargs = self._process_plot_kwargs(kwargs) rmax = kw.pop('rmax', None) ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', "frames") ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None) if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') for frame, color, linestyle in zip(kw['frames'], kw['colors'], kw['linestyles']): kwargs['color'] = color kwargs['linestyle'] = linestyle kwargs['zorder'] = -frame profile = self.profiles[frame] if rmax is None: radius = profile.radius rxncoord = profile.rxncoord else: # does not seem to work with masked arrays but with nan hack! # #radius =, rmax) #rxncoord =, mask=radius.mask) rxncoord = profile.rxncoord radius = profile.radius.copy() radius[radius > rmax] = np.nan ax.plot(rxncoord, frame * np.ones_like(rxncoord), radius, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r"pore coordinate $\zeta$ ($\AA$)") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_zlabel(r"HOLE radius $R$ ($\AA$)") return ax def min_radius(self): """Return the minimum radius over all profiles as a function of q""" return np.array([[q, profile.radius.min()] for q, profile in self]) def sorted_profiles_iter(self): """Return an iterator over profiles sorted by frame/order parameter *q*. The iterator produces tuples ``(q, profile)``. """ if self.profiles is None: return for q in sorted(self.profiles): yield (q, self.profiles[q]) __iter__ = sorted_profiles_iter
[docs]class HOLE(BaseHOLE): """Run :program:`hole` on a single frame or a DCD trajectory. :program:`hole` is part of the HOLE_ suite of programs. It is used to analyze channels and cavities in proteins, especially ion channels. Only a subset of all `HOLE control parameters`_ is supported and can be set with keyword arguments. :program:`hole` (as a FORTRAN77 program) has a number of limitations when it comes to filename lengths (must be shorter than the empirically found :attr:`HOLE.HOLE_MAX_LENGTH`). This class tries to work around them by creating temporary symlinks to files when needed but this can still fail when permissions are not correctly set on the current directory. Running :program:`hole` with the :class:`HOLE` class is a 3-step process: 1. set up the class with all desired parameters 2. run :program:`hole` with :meth:`` 3. collect the data from the output file with :meth:`HOLE.collect` The class also provides some simple plotting functions of the collected data such as :meth:`HOLE.plot` or :meth:`HOLE.plot3D`. .. versionadded:: 0.7.7 .. versionchanged:: 0.16.0 Added `raseed` keyword argument. .. _`HOLE control parameters`: """ #: Maximum number of characters in a filename (limitation of HOLE) HOLE_MAX_LENGTH = 70 #: List of residues that are ignore by default. Can be changed with #: the *ignore_residues* keyword. default_ignore_residues = ["SOL", "WAT", "TIP", "HOH", "K ", "NA ", "CL "] def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): """Set up parameters to run HOLE_ on PDB *filename*. Parameters ---------- filename : string The `filename` is used as input for HOLE in the "COORD" card of the input file. It specifies the name of a PDB co-ordinate file to be used. This must be in Brookhaven protein databank format or something closely approximating this. Both ATOM and HETATM records are read. Note that if water molecules or ions are present in the channel these can be ignored on read by the use of the `ignore_residues` keyword. **Wildcard pattern**. A new feature (in release 2.1 of HOLE) was the option to include a wild card (``*``) in the filename. e.g., ``filename="ab*.pdb"`` will apply hole to all files in the directory whose name starts with ``ab`` and ends with ``.pdb``. This is intended to aid the analysis of multiple copies of the same molecule - produced during molecular dynamics or other method. The hole procedure will be applied to each file in turn with the same setup conditions (initial point, sampling distance etc.). Graphics files will contain a combination of the individual runs, one after another. Note that the pdb files are read independently so that they need not have an identical number of atoms or atom order etc. (though they should be sufficiently similar for a HOLE run from identical starting conditions to be useful). dcd : string, optional File name of DCD trajectory (must be supplied together with a matching PDB file `filename`) and then HOLE runs its analysis on each frame. It does multiple HOLE runs on positions taken from a CHARMM binary dynamics format DCD trajectory file. The `dcd` file must have exactly the same number of atoms in exactly the same order as the pdb file specified by `filename`. Note that if this option is used the pdb file is used as a template only - the coordinates are ignored. Note that structural parameters determined for each individual structure are written in a tagged format so that it is possible to extract the information from the text output file using a :program:`grep` command. The reading of the file can be controlled by the `step` keyword and/or setting :attr:`HOLE.dcd_iniskip` to the number of frames to be skipped initially. logfile : string, optional file name of the file collecting HOLE's output (which can be parsed using :meth:`HOLE.collect`); the default is "hole.out". sphpdb : string, optional path to the HOLE sph file, a PDB-like file containig the coordinates of the pore centers; the default is "hole.sph". This keyword specifies the filename for output of the sphere centre information in pdb form. Its typical suffix is ".sph". The co-ordinates are set to the sphere centres and the occupancies are the sphere radii. All centres are assigned the atom name QSS and residue name SPH and the residue number is set to the storage number of the centre. The file can be imported into molecular graphics programs but are likely to be bonded together in a awful manner - as the points are very close to one another. In VMD sph objects are best displayed as "Points". Displaying .sph objects rather than rendered or dot surfaces can be useful to analyze the distance of particular atoms from the sphere-centre line. Most usefully .sph files can be used to produce molecular graphical output from a hole run. This is achieved by using the :program:`sph_process` program to read the .sph file. step : int, optional step size for going through the trajectory (skips `step` - 1 frames); the default is 1. cpoint : array_like, optional coordinates of a point inside the pore, e.g. ``[12.3, 0.7, 18.55]``. If set to ``None`` (the default) then HOLE's own search algorithm is used. `cpoint` specifies a point which lies within the channel. For simple channels such as gramicidin results do not show great sensitivity to the exact point taken. An easy way to produce an initial point is to use molecular graphics to find two atoms which lie either side of the pore and to average their co-ordinates. Or if the channel structure contains water molecules or counter ions then take the coordinates of one of these (and use the `ignore_residues` keyword to ignore them in the pore radius calculation). If this card is not specified then HOLE now (from version 2.2) attempts to make a guess where the channel will be. The procedure assumes the channel is reasonably symmetric. The initial guess on cpoint will be the centroid of all alpha carbon atoms (name 'CA' in pdb file). This is then refined by a crude grid search up to 5 Å from the original position. This procedure works most of the time but is clearly far from infallible — results should be careful checked (with molecular graphics) if it is used. cvect : array_like, optional Search direction, should be parallel to the pore axis, e.g. ``[0,0,1]`` for the z-axis. The default is ``None`` so that HOLE's built-in procedure is used. If this keyword is ``None`` then HOLE attempts to make a guess where the channel will be. The procedure assumes the channel is reasonably symmetric. The guess will be either along the X axis (1,0,0), Y axis (0,1,0) or Z axis (0,0,1). If the structure is not aligned on one of these axis the results will clearly be approximate. If a guess is used then results should be carefully checked. sample : float, optional distance of sample points in Å; the default is 0.2 Å. Specifies the distance between the planes used in the HOLE procedure. The default value should be reasonable for most purposes. However, if you wish to visualize a very tight constriction then specify a smaller value. This value determines how many points in the pore profile are calculated. dotden : int, optional density of facettes for generating a 3D pore representation; default is 15. This number controls the density of dots which will be used by the program. A sphere of dots is placed on each centre determined in the Monte Carlo procedure. Only dots which do not lie within any other sphere are considered. The actual number of dots written is therefore controlled by `dotden` and `sample`. `dotden` should be set to between 5 (few dots per sphere) and 35 (large number of dots per sphere). endrad : float, optional Radius which is considered to be the end of the pore. This keyword can be used to specify the radius above which the program regards a result as indicating that the end of the pore has been reached. The default value is 22.0 Å. This may need to be increased for large channels or reduced for small. shorto : int, optional Determines the output of output in the `logfile`; for automated processing this must be < 3. The default is 0, which shows all output. 0: Full text output, 1: All text output given except "run in progress" (i.e., detailed contemporary description of what HOLE is doing). 2: Ditto plus no graph type output - only leaving minimum radius and conductance calculations. 3: All text output other than input card mirroring and error messages turned off. ignore_residues : array_like, optional sequence of three-letter residues that are not taken into account during the calculation; wildcards are *not* supported. The default is ``["SOL","WAT", "TIP", "HOH", "K ", "NA ", "CL "]``. radius : string, optional path to the file specifying van der Waals radii for each atom. If set to ``None`` (the default) then a set of default radii, :data:`SIMPLE2_RAD`, is used (an extension of ``simple.rad`` from the HOLE distribution) executable : string, optional Path to the :program:`hole` executable (e.g. ``~/hole2/exe/hole``); the other programs :program:`sph_process` and :program:`sos_triangle` are assumed to live in the same directory as :program:`hole`. If :program:`hole` is found on the :envvar:`PATH` then the bare executable name is sufficient. The default is "hole". raseed : int, optional integer number to start the random number generator; by default, :program:`hole` will use the time of the day (default value ``None``) but for reproducible runs (e.g., for testing) set it to an integer. Notes ----- - An alternative way to load in multiple files is a direct read from a CHARMM binary dynamics DCD coordinate file - using the `dcd` keyword or use :class:`HOLEtraj`. - HOLE is very picky and does not read all DCD-like formats [#HOLEDCD]_. If in doubt, look into the `logfile` for error diagnostics. """ # list of temporary files, to be cleaned up on __del__ self.tempfiles = [] self.tempdirs = [] self.filename = filename self.coordinates = self.check_and_fix_long_filename(self.filename) self.dcd = kwargs.pop('dcd', None) if self.dcd: self.dcd = self.check_and_fix_long_filename(self.dcd) self.dcd_step = kwargs.pop("step", 1) - 1 # HOLE docs description is confusing: step or skip?? self.dcd_iniskip = 0 self.cpoint = kwargs.pop("cpoint", None) self.cvect = kwargs.pop("cvect", None) self.sample = float(kwargs.pop("sample", 0.20)) self.dotden = int(kwargs.pop("dotden", 15)) self.endrad = float(kwargs.pop("endrad", 22.)) self.shorto = int(kwargs.pop("shorto", 0)) # look at using SHORTO 2 for minimum output self.ignore_residues = kwargs.pop("ignore_residues", self.default_ignore_residues) self.radius = self.check_and_fix_long_filename( realpath(kwargs.pop('radius', None) or write_simplerad2())) self.raseed = kwargs.pop('raseed', None)"Setting up HOLE analysis for %(filename)r", vars(self))"Using radius file %(radius)r", vars(self)) # guess executables self.exe = {} hole_exe_name = kwargs.pop('executable', 'hole') self.exe['hole'] = which(hole_exe_name) if self.exe['hole'] is None: errmsg = "HOLE binary {hole_exe_name!r} not found.".format(**vars()) logger.fatal(errmsg) logger.fatal("%(hole_exe_name)r must be on the PATH or provided as keyword argument 'executable'.", vars()) raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, errmsg) holepath = os.path.dirname(self.exe['hole']) self.exe['sos_triangle'] = os.path.join(holepath, "sos_triangle") self.exe['sph_process'] = os.path.join(holepath, "sph_process") self.sphpdb = kwargs.pop("sphpdb", "hole.sph") self.logfile = kwargs.pop("logfile", "hole.out") self.template = textwrap.dedent(""" ! Input file for Oliver Smart's HOLE program ! written by MDAnalysis.analysis.hole.HOLE ! filename = %(filename)s COORD %(coordinates)s RADIUS %(radius)s SPHPDB %(sphpdb)s SAMPLE %(sample)f ENDRAD %(endrad)f IGNORE %(ignore)s SHORTO %(shorto)d """) if self.raseed is not None: self.raseed = int(self.raseed) self.template += "RASEED %(raseed)d\n""Fixed random number seed {} for reproducible " "runs.".format(self.raseed)) if self.cpoint is not None: # note: if it is None then we can't change this with a kw for run() !! self.template += "CPOINT %(cpoint_xyz)s\n" else:"HOLE will guess CPOINT") if self.cvect is not None: # note: if it is None then we can't change this with a kw for run() !! self.template += "CVECT %(cvect_xyz)s\n" else:"HOLE will guess CVECT") if self.dcd: # CHARMD -- DCD (matches COORD) # CHARMS int int -- ignore_first_N_frames skip_every_X_frames # self.template += "\nCHARMD %(dcd)s\nCHARMS %(dcd_iniskip)d %(dcd_step)d\n" # sanity checks if self.shorto > 2: logger.warning("SHORTO (%d) needs to be < 3 in order to extract a HOLE profile!", self.shorto) for program, path in self.exe.items(): if path is None or which(path) is None: logger.error("Executable %(program)r not found, should have been %(path)r.", vars()) # results self.profiles = OrderedDict()
[docs] def check_and_fix_long_filename(self, filename, tmpdir=os.path.curdir): """Return a file name suitable for HOLE. HOLE is limited to filenames <= :attr:`HOLE.HOLE_MAX_LENGTH`. This method 1. returns `filename` if HOLE can process it 2. returns a relative path (see :func:`os.path.relpath`) if that shortens the path sufficiently 3. creates a symlink to `filename` (:func:`os.symlink`) in a safe temporary directory and returns the path of the symlink. The temporary directory and the symlink are stored in :attr:`HOLE.tempfiles` and :attr:`HOLE.tempdirs` and deleted when the :class:`HOLE` instance is deleted or garbage collected. Parameters ---------- filename : string file name to be processed tmpdir : string, optional By default the temporary directory is created inside the current directory in order to keep that path name short. This can be changed with the `tmpdir` keyword (e.g. one can use "/tmp"). The default is the current directory :data:`os.path.curdir`. Returns ------- string path to the file that has a length less than :attr:`HOLE.HOLE_MAX_LENGTH` Raises ------ RuntimeError If none of the tricks for filename shortening worked. In this case, manually rename the file or recompile your version of HOLE. """ if len(filename) <= self.HOLE_MAX_LENGTH: return filename logger.debug("path check: HOLE will not read %r because it has more than %d characters.", filename, self.HOLE_MAX_LENGTH) # try a relative path newname = os.path.relpath(filename) if len(newname) <= self.HOLE_MAX_LENGTH: logger.debug("path check: Using relative path: %r --> %r", filename, newname) return newname # shorten path by creating a symlink inside a safe temp dir root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmpdir) newname = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.basename(filename)) self.tempfiles.append(newname) self.tempdirs.append(dirname) if len(newname) > self.HOLE_MAX_LENGTH: logger.fatal("path check: Failed to shorten filename %r --> %r", filename, newname) raise RuntimeError("Failed to shorten filename %r --> %r", filename, newname) os.symlink(filename, newname) logger.debug("path check: Using symlink: %r --> %r", filename, newname) return newname
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """Run HOLE on the input file.""" inpname = kwargs.pop("inpfile", None) outname = kwargs.pop("outfile", self.logfile) # NOTE: If cvect and cpoint had been None in the constructor then they are # ignored here. Arguably a bug... but then again, the keywords for run() are # not even officially documented :-). kwargs.setdefault("cvect_xyz", seq2str(kwargs.pop('cvect', self.cvect))) kwargs.setdefault("cpoint_xyz", seq2str(kwargs.pop('cpoint', self.cpoint))) kwargs.setdefault("ignore", seq2str(kwargs.pop('ignore_residues', self.ignore_residues))) holeargs = vars(self).copy() holeargs.update(kwargs) inp = self.template % holeargs if inpname: with open(inpname, "w") as f: f.write(inp) logger.debug("Wrote HOLE input file %r for inspection", inpname)"Starting HOLE on %(filename)r (trajectory: %(dcd)r)", holeargs) logger.debug("%s <%s >%s", self.exe['hole'], (inpname if inpname else "(input)"), outname) with open(outname, "w") as output: hole = subprocess.Popen([self.exe['hole']], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=output) stdout, stderr = hole.communicate(inp.encode('utf-8')) with open(outname, "r") as output: # HOLE is not very good at setting returncodes so check ourselves for line in output: if line.strip().startswith(('*** ERROR ***', 'ERROR')): hole.returncode = 255 break if hole.returncode != 0: logger.fatal("HOLE Failure (%d). Check output %r", hole.returncode, outname) if stderr is not None: logger.fatal(stderr) raise ApplicationError(hole.returncode, "HOLE {0!r} failed. Check output {1!r}.".format(self.exe['hole'], outname))"HOLE finished: output file %(outname)r", vars())
[docs] def create_vmd_surface(self, filename="hole.vmd", **kwargs): """Process HOLE output to create a smooth pore surface suitable for VMD. Takes the :attr:`sphpdb` file and feeds it to :program:`sph_process` and :program:`sos_triangle` as described under `Visualization of HOLE results`_. Load the output file *filename* into VMD by issuing in the tcl console :: source hole.vmd The level of detail is determined by :attr:`HOLE.dotden` (which can be overriden by keyword *dotden*). The surface will be colored so that parts that are inaccessible to water (pore radius < 1.15 Å) are red, water accessible parts (1.15 Å > pore radius < 2.30 Å) are green and wide areas (pore radius > 2.30 Å are blue). .. _`Visualization of HOLE results`: .. _`sph_process`: """ # not sure how this works when run on multiple frames... # see kwargs.setdefault("dotden", self.dotden) fd, tmp_sos = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".sos", text=True) os.close(fd) try: output = subprocess.check_output([self.exe["sph_process"], "-sos", "-dotden", str(kwargs['dotden']), "-color", self.sphpdb, tmp_sos], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: os.unlink(tmp_sos) logger.fatal("sph_process failed ({0})".format(err.returncode)) raise OSError(err.returncode, "sph_process failed") except: os.unlink(tmp_sos) raise try: # Could check: os.devnull if subprocess.DEVNULL not available (>3.3) # Suppress stderr messages of sos_triangle with open(tmp_sos) as sos, open(filename, "w") as triangles, \ open(os.devnull, 'w') as FNULL: subprocess.check_call( [self.exe["sos_triangle"], "-s"], stdin=sos, stdout=triangles, stderr=FNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: logger.fatal("sos_triangle failed ({0})".format(err.returncode)) raise OSError(err.returncode, "sos_triangle failed") finally: os.unlink(tmp_sos) return filename
[docs] def collect(self, **kwargs): """Parse the output from a :class:`HOLE` run into numpy recarrays. It can process outputs containing multiple frames (when a DCD was supplied to :program:`hole`). Output format:: frame rxncoord radius The method saves the result as :attr:`HOLE.profiles`, a dictionary indexed by the frame number. Each entry is a :class:`numpy.recarray`. If the keyword `outdir` is supplied (e.g. ".") then each profile is saved to a gzipped data file. Parameters ---------- run : int or string, optional identifier, free form; default is 1 outdir : string, optional save output data under `outdir`/`run` if set to any other value but ``None``; the default is ``None``. """ # cenxyz.cvec radius cen_line_D sum{s/(area point sourc #0123456789.0123456789.0123456789.0123456789.0123456789.0123456789. # 11 22 33 44 #123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789.123456789. #1 13 # 3F12 # -27.17082 15.77469 -73.19195 0.00013 (sampled) # -27.07082 12.91103 -69.39840 0.00032 (mid-point) # # only parse cenxyz.cvec radius cen_line_D # because the area can be ******** holeformat = FORTRANReader('3F12') hole_output = kwargs.pop("holeout", self.logfile) run = kwargs.pop("run", 1) # id number outdir = kwargs.pop("outdir", os.path.curdir)"Collecting HOLE profiles for run with id %s", run) length = 1 # length of trajectory --- is this really needed?? No... just for info if '*' in self.filename: filenames = glob.glob(self.filename) length = len(filenames) if length == 0: logger.error("Glob pattern %r did not find any files.", self.filename) raise ValueError("Glob pattern {0!r} did not find any files.".format(self.filename))"Found %d input files based on glob pattern %s", length, self.filename) if self.dcd: u = Universe(self.filename, self.dcd) length = int((u.trajectory.n_frames - self.dcd_iniskip) / (self.dcd_step + 1))"Found %d input frames in DCD trajectory %r", length, self.dcd) # one recarray for each frame, indexed by frame number self.profiles = OrderedDict()"Run %s: Reading %d HOLE profiles from %r", run, length, hole_output) hole_profile_no = 0 records = [] with open(hole_output, "r") as hole: read_data = False for line in hole: line = line.rstrip() # preserve columns (FORTRAN output...) if line.startswith(" Starting calculation for position number"): fields = line.split() hole_profile_no = int(fields[5]) records = [] logger.debug("Started reading profile %d", hole_profile_no) continue if line.startswith(" cenxyz.cvec"): read_data = True logger.debug("Started reading data") continue if read_data: if len(line.strip()) != 0: try: rxncoord, radius, cenlineD = except: logger.critical("Run %d: Problem parsing line %r", run, line.strip()) logger.exception("Check input file %r.", hole_output) raise records.append((hole_profile_no, rxncoord, radius)) continue else: # end of records (empty line) read_data = False frame_hole_output = np.rec.fromrecords(records, formats="i4,f8,f8", names="frame,rxncoord,radius") # store the profile self.profiles[hole_profile_no] = frame_hole_output logger.debug("Collected HOLE profile for frame %d (%d datapoints)", hole_profile_no, len(frame_hole_output)) # save a profile for each frame (for debugging and scripted processing) # a tmp folder for each trajectory if outdir is not None: rundir = os.path.join(outdir, "run_" + str(run)) if not os.path.exists(rundir): os.makedirs(rundir) frame_hole_txt = os.path.join(rundir, "radii_{0!s}_{1:04d}.dat.gz".format(run, hole_profile_no)) np.savetxt(frame_hole_txt, frame_hole_output) logger.debug("Finished with frame %d, saved as %r", hole_profile_no, frame_hole_txt) continue # if we get here then we haven't found anything interesting if len(self.profiles) == length:"Collected HOLE radius profiles for %d frames", len(self.profiles)) else: logger.warning("Missing data: Found %d HOLE profiles from %d frames.", len(self.profiles), length)
def __del__(self): for f in self.tempfiles: try: os.unlink(f) except OSError: pass for d in self.tempdirs: shutil.rmtree(d, ignore_errors=True)
[docs]class HOLEtraj(BaseHOLE): """Analyze all frames in a trajectory. The :class:`HOLE` class provides a direct interface to HOLE. HOLE itself has limited support for analysing trajectories but cannot deal with all the trajectory formats understood by MDAnalysis. This class can take any universe and feed it to HOLE. It sequentially creates a temporary PDB for each frame and runs HOLE on the frame. The trajectory can be sliced with the `start`, `stop`, and `step` keywords. (:program:`hole` is not fast so slicing a trajectory is recommended.) Frames of the trajectory can be associated with order parameters (e.g., RMSD) in order to group the HOLE profiles by order parameter (see the `orderparameters` keyword). """ def __init__(self, universe, **kwargs): """Set up the HOLE analysis over a trajectory. Parameters ---------- universe : :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` The input trajectory is taken from a :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`. The trajectory is converted to a sequence of PDB files and :class:`HOLE` is run on each individual file. orderparameters : array_like or string, optional Sequence or text file containing order parameters (float numbers) corresponding to the frames in the trajectory. start, stop, step : int, optional slice the trajectory as ``universe.trajectory[start:stop:step]``. The default is ``None`` so that the whole trajectory is analyzed selection : string, optional selection string for :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe.select_atoms` to select the group of atoms that is to be analysed by HOLE. The default is "protein" to include all protein residues. cpoint : bool or array_like, optional Point inside the pore to start the HOLE search procedure. The default is ``None`` to select HOLE's internal search procedure. If set to ``True`` then *cpoint* is guessed as the :meth:`~MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup.center_of_geometry` of the `selection` from the first frame of the trajectory. If `cpoint` is not set or set to ``None`` then HOLE guesses it with its own algorithm (for each individual frame). kwargs : `**kwargs` All other keywords are passed on to :class:`HOLE` (see there for description). """ self.universe = universe self.selection = kwargs.pop("selection", "protein") self.orderparametersfile = kwargs.pop("orderparameters", None) self.start = kwargs.pop('start', None) self.stop = kwargs.pop('stop', None) self.step = kwargs.pop('step', None) self.cpoint = kwargs.pop('cpoint', None) if self.cpoint is True: self.cpoint = self.guess_cpoint(selection=self.selection)"Guessed CPOINT = %r from selection %r", self.cpoint, self.selection) kwargs['cpoint'] = self.cpoint self.hole_kwargs = kwargs # processing self.orderparameters = self._process_orderparameters(self.orderparametersfile)
[docs] def guess_cpoint(self, selection="protein", **kwargs): """Guess a point inside the pore. This method simply uses the center of geometry of the selection as a guess. `selection` is "protein" by default. """ return self.universe.select_atoms(selection).center_of_geometry()
def _process_orderparameters(self, data): """Read orderparameters. Parameters ---------- data : string or array_like or ``None`` * string: Read orderparameters from *filename*. * array/list: use as is * ``None``: assign frame numbers from trajectory """ if isinstance(data, six.string_types): q = np.loadtxt(data) elif data is None: # frame numbers (starting with 0, convention in MDAnalysis >= 0.11.0) q = np.arange(self.universe.trajectory.n_frames) else: q = np.asarray(data) if len(q.shape) != 1: raise TypeError("Order parameter array must be 1D.") if len(q) != self.universe.trajectory.n_frames: errmsg = "Not same number of orderparameters ({0}) as trajectory frames ({1})".format( len(q), self.universe.trajectory.n_frames) logger.error(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) return q
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """Run HOLE on the whole trajectory and collect profiles. Keyword arguments `start`, `stop`, and `step` can be used to only analyse part of the trajectory. """ start = kwargs.pop('start', self.start) stop = kwargs.pop('stop', self.stop) step = kwargs.pop('step', self.step) hole_kw = self.hole_kwargs.copy() hole_kw.update(kwargs) profiles = OrderedDict() # index by orderparameters: NOTE: can overwrite! # better: if not a DCD, convert to DCD because HOLE can read it (does it need a PSF?) # ... maybe faster than splittinginto PDBs... # but currently HOLE chokes on MDAnalysis-generated DCDs (header comment wrong/too long?) # probably slow (especially with additional linking for filename length) -- # can't we do this in memory?? Or at least check that we can get a local tmp dir # TODO: alternatively, dump all frames with leading framenumber and use a wildcard # (although the file renaming might create problems...) protein = self.universe.select_atoms(self.selection) for q, ts in zip(self.orderparameters[start:stop:step], self.universe.trajectory[start:stop:step]):"HOLE analysis frame %4d (orderparameter %g)", ts.frame, q) fd, pdbfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".pdb") os.close(fd) # only need an empty file that can be overwritten, close right away (Issue 129) try: protein.write(pdbfile) hole_profiles = self.run_hole(pdbfile, **hole_kw) finally: try: os.unlink(pdbfile) except OSError: pass if len(hole_profiles) != 1: err_msg = "Got {0} profiles ({1}) --- should be 1 (time step {2})".format( len(hole_profiles), hole_profiles.keys(), ts) logger.error(err_msg) warnings.warn(err_msg) profiles[q] = list(hole_profiles.values())[0] self.profiles = profiles
[docs] def run_hole(self, pdbfile, **kwargs): """Run HOLE on a single PDB file *pdbfile*.""" H = HOLE(pdbfile, **kwargs) H.collect() return H.profiles